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My path to slim and healthy

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Just when I think I have everything under control, I got sick last nite. I'm used to the sliming ... no big deal, but I threw up. The only thing I had different was homemade (at a cafe) clam chowder for lunch. I was expecting smooth and creamy but it was rather chunky and the clam were a bit gritty. I couldn't eat very much of it and put the rest in the frige. After dinner, ugh. This morning, I still have an upset tummy, a headache and sore muscles. Maybe I just have a bug?




At Goal

Wow, I didn't realize how long it had been since I updated my blog,   Now, it's been about two years. There have been plateaus but at least no gains. I really should have gotten fills earlier. For some reason, I thought that the band itself would be enough. Duh! Silly me.   I reached within 5 lbs of my goal weight in Dec 07. I have stayed there for months, so I'm calling GOAL! I still weight myself daily because I don't want the *creep* to happen. If I can stay between 145 - 148 I'm happy. Yesterday am it was 150. YIKES!!! Today 149. I guess, I'll have to cut back on my favorite non-band friendly foods for a few days. I really have been overdoing it.




2 weeks out

It's nearly 2 weeks since banding. I thought that I would bounce back sooner, but I'm still draggin my ass. I told my work that I could only work 1/2 days for a little while. My stomach starts to hurt and I am getting really tired in the afternoon.   I still have an ache below my sternum, just above my port. I'm getting tired of it. Maybe if I were 30 years younger .....:cry   I get to start mushies on Wednesday :clap2: :clap2:





I went back to work on Monday. I did pretty well, but around 2pm I started feeling sore and really tired. Went home. Took pain meds and slept for 3 hours.   ON Tuesday, I stayed until 4pm and then went home. Things are improving.   I told my co-workers today. We always have lunch together so they have noticed that my food is a little different now. So, I said it was time I shared what was going on. They had a lot of questions, but at least there was no opposition to having the band which is why I didn't tell them beforehand. One of the women said that her husband came home last night saying that his Dr. suggested the LapBand (he is really overweight). She really had a lot of questions. Later in the day, she asked about the scars, so I took her into my office and showed her my battle belly.   Tomorrow, I go back to Dr office for a one-week check up.




Washed my hair.

This is day three. Supposed to be the day to get over and then everything will better, or at least getting better. I've left clear liquids behind now, and am sipping on creamed soups, milk and yogurt drinks. I pureed chicken soup and it tasted sooo good. I'm only putting about 1/2 cup at a time in my tummy. The last things I want to is to burb, PB or otherwise. I took pain meds this afternoon but that's it. Probably have another dose before bed tonight. I felt up to making DH a meat loaf for dinner. It's not cooked yet; he can to that when he comes home.   While I did take a shower yesterday, and it felt good, today I actually washed my hair :faint: . I guess I thought it would hurt too much to have my hands over my head, but everything went well, and I'm pleased. Not much in the way of style at the moment, but hey! It's clean!   I managed to throw a couple of loads of laundry in the washer/dryer, but DH can fold them when he comes home.




2 Days post-op

Banded May 9. Today is May 11. I am still sore, but starting to take less pain medication and I am passing gas, now. I can sit at my computer for short periods. Spent most of yesterday reclining and watching TV. Also, took a nap. Last night I was able to sleep on my side - port side even. I also put a water bottle by my bed. That was a huge help. The night before I got so dry that I got a blister on the tip of my uvula. OUCH!! I still got up to pee a couple of times and had a sip of pain meds at that time, but was able to keep better hydrated and not leave my bed.




Banded May 9 - details of the day

We drove to Everett on Tuesday morning. I was to check in at 9:15, but it was well after 10:15 before I was called to change clothes, etc. (How can a Drs.' office be way behind first thing in the morning? It happens all the time to me.) After changing, I had a comfy chair and a foot massage gadget. Still waited for at least another hour. DH stayed with me, but his chair wasn't nearly as nice. Pretty soon, Dr. Watkins came to talk to me if I had any last minute questions. Then the anesthesiologist came (can't remember his name at the moment). I asked him about the tubes in my throat because my throat hurt for about 3 weeks after my nose surgery in February. He promised me he would be as gentle as he could. Then he started my IV. This is the first time ever had a numbing pre-shot before getting an IV. I told him so and that I thought it was really nice. Then he gave me the pre-op drug to help me relax a bit. I think a pre-op drug is probably normal. I've had a couple of surgeries and have always gotten something to relax me beforehand. It's mild. Doesn't knock me out. I can still walk. Then, off to the surgery room - I walked in there while the nurse held the IV. I climbed up on the table. They put some pressure cuffs on my legs to help avoid any potential clots. They strapped my arms to the side arms that stick out 90 degrees for support. I was told to breathe deeply from the pure oxygen mask. I don't remember anything after that. I woke up in recovery still on the guerny, very thirsty and very cold and groaning. I didn't feel very well, but I wasn't hurting much either. I don't know why I was making noises, but I did feel really dry and wanted water which they gave to me. They put lots and lots of warm blankets on and it was very comforting. The nurses also gave me some pain meds while I was there so the ride home would be more comfortable. After a few minutes I felt so much better, and then DH was there. They were supposed to go get him, but it was taking so long, he insisted on seeing me. I'm glad. I can't remember just how long I was in surgery/recovery since they were running behind. They said that it would only be about 1/2 hour for the actual surgery, and then some time for recovery. I just took a little longer in recovery than normal. I seem to remember going into the OR around 11:30; then I was aware of a clock on the wall in recovery around 12:45, but I don't know how long I was there. I could be wrong about the times. I was still drowsy. DH said it was about another hour. After an hour or so, they had me sit up, and one of my stitches leaked (no pain), so that had to be patched up. Then I walked to another little room where they put me in a chair. A few minutes later, I asked what I had to do to go home. I guess that was all that was needed. DH helped me get dressed. The nurses walked me down to the discharge door, and DH showed up about 3 seconds later. Finally got home, and in my own recliner. Felt so good. I drank liquids (including chicken broth) for the rest of the night. I got the prescription for the liquid pain a few days before surgery, and I’m so glad I didn’t have to go get it filled when I got home. I had some at 7pm and again at 10 pm and started to feel a lot better. I thought that I would have to sit in the recliner all night, but I slept in my own comfy bed. I got up every three hours to pee and take more drugs. DRUGS RULE!




