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THE SWEET SPOT My journal on my expedition to Bandlandia and my adventures there. I plan to stay forever (been to Onederland many times, but I never stayed long). Join me!:see

Entries in this blog


Third Bandiversary

Hello my lovelies!   This week is my 'Celebration Week', so drink up you groupies, and keep the party going all week!   - My Birthday (I'll be 53). - Our 30th Wedding Anniversary (we'll be leaving for London in less than two weeks…Cheers!). - and…drum roll please…My Third Bandiversary!!!   I can hardly believe it's been three years! It seems like just yesterday that I was getting banded, and yet it also seems like I'm now the same person I always felt like inside...only happier.   I'm swamped getting packed, so I won't repeat myself, but here are some thoughts I had on the past year HERE I just wanted to stop in for the big party (get your hugs here) and to tell you thank you all for your continued support and friendship!   Pics- a pair of pants I found in the back of my closet (too small on me when I got banded)...excuse the pre-shower scary face.   See you all in a few weeks! -BG (lap Band Groupie)




1/17/12 Food Addiction

If you didn't see 'Dr. Oz' the other day, the topic was 'Can you really have an addiction to food?' I know, you're all screaming 'YES!' right along with me. It was interesting as the polls of people were pretty split as were the expert's opinions. The Nutritionist's view was that over-eating is behavioral...driven by emotions, learned behavior, and will power. OK, umm, as a yo-yo dieter now skinny b*tch I can personally tell you that anyone who has ever lost big weight dieting has WAY more will power than the average skinny b*tch...When did they ever white knuckle off 50 pounds while starving and shaking waiting for the next meal (I still wonder why I don't get the shakes now on this teeny amount of food). Anyway, the Doctor's view was that there are certain foods (four of them...at least at this point) that trigger the release of natural opiates in our brain that make us feel good and want to come back for more. I think it's a combination of both addiction and emotions.   One study used a medicine that is used to help heroin addicts from overdosing by blocking receptors in the brain that the heroin attaches to. They gave it to chocolate addicts and found that 'chocolate hijacks your brain chemistry, triggering the same receptors that heroin affects'. Great...I'm officially an addict. Apparently those around me knew this before I did...Here's a present I got from my SIL for Christmas this year:     You can read the Doctor's article and see the three other foods that are addictive on the Oz site HERE.   Come follow me on my blog HERE




1/13/12 Friday The 13Th...blog Update

Hey peeps! I can't believe I've been away so long! The holidays were just SO busy this year and I was off enjoying every minute with my family (gained a couple of pounds, but still under goal, no worries, it's 'NORMAL' LOL). Hope you're all having a wonderful new year! Things are back to normal now, and I'm back to writing and finding ways to 'paying it forward' (like here). Here's the last few blogs (come visit me at my site and keep in touch!) -BG, (Lap) BAND GROUPIE http://bandgroupieth...t.blogspot.com/   Headline News!   Did you watch the Today Show today?   No, I'm going to gloss right over the fact that Hostess has filed for bankruptcy.   OK, Yes, I know what just flashed in your mind…How quickly can I get to my local grocery store before the run on the Hostess section leaves the shelves completely bare? Quickly followed by…What did they say the shelf-life of a Twinkie is? OK, My third thought was...I haven't even experience the Deep Fried Twinkie yet!!!   Personally, in my early obesity years, I had a decade of addiction to these:   Followed by these:   Which one is your fav?   OK, I know…Enough of the food porn! There are hungry people out here!   All right, let me fix this…   I'm not even sure Hostess makes food, do they? It doesn't look like food, does it? Would your great-grandma think so?   Does a Twinkie even have a real food products in the ingredients?   I once saw a science museum experiment where they placed a piece of homemade cake under a sealed glass dome, and under a second dome was a Twinkie. You could barely see the slimy remains of the cake through the mold covering the inside of the first glass dome. The Twinkie? Looked as good as the day it was born. Hey, I wonder if all those preservatives I ate will keep me 'well preserved'.   Don't believe it? Here's an NPR story about a teacher who has a 30 year old Twinkie: "The Shelf Life of a Vintage Twinkie"http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4780900   And if you still don't believe that calorie restriction is the best way to control your weight, have you heard of the Twinkie Diet? A (not obese) nutrition professor lost 27 pounds in two months by eating a Hostess treat every three hours instead of meals and restricting his caloric intake from 2,600 to 1,800. He (and I) are not recommending this (you know how I feel about diets)! http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html   *shhh…and I didn't tell you this…Hostess promises that no matter who acquires the company, the Twinkie will live on*   Now, back to the REAL headline segment.   Today Show; Today's Consumer Segment, Elizabeth Mayhew, Editor-In-Chief, "Woman's Day Magazine"   My overview:   Due to consumer confidence last year was at an all time low, many items are coming down in price this year. 3D TV's, Tablet Computers, E-Readers, GPS Units, Sports Tickets, Cameras, Furniture, and one more item…   Wine experts are calling this 'The year of the buyer.' People were not spending money on the $30+ last year bottles, so those prices are coming down. You'll see sales at merchants everywhere here. Look for Rhone wines/France, Tuscan wines/Italy, and Rioja wines/Spain. The only exception is Bordeaux (because there haven't been good vintages lately). In general, European wines (because of the Euro), and S. American wines as well.   You can watch the segment here: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/45970790#null Reminder...Everything in moderation.     Stock up peeps (no, not on Twinkies!)!   Unless they're these...   You're welcome.   ------------------------------------------------ It's All How You Look At It  I was updating my WL/Maintenance spreadsheet/chart and not for the first time noticed that it looks like the Himalayas…it might scare more than a few people about maintenance, not to mention unfills. I was thinking about how regular slow and steady beginners ski jump my WL phase chart looks compared to it (well, not the 6 mo. Pre-op, but the post-surgery). Then I got curious as to how many weeks both of these spanned? How many weeks has it been since the first time I reached goal (my Maintenance Chart starts there)? I was surprised to see that my WL Chart covered 81 weeks, and My Maintenance Chart covered 83...interesting! I wonder what the Maintenance Chart would look like if I gave it the same horizontal/vertical axis range as my WL Chart?     So, to compare them equally, I chopped the last two weeks off my Maintenance Chart and both horizontal axis are now 81 weeks. I then expanded the Maintenance vertical axis to cover a 105 pounds range, with gridline intervals every 5 pounds (the same as my WL Chart). Wow…now Maintenance isn't anything to fear!   You can clearly see that I had a partial unfill just a few weeks after reaching goal…but after the long awaited refill and making my way back down…well, things are pretty darn steady! Maintenance is nothing to be afraid of!   Losing the Band…yep, we can all be afraid of that, because it means not having the help we all desperately need to finally get/keep the weight off (just look at my instant march upward and then white knuckling the wait)…but another thing this shows me is that unfills are nothing to be totally afraid of either. Yeah, gaining and losing it again isn't any fun, but as long as a refill is coming and I'll have the help of the Band again, I'll now know I'll be fine (remind me I said that at the next unfill)!   I wish that I'd expected to have unfills along the way…maybe it wouldn't have seemed so traumatic. I think the Doc's should actually tell us to expect them! Unfills are a result of our personal learning process with the Band/operator error (dry meat and not enough chewing in my case), the complicated process of getting to just the right level of restriction at the same time we're losing internal fat, our Doc's approach to fill levels, and let’s face it…a little luck, and a dose of 'fickle' factor thrown in.   Maintenance, unfills,…it's all how you look at it!  




