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It's meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Hey, I'm back! I have been lurking here and there for a while and thought I'd write in my journal and give an update. I'm still hanging around 294...I gain and lose 2lbs in the last few days. Still the same old pattern, I lose huge (usually between 7-11lbs) seemingly overnight and then no matter what I do I can't lose another thing for two to three weeks. We all do our own things and this is the way its going for me. 11 days left to me 6mth anniversary. If I am lucky I can be down 90lbs(ish) by then and so I'm trying really hard to be the best I can be for the next 10 days or so. If I make 90lbs down then I have promised myself hubby will take me out to eat prawns (he doesnt know yet:kiss ). There is a place near the port that makes the most amazing shellfish dishes... After the 6mth thing, it's a couple of weeks until the 2 weddings we have to go to. The dress I want to wear fits now (even round the hips) and I am so looking forward to dressing up in something I have never been able to wear before. I will take pictures and post them when the time comes. That's all..I'll be back when I'm back.




parting news...

Hey, I'm out of here for a while...When I come back and catch up my journal I'll hopefully be pounds down. My main parting news is I finally got out of those 300's :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I am of this evening (stuff September lol) 294lbs. Loads dropped off in last 10 days so it will probably stick for a while now. I will be back- just don't know when. Thanks for reading And goodnight :notagree




Air-cons and stuff

Oh the font thingy is working again :clap2: I am suffering a little from being in the air-conditioning so long. I am usually fine during the day but sometimes on an evening I get a headache and my temp goes up to 37.3ish. My BP is also playing up because of TOM...all the month it reads 110/70ish and and then TOM it's up each evening to 136/80...oh well c'est la vie. Still doing well with food and water and walked 2x today too. I am gonna try and get through the day without air-con and just have it a few hours when Jordan gets home... Apart from that-life is good




not much going on today....

I can't get the font thingy to work today and so it's simple black and white for me. I had a pretty lazy day today and by choice I didn't walk. I made a lovely roast beef dinner for hubby and number one step son...I ate a couple of pieces of meat and some brussel sprouts. They got roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings. I slept 3hrs this afternoon which was nice but probably wont sleep well tonight now. Am now watching Oceans 11 on tv cos haven't seen it before. And that's it.




Saturday Morning...cant think of better title!!!!

Weekend again...Sometimes they fly by and sometimes they drag. Guess it depends what you are doing and this weekend I have absolutely nothing planned so looks like a slow one. Still, when I'm home I tend to be able to stick to my own rules better so suppose that's not a bad thing. I didn't eat a thing last night at the dinner. I drank six glasses of water. Can't say it was easy but hubby understood, he was trying to keep food down wind of me lol. I don't have a problem with people eating and I can't but the smell last night...my favourite foods, all freshly cooked. It was a torture :phanvan Never mind...there's nothing on the schedule for the next few weeks so should be OK. Was tempted to look at scale this morning as I lay in bed wondering how things are going but I didn't. I got up and left the room immediately and then had other things on my mind and so another day passed... Have walked and drunk 3/4litre of water so need to drink some more. TOM back ache kicked in so maybe just a short walk this afternoon...I'll see how things go.




getting easier

As each day goes by and I don't look at the scale it gets easier and easier. I am back on track in so many ways and not jumping on the scale every day makes it easier to stay positive and believe that the weight is just dropping off. O.K, like most things the downside will be when I do finally get weighed if I'm no where near where I want to be, but then I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now it's absolutley the right thing for me to do. I have avoided eating with others quite well but we have a family meal (out) tonight and I haven't decided what to do. I think I will go for company but not eat anything. As much as anything else, it's bound to be after 9pm and I don't like eating so late. Last time I tried meat so late, it got stuck...didn't pb but was touch and go. Don't want to be in a situation where I'll possibly pb a) in public with no near bathroom (we're talking tiny Greek taverna here) and b)with people who don't know about my band. Sooooo, I'll eat before we go out and just sit with my water... Walked half an hour this morning with no problems and should be able to do the same again this afternoon. Got more than half my water in for day and it's only 1:30pm so doing well. Am gonna go and read a while and have a Greek siesta (welllll why not eh?). See ya over the weekend.




swimming day...

