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Going back to work

Well, I'm going back to work tomorrow. I'm not to sure I'm ready to get back into the full swing of things, but I really don't have a choice. I was lucky to get the week off. I guess that's just how much they need me. lol. Anyway, I'm going prepared with Tylenol and heatpads for my back. I think I should be alright. Wish me luck.




4 days post op

Hey cyber world and banding friends. I'm now 4 days post op and can't wait to completely heal. I have gas that won't quit, but I have been making progress with that slowly. I still have an aggrevating gurgling in my stomach, but I think that will pass when I start making more bowel movements. I know....ewwwww sounds gross, but it's reality. Today I took my bandage off as my doctor had directed. I think the incision looks fantastic. I was really worried about scarring, but Dr. Kazcmarski and Dr. Gabriel did a great job. I'm back to work on Monday so wish me luck. I hope the back pain goes away too. Sleeping on my back is killing me.



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