4/29/11 They're Coming To Take Me Away

*Note: I just added my last 5 blogs here today and only this one shows up on the 'blogs' page (You'll have to click on 'The Sweet Spot' next to my name on the blogs page to view the other four). I'm losing it...No, not weight (still in my 155 holding pattern). I'm losing my mind.   I went to see my surgeon, but I'll get to that in a moment (stay tuned for some LB info. below). I've been working on making pillows for the great room. I found the same fabric as is on the new recliners at JoAnn's. So I made four throw pillows for the couches. Then I recovered the bench cushion for the church pew to match (not shown yet). I stood back to admire my work and realized that I'd gone all Maria Von Trap with only one fabric...and it was the only fabric in the room (no window treatments in this room)...more than a little too matchy-matchy.   So, back to JoAnn's for some more pillows (I decided to try my hand at some fancy pillows for the pew, since it's not sat on unless we have a crowd) and after bringing home lots of swatches I picked four new fabrics. Off to the fabric store once more and I found three of them and put them in the cart to be cut. Half-hour later and I still couldn't find the fourth fabric, so I asked an employee for help...in answer to the her question 'No, I have no clue which section of the fabrics I got the swatch from'. She found it in minutes and put it on the cutting table for them to cut for me.   Home again and I start cutting my shapes for the pillows...hmmm...this fourth fabric has some snags and looks like it wont hold up very well...I start pondering going back for a different fabric...and then...   ...the lightbulb goes off...     ...I'm looking at the backside of the fabric!   ...OMG, no wonder I couldn't find the fabric! It's solid, but more golden on the back and has a totally different weave (of course, stupid). I curse my blonde hair. So I also decided to make pillows for the recliners. And here are my fancy pillows and cushion for the pew (I just looked at images on Google to get some ideas to copy). Tons of work with different trims or beading on each one, and I'm not sure I even like them (the contrast of the cream fabric bugs me), but I'm hoping they'll grow on me.       *Portion of Post Deleted For LB Book   Follow me here: http://bandgroupiethesweetspot.blogspot.com/  




4/27/11 Happy

*Post Deleted For Lap Band Book     Follow me here: http://bandgroupieth...t.blogspot.com/





...or should I say Catsup...no, make that Catch Up...   So much going on here that I didn't get a moment to even post my already completed posts...my Bandiversary, my scheduled visit to my Surgeon, my new projects...   ...but those will come this week...   ...let's catch up on the other important other stuff...life!   It's the last day of Spring Break here for DS2, and DH took off a few days last week, so thus the busy week. He's got a crazy schedule the next two weeks, so we (OK, my 'honey-do list') needed to get lots of things done...he's got a late dinner today, off to Italy tomorrow with three guys from China, gets home late Saturday night and then has to catch a flight about 4 hours later out west for the week...ugh...I don't miss work travel. He's going to miss my Birthday and his this week *sigh*.   DD spent the weekend with us, but DS1 had some big projects due and finals coming up, so unfortunately he couldn't get home from college.   Saturday was our 29th Anniversary...we were supposed to go out Friday, but I had a stomach bug...and since DD was home Saturday night, we spent it with the kids and made a pact to do something big next year for our 30th.   We had fun dying eggs...DS2's eggs...can you tell he loved the 'tie dye' kit best. We had a great time watching movies together and playing games...DD peed her pants laughing (she must have gotten my incontinence genes) when we played 'Just Dance 2' on the Wii and DH and I did a duet dance (DH has two left feet, but he beat me anyway because I was laughing so hard).   DD and I did some girly things...painted our toenails...we dyed our hair in honor of Easter...mine turned purple...well a gray purple (I swear, wish I'd thought to take a pic), and not on purpose...and then we fixed it...and I let DD trim my hair for the first time for fun (it kept getting shorter and shorter...and I had to get out the scissors to even a few things up this morning). I gave DH's hair a trim for his trips (I started trimming people's hair in college, so you know I'm a professional LOL...besides, as he would say, there's not much left to trim LOL).   Here are the kids...DS2 hamming it up after finding his hidden basket... DD opening her 81 eggs after the big hunt. Yes, we still hide an obnoxious amount of eggs for each kid (the older they got, the more we hid) in different rooms in the house...and yes, they still love the hunt...I'm sure we'll still be doing this until they have kids of their own. I made a great Easter brunch (OK, pick your chin up off the floor...yes...I cooked)...with a new recipe for a toasted crusty bread and savory egg casserole...YUM. We had the traditional Easter ham dinner, with some new appetizers (the Pittsburgh potatoe perogies were a little bland...I need to look up a sauce for next time).     *Portion of Post Deleted For Lap Band Book Folllow me here: http://bandgroupiethesweetspot.blogspot.com/