Hello world, Had a really nice day today ) Last night was getting a pre-period migraine and thought it might linger but went to bed early and it left. So today I got up and did a few things and then went with Jordan's cousin and her little girl (visiting from New York) to my hotel. We were the only ones there :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: We had the pool to ourselves for an hour and a half and it was delicious....warm and empty!!! I swam and when not swimming I never put my feet down and I work my arms as much as I can. We ordered lunch and she was laughing that my eat ways...told her about band...made her think twice about she was eating too. I managed about 1/3 of my roast beef salad and enjoyed it. Jordan came to get us at 3:30pm and little Katerini (3) fell asleep in the car on way home- busy day I slept too for a while when I got back and now am just trying to get in the rest of my water for the day. Quiet day at home tomorrow and then we are going to have a goodbye family get together since they leave on Saturday morning. Jordan has a day off from pharmacy in September and since its a Thursday he's thinking of taking the Friday too and making a 4 day break. He wants to go hiking in his beloved Ipperous mountains. If he goes then Im gonna treat myself to a couple of days staying in the hotel so i can swim and the just toddle off back to my room to chill...good idea yeah?




More decisions

LBT is showing it's ugly side again...hey ho hum. Might just stay away for a while and only do my journal...there again Im a cat and we all know about curiosity!!!!! I had a good day today as far as band life...I drank tons of water, did 2 walks of 20mins without pain and ate well. Not much else to be done then. Am going to my pool tomorrow swimming with Jordan's cousin and her 3yr old daughter so should be nice. Am not getting weighed til 6mth anniversary on 20th Septemeber so dont ask! That's all.




I have decided

I decided to erase my score card from GFG this month. I wasn't really enjoying the challenge and I have decided to give the scale a break for a while and just not get weighed. My weightloss pattern and my personality mean getting weighed all the time doesn't make me feel good and so I decided once a month! Yep...a month. I am having some physical probs too that I'm trying to overcome steadily and healthily and so not feeling accountable to a scorecard makes the whole thing calmer for me. My leg is much better now and so I do believe it was just a cramp from lack of salts in my body...now fixed with capsule for a while. I called my doc about a 3rd fill but he's in Australia until 10th September. So, I decided, rather than go to the clinic in Athens, I'll keep going til he gets back and see where I'm at by that point. Maybe I need a fill truely and maybe I need to get back to some decent level of exercise which haven't had since vacation with one thing and another. There...decisions made...




It's Sunday y'know

Good morning all, I had a lie in this morning :notagree which was jolly nice. Hubby has gone biking up the mountain but I think I'll stick to walking for now! Firday was Jordan's mum's Name Day and so we went upstairs to eat in the evening. They were planning on ordering souvlaki...so, didnt eat much (virtually anything) during the day because I love the chicken and salad. I should have thought about it more, because although my band gives me little problems, I have realised that I have trouble at night. Most others have probs in the morning but I like being different!?!?!? I ate one piece of chicken and that was it...stuck. I didn't pb it but it took forever to go down and so I just sat quietly and waited. I didn't eat anything else but drank a cuppa-soup when we got home just to have some calories and stop my sugar level falling too much. Saturday was a quiet day and I did my walking. Got a bit of a fever last night - 37.8 but went to bed and seem to have slept it away which is good. Off to the cinema-gold class- tonight to finally see the Da Vinci Code. Means we get lazy-boy recliners and waiter service LOL. Costs more -of course- but we don't go to cinema that often so why the heck not eh?




and today?

I'm feeling better today. My knee still aches but I did my walking ...slowly! I feel bad in general now if I don t walk and that from someone who hated walking LOL I went for a walk outside this morning and then did the treadmill this afternoon. I ate carefully today...yog and protein drink so far and we are celebrating hubby's mum's name day today so I will eat some chicken or pork tonight when we go upstairs. It's been a looooooooooooooong time since I lost it like that. TOM brings mood swings for me and Im resigned to them and just get on wioth it but TOM is well over a week away so not that! Anyway it left as quick as it came so onwards and upwards...well downwards better....ummmm




Confession time...

