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My secret.............

Its getting closer and closer to Jan 15th and I haven't worked up the nerve to tell my parents that I'm having the surgery. I just can't. I'm really trying to avoid anything negative before that day comes. My first time having surgery and I'm nervous as hell,but excited at the same time. My best friend tells me all the time, that it doesn't matter what anybody else may think about me having it done. at the end of the day, all that matters is me being happy with myself. So.I've made the decision to tell them after I get it done and hopefully,they will not feel betrayed.   All my life,I let other people make important decisons for me,not anymore. I'm standing up for myself and what I need to do to make me happy. I had to vent because I was feeling bad,but my secret is my choice to share........




Taking it all in..........

I'm still shocked that i will actually be banded on Jan 15th. It still feel like a dream and that I will wake up soon. So many years I've prayed for this day and had let down after let down. Never thought it would happen. Then,I realized that blessings come when God think your ready and not when YOU feel your ready. It was meant for me to have the surgery now. I will appreciate it more and understand its a blessing from God. I also,had some angels on earth that God worked through to make this happen. My best friend and my little sister. I'm so grateful to have them in my life. They always have my back no matter what. When i asked for help,they didnt hesitiate........   This is a new beginning for me. I've been trapped for years by my weight. It held me back from doing many things. NOMORE! I'm going to live life to the fullest and apprecaite all blessings big and small



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