4/8/11 Friday Facts (Food Pusher, Land of Oz)

It's in the 40's now and we had hail and snow this week, but we're supposed to see 80 degrees on Sunday for the first time this year...com'on spring! -Had a great visit with my middle sis, her DH, and her youngest (of four boys). Here are some pics from downtown one day; visited DD's apartment, ate, and took a trip up one of the inclines (steel mill workers used to ride these down the hills to work at the mills on the rivers).
[/url]           'Martha Moment' of the week: helped my Sis sew four new pillows for her Living Room (and she helped me pick fabrics for DD's old room).
*Portion of Post Deleted for Lap Band Book Weight: 154, down 2. Even though I was in line with meals, no, I don't deserve a good weight loss this week...did I mention that I bought the Costco 'big chocolate cake' and the 'cheesecake medley/variety pack' (and had a slice of both)? I sent the rest of the giant cake out the door with DD's BF and my nephew (chocolate = trigger food...and I don't even like cake).   I'm going to send my daily meal list/amounts (OK, not this past week) in to Dr. Oz (*Note: Sent the show an email with specifics that they got wrong.). If you didn't see his show on LB (mainly regarding the new ruling for lower BMIers), videos are on his site HERE ...the LBers they had on were either lying or malnourished; 5 teaspoons of yogurt OR a cup of broth is a meal?!...and aren't both those sliders (this gal is a full 6 months out from surgery)? I was mostly angry with the bariatric Doc who didn't point out that their meals shown are NOT what is recommended and that none of them had enough protein. Thank G*d I didn't see this before my LB or that would have scared me off.
Off to find my meds...head thumping, shaky, nauseous...I feel a migraine coming on...or maybe it's a sugar detox?
Happy Weekend All!
Come visit my blog and help me with the Lap Band book you talked me into writing




4/1/11 Friday Facts

- I've decided to start dieting to get these last pounds off (Atkin's as that was my most successful diet, several times). YAY...all the bacon and cheese I can eat!     *Portion of Post Deleted For Lap Band Book   - You know that first bullet up there...April Fools! And no, I'm not making fun of those that follow Diets with the Band (do what works for you). Hey, I knew I couldn't pull the pregnancy card again.   - I started work on our Study I showed you (and DD's old room). I love blogging as it often helps me think things through and get new ideas (many from you)...I decided to "go shopping" in my own home and moved out two big pieces and moved in four smaller ones. DH got home late Saturday (poor guy/geez work...and it's a Sunday return this week), so Sunday I put him and DS2 to work moving all the furniture around to see how we liked it. When DH saw everything and where I was setting the small old TV (note here; this is not our main 'TV' spot-we have a nice flatscreen in the great room and a huge big screen in the basement), he decided he wanted to make his stamp on the 'new' room and went shopping.... I swear if 'She who dies with the most fabric wins!', is the women bumpersticker, then just replace 'Fabric' with 'TV's' for men!   I've got lots of furniture and shelf painting ahead of me, but I'm excited about the final plan (pics to come when it's done).   - My 'Martha Moment' this week: Remember the lamps for the Study I made, and that I noticed that the dried sheet moss had faded over time to a 'dead looking' brown? Well, I went out and bought new moss, but it wasn't as green as I wanted. I decided to try dying it with green food coloring in water...it worked...I started out covering (glue gunned on the moss) these topiaries that are also for the Study. I was dreading the lamps as I'd have to take all the glued on moss off the Styrofoam and replace it...and I wasn't sure how that would go (aka I was feeling lazy and knew it would be a ton of work). Then I had an idea...dye the faded moss that was already on it! A foam brush to dab on the solution...and voila! Think outside the box! (I wish being a 'green thumb' was always that easy!)   - I've been 'Spring Cleaning'; kids rooms and my art closet for the past month...have a huge pile for charity, but I let my kids decide what they wanted to keep and box up (mainly toys they aren't using anymore). I think they all got the 'hoarder' gene from DH and I. I now have boxes of trophies (that they'll never look at again, but don't know it yet) and sets of their favorite toys...hey, it's a small price to pay not to be 'that Mom' (the one that threw away all their things). I've still got lots to finish up.   - My middle Sis and her family are arriving tomorrow for their 'Spring Break' (I've been busy getting DD's empty/now 'guest room' back in order...shopped my house again and moved some furniture in)...'cause doesn't everyone want to vacation in Pittsburgh for their Spring Break (not much 'green' in sight herd, but hey my Snow Crocuses are blooming, and it's snowing...now who's playing the April Fools joke...snow in April?!!)? And no, I didn't know they were coming when I started the 'Spring Cleaning' so my house is a wreck and I'm cleaning like a wild woman. I'm so excited to see them!   - Had a 'drinking girls' lunch yesterday with a neighbor (somewhat like a 'working girls' lunch, but without the working)...no, I only had one glass of wine...I SO needed the break from the housework and DH doesn't get home until early Sunday morning, so no help in sight LOL! Back to work!   - 156 lbs., down 1 (again).   Happy Weekend Fools! I'd recommend the rubberband on the kitchen sprayer (if you have a separate one from the faucet)...lined up just right...gets 'em every year!