Last Pre-Op visit

I drove myself to NWWLS by myself since I was there once before. I just can't stand driving in Seattle, so I am glad that the surgery center is in South Everett.   I feel so special (although I know I'm not) when I'm there. They keep pretty close to their appointment times. Melissa went over everything again, and answered all my questions. She has a band, too, so she really understood where I was coming from. She also gave me my liquid prescription so I could get it filled before surgery. Then she handed me off to the pre-op surgery nurses. They gave me a tour of everything except the operating room.   I found that DH (and anyone else I want to bring - NOT!!!:Banane59: ) can stay with me up until I am wheeled away. First there is yet another consultation and filling out yet another questionaire. Even though I filled out an 8-page one a couple of weeks ago. This one is required by the anesthesiologist for my health on the actual day of surgery. Then change into the cool paper hat, air-conditioned gown, and booties. A fluffy terry robe will be provided for the day. From there I will go to the waiting spa where I will have a reclining chair, foot massage (a water tub), and trash magazines to read. I think I get the IV at that time, too. There is a little chair mat with a palm tree printed on it, and a plant. Also, a CD player. Looks pretty cushy. The Doc and anesthesiologist will come to visit me and I can talk to them while the OR is being turned from the last patient. I am certainly going to ask the anesthesiologist about the tube in my throat. My throat was sore for about 3 weeks from the last surgery I had in February. Maybe he can do something different.   The recovery room looks just like others in regular hospitals. Sit in a recliner chair until I can drink, maybe pee (I can't remember, now), and walk. Then I will be allowed to change into my own clothes and will leave the building through a special discharge door. I won't have to stagger through the mail lobby. That's good.   On the way home, I stopped at Walgreen's to drop off my prescription. The next day when I picked them up, I also bought liquid Tylenol, Phillips Milk of Magnesia, and chewable Gas-X. I have some Yogurt smoothies that I intend to sample to see what I like. Still need to go to Trader Joe's for some more boxed soups.   I think I am nearly ready.




Facility Tour

The facility tour is in 3 days - May 3. So is the payment :faint: . Surgery is scheduled for May 9. I will go to the tour, and I HOPE I can go to the surgery. DH hurt his back 9 days ago. At least he can walk now, but still needs a lot of care from me. I am going to need him to take care of me for a couple of days post-surgery. If he isn't up to it, I will have to postpone. Since I have already arranged for time off from work (not telling anyone, yet), it could be awkward. Sigh!




Consultation Day a success

DH and I got to Everett earlier than the appointed hour. They were allowing 15 minutes to fill out all the paperwork. LOL!! Took a lot longer than 15 minutes. The phych eval was THREE separate pages that asked nearly the same thing, I had to review a little bit to be sure I wasn't contradicting myself. (Don't want to screw THAT up!). DH got to go in with me during the nurse/nutritionist portion but she made him leave during the psych visit. But, there was nothing that he couldn't have been there for. Anyhoo, she said she would approve with no restrictions. Woo Hoo! Visit with the doc followed. Nice guy. Very informative and he certainly believes in his work. You can tell he loves what he does. I feel very confident. Tiring day. Time for couch potato stuff now.




One week until consultation

My consultation is next Wednesday. I have got myself so psyched up over this. Now I am getting paranoid. What if I'm not fat enough? What if my BMI is below 40 and I don't have co-morbid conditions? I read on one of these forums that high cholesteral isn't one. That is the only thing I am taking meds for. I called medical records to get my last glucose reading for diabetes. My mom and grandpa both had diabetes. Since I am so overweight, I thought that I might be at risk. Dr. said that I was fine when I saw him last, but this is the same Dr that told DH that 160 bp was ok too. I was losing faith, but maybe it was just isolated. Maybe I should ask him what my bp is last time.   I should just get over it.




Made an appointment

I made my consultation appointment today ... for April 19. DH will take the day off as sick time. It's medical isn't it? Then I started feeling very nervous about it. I mean, I ONLY have 100 lbs to lose. My BMI is around 37-38. What if Doc doesn't think it's high enough? I was thinking about slumping during weigh-in so the BMI would be higher. Bad girl! Do I have to gain another 20-30 lbs to get some help? BUT, I do have high colesterol and had knee surgery 3 years ago (called it arthritis), and arthritis in my shoulder. Got varicose veins, too. Must be OK. :help:





I am in the process on information gathering. I've been to an information seminar. I've read everything online that I can find - good and bad. Kind'a seems like online is preaching to the choir. I can't find a lot negative. And you know, if something seems to good to be true .... I called my prospective Dr Office and did find out that they haven't had much luck getting my insurance to pay :girl_hug: although they will pay for gastric bypass. (Now that doesn't make any sense. Payfor a very expensive risky operation and not pay for a safer reversible one.) That being the case, I would be self-pay. So, there is no reason to delay any longer. I guess I will call for an appointment on Monday. I am in Sammamish and they are in Everett. Nice that it is so close.



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