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First Post-op visit

Dr. very impressed with my progress, says I am doing all the right things, and is happy enough with my weight loss to hold off my 1st fill for another 3 weeks. Great news was he released me to go back to aqua-aerobics yayaa!!! Although I am not losing weight post op as much as I thought I would, I know that I will never weigh this weight again, so every pound off is a pound off forever! Looking forward to a lot of good things this year!




Post-Op Day 10

permalink Im day 10 post-op, feeling great... im on the thick liquids portion of the post-op diet til thur, then I get to start cream of wheat and stuff like that. I can have creamed soups that have been strained, and have been living off of cream of potato and cream of chick soup and my protein drinks. I did get out with my fiance for a 1.5 mile walk... over did it totally, had to rush home for an emergency bathroom visit! I think this is about the point where the free ride of losing weight without exercise is over for me, gotta get my tail moving. I took 6 weeks off from work, so my only job is to make sure I do the maximum I can to get the best results before going back to work. Everyone knows I have had this procedure, so I am sure they will be evaluating my success (you know how women are!). Have my follow up tomorro afternoon, so looking forward to getting released to get back to my aqua-aerobics classes!!!!




Post-OP days 6-8

Well so far so good, nothing new to report! Just transitioned over from clear liquids to thick liquids on Fri, which means I can have a little cream of ? soup thats been put through a strainer. and milk. I did learn one valuable lesson though! Don't drink milk for the first time in weeks and then run out the door for errands! Had to do a bathroom tour of east Knoxville and it was not always pretty! I am down 20.4 pounds (7 was pre-op) and very happy, trying to meet a mini-goal of 37 more by the end of Sept for my wedding. Not so much a vanity thing, but a physical thing. My Fiance and I are going on a 10day tour of Europe and I want to be able to keep up with him! When deciding to get my band this far into it I actually questioned wheter I should do it now, or wait til after the honeymoon so I could sample all the worldly food they had to offer. I decided I would rather be able to walk thru Paris than eat thru it, so I went ahead and had it done... I think I made the right choice!!!




So You Think You Can.. WALK?!

Day 5 post-op Well after feeling pretty good I decided once again to venture out on a road trip with my twin to the airport, 4 steps out the door and I hit a good ole wet orange Tennessee mud patch and down I go! Lord help! Right to the butt! Ah, pulled my port site, goodness I hate that, and worse of all...It was not graceful at all!! haha




Taken out by a Pom!

Post-Op Day 4. Resting comfortably on my couch, take a deep cautious breath in, and it happens, mouth full of dog fur! AGGGGG I coughed and gagged so much I hurt myself. Here's the culprit now!   [ATTACH]130[/ATTACH]   This is my 4 yr old Pom Pearl. Shes getting shaved tonight!!!!




No pedestrians on the Interstate!

Ok, so Day 3 Post-Op my Fiance and I decide to go on a little drive to his fathers house. I thought since I had seat heaters, I could use the time to soothe my aching back and get some fresh air at the same time!!! Armed with my sippy cup I decide some fresh unsweet tea from MCd's would be lovely. Stopped at first one, got my tea in my sippy cup put in my sweet and low and take a big swig...........GROSS, TOO SWEET!!!! I start thinking, well I guess I forgot what sugared goodness tasted like and away we go.. Take one more swig and decide its too good to be true, and try the tea I hadn't sweetened... And Of COURSE! Sweet Tea!!! ugh... so we drive to Bojangles a few exits down, order another UNSWEET Tea, same thing, this time I stay at the drive-thru for my test sample.. I go through the sun-roof!!!!! How hard is it to take orders and give people what they asked for?!?!?! So it took 3 attempts to get my tea, sippy cup armed, off we go.... Coming back home, I suddenly get the biggest pain in my chest, I don't know whether to crap or go blind!!! so I start yelling pull-over! pull-over!!! I have to get out and walk!!!! So here I go on the side of I-40 walking around doubled over with my fiance close behind!! I let out the burp of the gods!!!! It was sweet music!!! Got back in, made it home, went to bed!!! Ugh.. Anyways, first road trip post-op, im going to have to call that one a loss!! Better luck next time I guess!!!




Day 2 post op!

Well I am on day 2 and am finding after a few teaspoons of chicken broth that I dont want anymore. So I stop, it is an all day process to get your protein in.. I caught myself taking my sippy cup into the shower with me!! Ya that's right, I got a sippy cup! I didnt want to chance getting caught up with too big of a swallow..! I love it, anyways, I bought 2 bottles of Isopure 40grms of protien in a 20oz bottle, which literally takes me all day to drink, and then I got a couple of protein bullets that have 45grams in 3 oz and I take those in a medicine cup like its medicine, otherwise I cant stand it! (Fiance's idea!) I am still very sore and can only sleep on my back, which I never do, so that's causing me back and neck pain, but it does get better everyday!