2/23/11 Ode To My Band (and Other Posts)

As usual, I'm behind sharing (here are my last three blogs, also here http://bandgroupiethesweetspot.blogspot.com/[/url] ), enjoy!   *Portions of Posts Deleted for Lap Band Book   It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood... I've finally done it! I've met my first Blogger friends in person! My Pittsburgh neighbors! Here we are at lunch today.   We were talking about how we started our blogs and how we found each other...I remember back when I started my blog on LBT (before I really knew what a blog was) and I thought it was just a spot on LBT for me to keep a little journal. I was so surprised to soon find friends there that I instantly had something in common with (on the scary internet of all places!)...our weight battles are such a connecting and bonding tie to each other.   Having only met one LBer before in person (a nurse at my PCP...side note: It was great to finally meet Judi and thank her, as her blog was one that I had poured over when I started researching the LB (she's the perfect model for a textbook LB journey...no complications, no unfills, no Gallbladder out even...she's worked her Band perfectly...I, on the other hand...well, as my friend says 'It all happens to you so you can write about it for everyone else! These ladies are as fantastic in person as on their blogs and it was so fun to meet them...let's do it again soon!   On to other news...   Urologist Specialist check up today (yes, I was in the stirrups before going to lunch...yay)...and what did the Nurse and then my Doc want to talk about?....my LB of course. Last time I saw them I was about 60 lbs. down and today they were each full of compliments and questions.   We're off to Philly tomorrow evening to stay with DH's sister/family (they have 2 kids about my kids ages) for the long weekend...DS1 can't go as he has a charity event this weekend at PSU ('Thon'), but DD is driving herself and meeting us there (she doesn't have Monday off and will come back early Sun).   We need to get out there as we haven't seen DH's parents in awhile (remember, they had to cancel vacation with us this past summer...her hip). DH's sis says they've stopped driving at night, so I'm not sure if they're up to driving out to us anymore or not, we'll see...it's hard to find time for us all to be together and make the trip, now that the 5 teen/older grandkids are going every which way with schools/jobs, so we'll have to grab moments when we can, like this.   Have a great weekend all...enjoy this heat wave (60's here YAY!)! Happy President's Day!   Extra-Long We had a great extra-long weekend. We had an easy trip out as the sun was shining and the snow was almost all melted. We stayed with DH's sister/family and just relaxed, did some crafting with the girls, and visited. DH's parents live about 30 min. away and we talked a lot about their upcoming move to a retirement condo (a double like my parents moved to). At least they haven't started building their phase yet so we have about 1.5 years to recover from my parents move before another 'big move' begins. They took us to their Club (an old DuPont mansion is the Clubhouse) for dinner Sunday night: We left fairly early on Monday and coming back through the mountains on the turnpike we ran into the deepest fog I've ever been in. We were afraid we'd get rear ended if we slowed down too much, so it was a delicate balance driving less than 40mph with flashers on (and there was no pulling over to wait this out...just get down the other side of the mountain). We were white-knuckling it for awhile and I was helping to 'spot' for DH as I leaned forward (yeah, like that would help) and bugged my eyes out. Here's a pic after it cleared a little, but even here you can only see a few car lengths ahead. Thank goodness we left early as about 1/2 hour from home the rain, then snow started and it was accumulating fast. By morning we had about 10 inches on the ground. School was cancelled yesterday due to all the snow, so it was an EXTRA-long weekend. I've got a physical this morning (and DS2's is this afternoon) with my PCP Doc and I haven't seen him since my visit with him in 2008 when I first discussed the LB (I saw his CRNP's for all my LB visits). I'll remind you that he didn't give me the warm fuzzies about getting the LB then, so I'm super curious to see what he says today. As promised, I'll ask him about long-term use of a PPI for reflux (no, I haven't started using my Nexium again).   The scale is very slowly moving (just as it should be this close to my maintenance weight) and I'm seeing the 150's again some days...sweet Goddess of Restriction! Let's hope I'm back to stay!




2/13/11 My Valentine & Post Fill Day 5

*Portion of Post Deleted for LB Book   On another note...we went to a Valentine's Day couples party at one of my GF's houses (old neighbor's of ours that now live about 30 min. away). She had about 75 people and a spread of food everywhere (and a chef's station with made to order crab cakes and different pasta dishes). We had a blast and I did fine with tiny amounts of food during the evening (tortellini, cheese hunks, chicken dish, and even meatballs).   She asked each couple to send pics of themselves during their dating years (fun idea), which she printed up and had on display boards. As expected when anyone sees old pics of my DH, his got the most reaction from everyone who knows him...here's why (enjoy!)...   Here we are in 1978 shortly after meeting... A few years later... The giant glasses were in...and barely a moustache now (No, not on me!...I was busy moving toward the 'big hair')... And here's how he came back from Geology field camp one summer in college...I didn't recognize him when he got back (all the Geology majors had beards...well, except the women). And OMG what was I thinking with the perm?! And here's our engagement picture as we were finishing college (and why my kids say 'You married Sasquatch!'). Our friends last night were calling him 'Mountain Man' (and asking me who my 'first husband' was LOL). Here I am ready to go last night in my Valentine pink. Here I am with my Valentine (and I had to leave Tucker in...looks like ghost cat!)...DH needs to get better at lining up timer pics and remembering he's a lot taller than me LOL. And here I am at the party...with some friends...that have obviously had too much to drink, as you can see by their fuzzy faces. And why do I always pick short friends? I'm an amazon compared to my petite friends and the 4" heels didn't help. </H3>




