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3 days post op...........

So I had my band put in on Friday the 6th by Dr Cobean at Maine Medical center. It's now Sunday night and I have decided not to go to work tomorrow. I did go to my anatomy class last night but I think I just overdid it this weekend and the gas pains are the ones that are getting me down:angry:. Even the port site doesn't hurt as much as all the gas in my stomach. I'm trying to get my liquids in but today I only got 2 protein shakes down and some water. I thought having to be around everyone in my family while they were eating and stuff was going to be really hard but honestly I'm hardly even thinking about food. I am so grateful to everyone on here who's stories I read and who gave me the courage to believe in myself and get this done. Thank you!!




3 Month post op appointment today

So I had my 3 month post op appt today and before I start complaining let me say I have gone from 348 pounds in the second week of January to 286 pounds!! The dietician at my surgeons office said that was one of the highest weight losses she had seen at 3 months. I have been working out so hard every single day it was awesome to see it all paying off. Now for the complaining my doctors office has an amazing nurse that does all the fills but she is leaving at the end of June so she has been training another nurse for several months. Well the nurse that always does it is off till Tuesday of next week so I saw the trainee and she could not find my port. I got stuck 3 times and she was digging around for 10 minutes with the needle in me before she told me she couldn't find my port and I would need to come in next Tuesday to have the regular nurse do it. So now I have a bruise the side of my fist on my stomach and am soooooo nervous to get another fill it hurt so bad! I just don't understand with the other lady I don't even feel it ugh! Oh well done bitching I have lost 62 Pounds in a little over 3 months woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!




God bless my lap band

So as I was rushing to get dressed this morning I looked in the mirror and of course just started mentally listing my complaints. I carry most of my weight in my upper waist so I look like I have a spare tire there. Granted it had gone from a full size truck tire to a small donut looking tire but still I hate it. So as I was putiing my size 18 pants on I tookk a moment to say a quick thank you to god and my surgeon and my friends and family. Back in January when I was still weighing in at 348 pounds I would have traded my left arm to be in an 18 pant and to weigh 266 (this mornings weight)! I'm 5'10 and must say I look so much different than several months ago I'm going to start savoring every weight along the way. I will NEVER be the weight I am right now again in my life because every day I work at going in the right direction, but it took alot of sweat and tears to get here so I am proud of it spare tire and all god bless 266 pounds and dropping! Have a fabulous day everyone Sara!




Only the people on here would understand!!

So I got banded on 2/6/09 when I started my pre op diet the second week of January I weighed in at 348 pounds for a female that was the most I had ever weighed in my entire life and I have no idea how I ever let it get so out of control. As of this morning I weighed in at 296 pounds!!!!! For most people that is still a ton but for me I am back in the 200's and so so proud of that! First goal officially reached!! Good luck to everyone, hope you all have a beautiful day!!!:tounge_smile:





So I'm pretty new to this banding thing, just got mine done on 2/6/09. Some of the letters I see people post and terms I don't get. I feel like an idiot asking but what does pb stand for and what is sliming after you eat. Thanks for your help :thumbup:




Feeling Fuller 5 weeks out before a full??????

Okay so I got banded on Feb 6th and for the first few weeks everything went great and I wasn't very hungry. Well about 2 weeks ago I started getting hungry again and felt like I had almost no restriction, I could eat much more than I should have been able too. Anyway the last few days I feel like I all of a sudden have some restriction. In the morning the first thing I eat takes awhile and I can't eat anywhere near what I could a week ago. Is there a reason this happens all of a sudden? Has this happened to anyone else, Is it normal? No other problems I don't get sick or anything like that just extra restriction. My first fill is scheduled for March 25th. Good luck to all the other bandsters out there, hope everyone has a terrific week!!!:thumbup:




I'm like a man with a dirty magazine...........

That's right I admit it I have been reading menus!! It's like I just can't see one and not flip through it. I love looking at food! I'm back on solids and I am making great decisions, eating small portions and getting exercise. I have lost 34 pounds since the second week in January! I just can't stop looking it's like I still have this food fascination. Now that I am on something other than liquids I feel so much better about this band and I am shocked at how quickly I get full! I guess eventually the love of looking will go away but for now I'll be the girl with the stack of menus under her mattress :thumbup:



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