Well had my surgery today at 10, was home by 2! I really don't remember much, every one was very nice and I never felt nervous or the "what have I gotten myself into's" Not a whole lot of gas or pressure pains that I was expecting, I feel like I have had a c-section tho! My pain meds are keeping it at bay tho. I had a bout of hiccups that about put me under, but they quickly passed... Im surprised about the fact that I cant tell the band is there, I was afraid to swallow, I didn't want to feel that restriction right off, and so far I havent! Drinking 6 oz of watered down juice every hour as per dr.'s order along w/some other clear liquids for the week, then back to protien shakes..!! Whoo whoo!




12 hours til go time!

Today I ran around like an expectant mom, getting my nest ready to come home after surgery! I had to have every piece of laundry cleaned, beds stripped, all floors swept! everything organized. I knew it was stuff I didn't want to see this week un-done because I would over-do it fixing it later. So all clean!!! Spent the evening shopping for clear protein drinks and juices for post-op diet...Dang expensive!!! I found Isopure 20oz drinks for 5 bucks a bottle, only bought 2! Still not nervous, more concerned on how I am going to work out being a 100% belly sleeper after surgery that anything else. I have 100% trust in my Doc!.. Anyways, will update everyone tomorrow evening!!! Take care




Fri. June 5th surgery time!!

Well, I can't believe this 6months process has already come to a head. It seems just like yesterday I was making my first appt. just to see what this lap-band thing was all about! I am going with the Realize band at my surgeons suggestion. I have no fear or hesitation what-so-ever about having this procedure done. I can not wait to get this process started. I have been on a 2 week liquid only diet. I had one slip up on my 7th day when the "I'll never have again's..." thinking about my favorite meal (which I wont discuss for all those who are trying to make it thru their fasts without skinned knees!) anyways, had my "last,last" meal and next day was right back at it...I have lost 8 lbs so far in 12 days, so I think im doing very well. I get married in Sept. Hoping I have enough time to make a difference in my appearance by then!:w00t:




Feb goings-on

Well, My family and I have planned a trip to Disney World for valentine's weekend. Of course, the only thing I can think of is sore knees and footsies and trying to remember what rides I can actually squeeze myself into. Whats worse than not fitting into a ride? The look on your 13yo son's face as you have to get out of line and take the walk of shame!! But a little sing-songy voice came up in the back of my mind... This is the last year you go to WDW as a fatty!!!!!!! Next year I will not worry about any of the aforementioned issues!! Whoo-Hoo..   So, its bittersweet.. I will make sure to enjoy myself none the less. And look forward to next years adventures.   The process so far has been pretty routine, Dr.'s approval, Blood work, Sleep study, seminar. This month will be the psych eval and visit to the nutritionist. My insurance requires a 6month medically supervised "diet". So April will be my surgery month good Lord willing and the creek don't rise!(VE)   God bless




progress cont'd

Well, I didnt feel like I slept much, its odd having someone watch over you when you are sleeping and monitoring your every move! Odd thing was, every nurse I came in contact with so far in my journey are so envious of my decision to have WLS and ask me a million questions. I tell them to log on to LAPBANDTALK and all their answers are right there! A lot of people at my work are also getting lapband. It seems like this is the "NEW WAVE" of weight loss. I hope I can be a positive example ! I am trying to document my whole process before and after in order to get the info out there on what to expect.. Be well and good luck!





Well Thurs was a big day full of pre-op requirements. Had to get my PCP to sign off on my surgery request. I was really nervous and thought he would not support my decision. He gave me a full work-up, blood work, ekg, chest x-ray etc..all looked great. My family history of diabetes, stroke and cardiac was enough for him to sign off on me and he wished me good luck and said I was making the right choice (Big sigh of supportive relief!:thumbup: That night I had my sleep study. Lord BE! I get hooked up to a hundred different wires, arms, legs, fingers and hair! out go the lights and Im told to have sweet dreams! Although impossible, I thought it was cute that she said that because that is what my fiancee tells me every night before we hang up.




My Pics

This first Pix is of my sister Tiffy and I in NY this Christmas The 2nd one is of my 14yo boy Gabe and the 3rd is the love of my life, my fiance John:tt1:




Twin Win

Well, I am new to this, and really looking forward to a change in my life, not only for me, but for my identical twin sister, who is letting me do the lap-band first to see how I do. I always had to go first growing up since I was the oldest (by 2mins!). So I have extra motivation to be successful, not only for me, but for her too.. I "started the ball rolling" on Nov. 5 2008. I had not made up my mind totally that this was the right thing for me to do, but I joined lapbandtalk and studied the posts, and did my own research and came to the conclusion that this was something I could see myself doing successfully. I made an appt. with Lynn Moreland, PA with Dr. Mancini's group out of the University of Tennessee Hospital. She made me feel like I had made the right choice and I was immediatley at peace. I have CIGNA through my work at Knox Co 911, so this procedure will be covered 80%. I waited until Jan. to start all my pre-surgery requirements so I could start working down my $750.00 deductible. Got the sleep study and PCP referral and all the blood work out of the way already. Next month will be the psych. eval and the seminar!



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