2/11/11 A Valentine Letter and Love Poem

Dearest Cell Phone,   I gave DD my new phone upgrade and rescued you from her butterfinger hands which gave you all those awful scars...I adopted you, and THIS is the thanks I get?! Didn't I buy you a sleek, new, leather case to keep you warm this winter so you could heal? Didn't I hang it on the OUTSIDE of my 'Mary Poppins' purse so you wouldn't suffocate with everything-and-the-kitchen-sink I keep in there. Haven't I carefully tended to your every need whenever you ring me? EVEN when you embarrass me (who can forget that incident in the movie theater...I had to send you to the cell phone manners class after that!)?!!   OK, so I did loan you to DD that night she stayed over to use as an alarm clock...but her cell phone was dead (see, that would have been your fate had I not adopted you!) and there was no alarm clock in her now stripped down room here. She swears to me she left you on the floor (once again, I have NEVER left you on the floor!) outside my room when she left for work that morning.   OK, so I didn't come upstairs to find you myself as I should...instead I asked DS2 (who was already up there) to bring you down (he now says I'm the one who made him an accessory to the crime), but in my defense, I thought he was a responsible cell phone user now (after all, he's the only one of my kids that even uses a case!). He swears he brought you to me 'somewhere in the family room', but I'll swear in court that you weren't there when said incident allegedly happened (I don't think I was even there...but I can't swear to that...HOW CAN I if he never gave you to me...there was NO such incident!).   While under interrogation, DD confessed that the night of the incident she had muted you, except the alarm, thus making you unable to cry out for me. We later brought DS2 in for interrogation and he confessed to calling you a million times under the guise of trying to find you...thus speeding up your silent death.   You'll be glad to know I've filed kidnapping charges against both offenders...they're obviously in cahoots and had planned this very carefully. My plea's to said alleged (yeah, right!) kidnappers to bring you home to me fell on deaf ears.   We've sent out search parties daily to no avail. It's now been TWO weeks and you haven't shown up. There hasn't even been a ransom note (although DS2 just asked me last night if there would be a reward if he finds it...isn't that called extortion?)!   I refuse to believe that you're dead and not coming home to me.   Cell phone, please come back to me! I miss you so! *sniff, sniff*   ♥ -Ode To My Cell Phone, By BG-   Cell Phone, I love you with all my heart I'd give you an app to make you fart   Cell Phone, Although there have been others you were my favorite, your flip top covers   Cell Phone, you were older than my friend's phones But they were just jealous, because my cell owns   Cell Phone, When I was bored you gave me games And who can forget, all those numbers and names   Cell Phone, We used to text all day And during the night, you brightened my way   Cell Phone, I love you more than fills I never minded, paying your bills   Cell Phone, we were such a team They tore us apart, and made me scream   Cell Phone, it was only a loan And I don't know how, I'll go on alone   Cell Phone, I need candy because I'm so sad But food is out, or I'll yak bad   Cell Phone, "Come Back" is my plea Cell Phone, Oh Cell Phone, You complete me ♥   LOVE, BG XXXOOOOO   P.S. Doesn't our Verizon plan have some new fangled techy phone in their shop now?     ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (Yes, I'll be sending my Band one too!)




2/8/11 1st Surgeon Appointment

Today's the big day! I've finally got a new Doc and I'm going in for my first 'visit'! Yes, I'm having deja vu too...almost exactly two years ago today I went in for my first visit with my surgeon and now I'm right back there again!   Catching you up: first one Doc left my practice for another in town, then the second Doc (last one in a two Doc practice) left the state for another practice, then my hospital announced they had two Docs from a practice in town that would be coming, then they cancelled my fill appointment (for the second time) and announced that two other Docs from another hospital were coming soon...and then I waited...for them to call with the new appointment...like they promised...   A month later (last week) I called. Since only one of the new Doc's is covering the 'LB Patients' and since he's still got his old practice at the other hospital, their first opening at my hospital was April 4...yes, that's right...I've been waiting for a fill since the beginning of October and they couldn't get me in until April 4.     *Portion of post deleted for Lap Band Book   P.S. DD made the Pittsburgh newspaper today...at an art opening this weekend with a date:   P.S. DD made the Pittsburgh newspaper today...at an art opening this weekend with a date:




1/28/11 Simple Addition

1. ('The Beast') + (Snowblower Virgin) = Can someone please tell me if it's even possible to use one of these without it all blowing back into your face?   2. (Teething Kitten...I thought only puppies chewed shoes) + (Asparagus Fern) = (What greets me every morning) My plants will all be bald soon. 3. + = The Fill that Wasn't: Apparently the doc's my hospital were getting to take over the practice have been changed before they arrived. They called to cancel my long awaited fill appointment and promised they would call me with new availability very soon (they mentioned a few days)... ...that was three weeks ago... ...still holding onto (by my fingernails...make that my LB) 160-165... :-( Have I mentioned lately how important the Sweet Spot is?




12/3/10 WTH happened to LBT?...and a blog...maybe...if I figured this out right...which is doubtful...

IT'S NOT JUST A TOOL!   In the Thanksgiving hub-bub, I forgot to post this one here...and WTHeck happened to LBT while I was off cooking and stuffing myself (and the turkey)?!!   You know I love change...I'm always shaking things up, but com'on! I'm already tech-challenged and now I have to relearn this...yikes. OK, problem already...can't find the 'cut' feature (as in cut and paste...come out come out wherever you are...I give up.   Anywhoooo...Hope you all had a great turkey-day and enjoyed your families as much as I did! Enjoy...   -------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING- A thesis paper follows (if you thought the last one was long LOL), as I pulled some things from the book, and I probably won't leave this up long because of that. I'd appreciate your thoughts/questions,     *Post Deleted For Lap Band Book




11/10/10 That's Life!

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile...life threw me for another loop (it keeps life interesting, doesn't it?), but I'm back to (almost) normal now (or as normal as I'm willing to get...and 2 pounds up again grrr).   I was using a belt sander to take paint off some trim wood outside our house...I was up on a ladder, turned on the sander and...picture funniest home videos as it grabbed the wood and yanked me right off the ladder. Nothing broken, but lots of drugs to help the pain. I also had some increased restriction after the small refill. Details here: Stiff and Tight   If you're very brave, or just want a laugh read: Scary Story; How My Belly Button Is Like My Stoma   If your Doc doesn't allow NSAIDs with the LB read: Health Advocate and NSAIDs   Some updates and my LB Surgeon leaving here: Downs and Ups   Halloween Pics here: Happy Halloween   DS1 had emergency surgery, but is recovering well now and is back to class tomorrow. Quick (boring) updates here if you must know: 1, 2 & 3   A 'brain dump' about TV and technology as I was sitting at the hospital for the third day here: The Neverending Story   Lots of pics & my fashion history here today: Fashionista- What Goes Around...




10/13/10 5th Fill...Chasing the Sweet Spot

*Portion of Post Deleted for Lap Band Book     OH, and can I just say...WHAT THE HECK WOMEN??!!! I tried on about 4 outfits before finding one that fit OK this morning...yes, I'm having fat days again. I wore a new top, no coat over it. Do you know how many women I passed today...in the parking lot, in the ladies room, in the stairwell, in the waiting room (where I was called to the window three times), three different nurses during my appointment. I was wondering why I was getting stares and was starting to take it personally that I look like a stuffed sausage in these jeans. COULD ANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT I HAD TWO LOVELY *SHINY* TAGS WITH THE SALE STICKER HANGING ON MY BACK?!!! *sigh* ...and I'm guessing some of you were fellow banders...*double-sigh*            




10/1/10 LB Book & other Updates

Holy Cow...where did September go? Apologies first for being away from here...it was such a busy month, but I think you'll be proud of why I was busy.   - Family: DD got a job YAY! DS1 is enjoying the frat house at PSU and had to get his first dose of antibiotics for a cough (I told you that house was filthy LOL). DS2 started High School and we bought him a suit for his first Homecoming dance last night. I spent my free time painting touch-ups...doors, walls, trim, blech.   - LB: Still hovering in the high 150's, and I've got a Doc visit on the 12th...I think I'll get a small fill if he agrees...2cc's out was a lot and I'm hungry.   - LB Book: After my slow down over the summer I worked hard all September on the book. You all talked me into this, so I wanted to keep you posted on where I am and that I'm giving this my best!   ((hugs)) all, and have a great weekend! -BG




8/26/10 Hello BG, It's the World Again (Allergan & Realize + Updates)

OK, either the World is sending me 'messages' again, or I'm just a gullible sucka whose getting punked again (Erika, is that you?!). You all know I don't get 'subtle'...in fact I don't usually get 'hit me over the head with a 2x4' either. Oh NO, it takes me having many horrific PBing moments before I finally am sitting there thinking (and re-chewing my regurgitated food in the middle of a fancy restaurant) 'Hmmm...Wasn't there a rule about chewing well BEFORE you swallow?'   So there's a point to all this somewhere...oh yeah, 'messages'...stick with me, I swear this will get good at some point...well you know I've been taking somewhat of a hiatus from the writing...not all by choice, summer, 3 kids, life happens, and it should....but next week when the rest of the kiddies are back to school I've actually been looking forward to finishing up the book proposal and starting the process of sending it out...so this week, now that things have finally started to slow down, I decided it would be my 'pull together all the motivation I'll need, collect proposal layouts, and start getting my plans to finish the book together' week.   Here's what's happened...OK, first of all I received a wonderful gift...I'll remind you that recently, one of my sister's and I had been discussing Dr. Suess/books...in fact, I had mentioned to her that at one point I had looked at a vinyl lettering quote, like she has up in her kitchen (they are like rub on stickers), and I was looking at my favorite Dr. Suess quotes to go in my hall upstairs (on the way into my office/our Hobby Room). Fast forward about a week and I get this same vinyl letting/rub on quote in the mail...I excitedly called my sis (not there) and left a thank-you message...a week later or more I hear back that it wasn't from her...HUH?! Mystery gift?!!...I finally solved the puzzle and it's from my good friend and LBer Diane. OK, she's been so busy (working girl), and then I left for vacation, kid off to college, life again, that we haven't had time to discuss this, but it's freakin' me out...did I mention my "hall plan" to her?...I think not!...messages from the world?!...here's the quote:       Too cool for words...just WHAT I needed, WHEN I needed it! Now I have to repaint the hall before I mount the words (10 years later, it's time to be repainted, thanks for that motivation too), but it's going up as soon as I paint (I'll take some after pics to show you)...so, thank you Diane...you know me so well (and I hope you get done working soon so we can talk)!! It will inspire me daily as I walk down the hall to the office to write to the best of my abilities (I would put it over the computer area as you suggested in your note, but those walls are Hunter Green...I'm thinking the black wouldn't show)!   Now get ready for 'messages from the World' 2 and 3.   So Monday morning as I'm pulling up info. on proposals, I took a moment to check my email...hmmm...someone from Lap Band Talk...and what's this?! Although I've run across 'advertisements' on Lap Band Talk (and a few who have put advertisements as comments on my blog/deleted), I've never been directly solicited, until this week. I really thought that my first 'solicitation/request for product endorsement' would come through the Blogger site as it's more 'out there' in the world and all that (and I've seen others here get 'endorsement requests'...and I'll be honest that it turns me off when people actually do them). So this request came through LBT, not Blogger...very vague (complimenting me on how my transformation is one of the best he's seen yet and asking if he could use my pics for a 'major campaign'...OK, I was happy it wasn't a product endorsement request), new member, from a marketing firm, so I was very wary. After looking up the marketing firm and a few emails back and forth I find out they want to use my before/after pics and a testimonial from me about how my life has changed for an add campaign...for...wait for it...the Realize Band! Me?...I chose the LB/Allergan!...so although I'd do anything to help pay this forward and help promote the Band, I can't do a campaign for the Band I don't have.   I'm typing up my 'so sorry, can't do, I have the LB/Allergan' email to the marketing firm guy when a new message pops up in my email...also through Lap Band Talk...it's from a health journalist who is writing a short article for the LB/Allergan site about things we can now do after getting off weight (she'd read about my Grand Canyon trip). If it wasn't for the fact that I hadn't yet sent my email telling Mr. Marketing that I don't have a Realize Band and couldn't do this, I would have thought these two things were connected and he'd given my name to the journalist. But still; Coincidence?! You know me, I asked. Yep, she (Hi there! Yes, I looked you up too...she's a very legit and well published/award winning journalist...name a health magazine and she's written for them...also 'O' magazine...no, Amy W., Oprah didn't call me next LOL) assured me today it was just coincidence...and so I'm looking forward to doing the interview (and I'll keep you all posted on the 'article'coming out this Fall).   The World is sending me messages again...with a 2x4...Yes, I could take this as 'LBT sold my name to a bunch of people' (including my friend Diane), but remember, I'm an optimist and my rose colored glasses are gigantic...I'm taking all this as 'Messages from the World' just when I need them that doing the book is the right thing to do (being a newbie writer...it's like being a newbie Bander...lots of doubt...there are days where you say 'WHAT WAS I THINKING?!!!'). So I've found new faith and belief in my 'messages' that I'm really going to be able to help other Banders with the book and I'm off to get the proposals out and hopefully finish the book! The book, for me it's like my LB...at some point you just have to believe that you were meant to do this and that it will all work out. You just have to believe in yourself first.   **UPDATE**   I did the interview this morning (for LB/Allergan), very fun! Yes, I told her I'm not a gym rat! I think that's part of why she liked my story...at that point 5 mo. post-op, only about 50+ pounds off and not any real strenuous regular exercise to prepare...even I was shocked at how well I did on the trails (DH was even more shocked...how he loves hiking!). From not being able to walk up the church stairs (Notre Dame) about a year and a half before, to hiking several miles down and up (no, not even half the way down) at the Grand Canyon, and then two more days of hiking Sedona...I guess it's a reminder what 'only' 50 lbs. off can do to help your health! Just think what I'm capable of now?! Just think what you're capable of now!   Other updates/blogs: Funny Guest Blogger Today: http://bandgroupiethesweetspot.blogspot.com/2010/08/8710-funny-guest-blogger-today-and.html   Only One Week Left To Post! SWA Contest http://bandgroupiethesweetspot.blogspot.com/2010/08/82510-only-one-week-left-to-post-swa.html




8/20/10 Funny Pages

I'm behind as usual...went on a vacation, dropped a kid off at college, you know...life. I haven't forgotten about you!! Here are my recent blog links ('Blogger' it's safe, I swear). At least read the 'funny pages' listed first (everyone needs at least one good laugh a day): :thumbup:   The ones that will make you laugh at (with) me: :wink2: My Secret To My BEST Skin after WL This Bites Vacation Prep Two For The Road Nutrition and My Children Animal House You'll need a Tetnus shot after reading   Pics of me: :eek: Happy Feet WL and your feet (and SHOES!) Cape May Pics of Me on Vacation (and in bathing suits)   Just because: :tt2: I'm Like An Old Leather Couch How? Read.




7/31/10 Scale Whores Anonymous- CHALLENGE!!!

OK, you SWA members and new initiates (keep those blindfolds down and stop giggling or I'm getting out the measuring tapes) and yes, Gigolo's...remember the 'G' is just silent in SwGA...like all men should be...silent...at least when I'm talking...shhh...(Andrew) that means you...you remind me of DH...or is that our gigglers making all that noise LOL!...I've decided that our next biannual August 'meeting' needs to be a little more interactive (or maybe it's just that I'm busy and I need some serious help...thanks for the wine Darlin'1). If you're a Scale Whore, then you're probably also someone that finds great gratification in awards, followers, and bling (not to mention that you're all comment whores too)...so you're just an all-around-whore (just ask the Mama Pimp)...and that's what I'm offering you...   ...awards, followers, bling, and comments...disguised the way 9 out of 10 WL experts agree works best...   ...NO! NOT a (cover your ears) D-I-E-T (have you learned NOTHING here LOL?)...   ...A CHALLENGE!!!! Yes, all you little competitive Scale Whores get to join another challenge!!! Oh what fun!!! And this one will only cost you a little time (and dignity). Whores, feel free to grab your 'Challenge Logo' below:         ...and for our Gigolos: Get your coupons clipped and sign up now for your rebates! Here's how it works/the rules; we Bander's (see #1) love rules, so I'll make this long and complicated...actually it's super easy, I'm just making it LOOK long and complicated so this looks more official than it is:   1. No (Draz), you do NOT have to be a Bander to enter...just a Scale Whore (Gigolo...Sam).   2. No (Kathy), you do NOT have to be a Blogger to enter (read *). Complete at least ONE (but no more than 10,000,000) posts.   * Non-Bloggers (this is kinda like my Dad talks about DH being a 'non-Catholic'...he thinks it's hilarious LOL): No worries if you don't have a blog...'cause you'll WANT the bling, even if you don't care two hoots (hoot, hoot) about followers or WL awards (although since you can't post the award on your non-blog you could always print it out and pin it to your shirt...who doesn't want to wear a 'SWA' award around pinned to their shirt every day, like me...I'm just sayin'. OK, you non-Bloggers...I'm loaning out my blog for your posts...you get to be a 'guest blogger' for the day (even anonymously...but then, I might take credit...if it's creative/funny!). Just send it to me on e-mail (on my sidebar here: THE SWEET SPOT) and I'll post it.   3. The title of the post MUST include (in some shape or form) our group name or acronym...that's "SWA", or "SwGA" for you silent but deadly ones (geez, men and farting...do they ever stop laughing at farts?).   4. To be officially entered, send me a link to each of your posts (email- sidebar, here: THE SWEET SPOT, or leave it under comments for the current post) and I will add it to the SWA page; look at the top of my Home page and click on the 'SWA' page (that makes you an official-blog post carrying-member of SWA). Others can link to your post there and you'll get new followers or un-followers depending on your level of creativity. See, you're an instant celebrity AND you get instant gratification...kinda like Paris Hilton (sex tape...no, I haven't seen it, I'm just guessing about the gratification part). So there's some new followers for you (hopefully). I'll try to post the links periodically on my blog as well.   5. Posts must be posted and the link sent to me starting tomorrow and by August 31st, at 12pm...or whatever time it is in your country or 'Land of Oz' (Cara)...does that mean I have to stay up all night to watch you (Sally)?...yes, THIS year, you twits...or is that Twitterers?   6. On or about Sept. 1, 2010 I will link to each of the posts and tally up the number of comments that have been left under each of the officially entered posts for the top prizes. Translation; comments will equal votes....yes, I can see your wheels turning in evil ways...so pay attention...   -NO, you don't get to combine your number of comments from all 10,000,000 of your SWA posts...I'll be looking for your SWA post with the highest number of comments...so if 'funny' didn't work for you in getting comments...try an 'informational' how-to post...ie. 'how weighing myself hourly and making a spreadsheet helps me lose weight' (maybe you'll get lots of sympathy comments).   -NO (Jen), each person is only allowed ONE comment under each post (so no 'friend' can help you, but having friend(s) plural (Amy) is an advantage as they can each comment once).   -NO, you may NOT comment under your own post...anonymous comments will NOT count toward the total unless both a name and a Blogger address (or an email address is given)...I know you young gals still have your 'Baby Name Books', so an anonymous comments with a just a name (Elvira & Ezekial) will NOT count.   7. Three (there have to be at least three crazies out there, right?) top prizes/homemade craft projects that I will be creating with my own two hands...side note (ie. another long off-track ramble) have you seen the site 'Homemade Hilarity' yet? As an ex-art teacher it's right up there with http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/ (I must have a dark side that secretly likes to laugh at others...that is until I see myself on one of these sites)...these are all homemade crafts that people make to SELL...not to be funny...seriously...check it out...unless you're in the side-business on Etsy of selling crocheted wine cozies that look like Sponge-Bob that you created after drinking a few (sorry Sandy...is that you girl?); http://homemadehilarity.blogspot.com/ ...OK, I'm back....where was I?...Three top prizes will be awarded...and the (homemade) prizes will have lots of bling (who doesn't like to be bedazzled?). If need be (and if I have my act together again before Sept....not likely) I will be showing you the lovely prizes so that you will be oh-so-motivated to participate...or maybe you'll want to retract your entry once you see my crafpt projects...so maybe 'no' to the pre-show...hey, was that iambic pentameter?   8. Challenge Theme: For this very first inaugural 'SWA Challenge' ('cause you know the demand is going to be high for many, many, more...maybe for each bi-annual meeting?), let's keep the first theme loose...and because I'm feeling a little 'Martha' talking about crafpt projects and all...Tell us somehow in your post how/why/that: 'Being A Scale Whore (Gigolo) Is A Good Thing'   ...umm YES, where have you been...didn't you read our 'Creed' or the 'Qualifications for being a Scale Whore'? Get thyself to the SWA page here: Scale Whores Anonymous ~ THE SWEET SPOT and read!...we Scale Whores think weighing yourself regularly is a good thing for WL...   ...NO, OK you want that other 12-step group 'How to Wean Yourself Off the Scale'...they're down the hall and to the right (and they must be missing the WL gene).     OK, now let me share a few ideas to get your fat cells jiggling (yes, we'll always have our fat cells...OK, I will)...get creative to get those comments (begging is also allowed... - A post telling how being a Scale Whore has helped your WL (or got you sent to WL rehab)...NO (Lori), length doesn't count, only comments...yes, you can beg for them. - Photo (yes, it can be as simple as a single photo) of you on your scale...maybe 'hearting' it (Gen); yes, I've seen all those 'piggy photos' you love to post in the other challenges (your toes on the scale)...or maybe it's a time lapse vlog of the next 100x you're on it set to music (no naked photos allowed...we have standards/don't have an 'adult content' warning). - An 'Ode to My Scale'...done in Iambic Pentameter of course. - Re-write the words to a song telling us about your journey with your scale helping you (I'm partial to this one...DS2 has been writing funny songs about me all day and coming to serenade me on the guitar). - An SWA craft project (d*mn glue guns...get out the ice and aloe again will you Lena?)...no, my headband isn't quite finished to show you yet...I'm working on it, I'm working on it!   LET THE CHALLENGE BEGIN!!!!     One other piece of biannual meeting business:   SWA Medals/Trophies:   All SWA Members are to go and claim their official 'SWA Medals/Trophies' for WL over the past 6 months (find them and the details on the SWA page at the top of my Home page here Scale Whores Anonymous ~ THE SWEET SPOT). And just because I can, I'm making it even easier to reach your medal goals this time...you have between now and Aug. 31 to go and claim your medal, so if you're 'not quite' to the Silver medal you covet, then keep working as you have until Aug. 31...use that scale often! Let me know if you've claimed one/which one and I'll post your name/link on the SWA page.



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