I blew it... For the first time in my five months since banding I don't feel in control. I have been feeling generally blue the last couple of days and can't say why...not TOM or anything and nothing going wrong in life etc I just am! Today I wasn't bad when I woke up and started off OK by just eating a yoghurt for breakfast. I did some errands and house jobs and then I got ready to walk on my treadmill...my knee was killing me. I put on my brace and tried again. I even tried to walk limping and holding on to bars...no can do. I don't remember doing anything to my knee, it just went. I started nibbling and have just eaten and eaten since...another yoghurt, with chocolate bits, an egg and cheese sandwich 2 cookies from upstairs an ice-cream and a bag of chips and an iced coffee with sugar..God knows what my suagr levles will be now. To be honest I dunno how it all went down...was over a few hours mind and I feel stuffed and sad and deflated and out of control...I am scared to death that now I did this I wont be able to stop myself and I don't want to feel like that again... Hopefully I can take stock and when knee is better tomorrow i'll just get back on doing what I was doing. We're all human but this came from nowhere and it's scary the power these damned demons have when they finally get a hold... Am not going to give in to this mood..I will be better and I will move on...to tomorrow then!




The dreaded Wednesday weigh in...

We got to Wednesday already, how did that happen:confused: ? I was more than surprised to see I'd dropped 2lbs this week. I guess the treadmill doesn much more of a job than swimming as a general rule..well for me anyway but am still gonna go to my pool cos it makes a change. I went for a walk outside today and enjoyed it although it was very hot. Then later I had an NSV...Jordan always does the shopping when I do my lessons because I could never cope with standing so long...my back would be killing me 10mins in. Today he needed to go see his kids and so I said drop me off at the supermarket and I'll see how I get on. I did the lot. Shopped, did the check out and packed the bags. Then I wandered around the little stores around the edge of the supermarket and in the bag store a new bag just jumped into my trolley and refused to leave...what could I do except buy it???????????????????????? Jordan despairs...he said was I gonna do the shopping every week now- until I asked if I could visit the stores too every week :eek: :guess :confused: That's all..see ya next time in Ali's wonderful world of complete and utter nonsense and ramblings...great place to visit but get out while you can!




getting things back on track

Hello there! I checked the scale and it says I neither lost nor gained on my holiday so I guess I'll take that...like I have a choice!?!?!? We had a good time on our holiday. The villa we stayed in www.kookis.gr was brand new and in a lovley location. We were near the beach and it was easy to catch a boat to tutle island and see the creatures swimming around. The weather was warm and sunny but like most islands there was a grat breeze that cooled things down. We swam and ate and slept and read and went on sightseeing trips and passed a delightful week. And now Im home and back on the road to slimishdom...I dont expect much change by Wednesday weigh in this week but would be glad to see a drop by next week but I will see how things go. I didn't want to walk much today but was fine once I got going. Food was easy cos I havent been to the supermarket yet and there's nothing in the house to eat...it's a big holiday week here and Mon. tues especially, everything is closed. So i will be on a water diet til Wednesady LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




we're all back from our summer holiday

Hi all, Got home this afternoon after a 7hr trip so a bit tired. I havent dared go near the scale LOL. I ate well during the week but yesterday went mad...fries, calamarakia and my long waited for ice-cream! Will write tomorrow when I feel better about my holiday and what the scale finally said!




we're all going on a summer holiday....

OOOh walking is hard when it's TOM :phanvan I did it though, just a lot more tiring than other times! How's your August going then? I'm feeling ultra positive which is good but could be hormonal and therefor prone to disappear with a poooft at any given second. I'll take it while it lasts though. I have absolutley no idea if I can make the targets I have set myself. Bodies (as we are all discovering) do weird and wonderful things and just cos you and your brain may be in cahoots that doesn't mean your body is gonna comply with a damned thing you want. Hey ho hum... I'm looking forward to my holiday (you guessed didn't you!?!?!?) and especially to having a pool to myself for a week. I can get in and out as I like and no-one to bother me-bliss. I will be walking when we go on excursions here and there but dunno if it will count as exercise since its more likely to be short bursts because of the heat. So the pool will be what I count as my main exercise for the week. I've thought through the eating situation while we are there. I am going to take some tuna and mayo light with me and a pack of protein drinks for breakfasts. Then I will take a tuppaware container and not go out to eat with the family each day...too much temptation and Greeks eat BIG...so hubby can take it with them and then bring me home some meat/fish and salad. I will go with them a couple of times in the week and then of course there is next Friday...Friday11th is my 5th wedding anniversary and I have promised myself for months and huge ice-cream. I havent had one all summer, so think of me then...slurping away and loving every single lick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dunno if I'll get chance to write before I leave so if not...see ya!





Let's have this colour for August shall we? Where does the time go? Summer is wending it's merry way and before we all know it, it'll be time for those leaves to change their colours and begin to fall. I have just less than 2mths to my 6mths since my operation. Things are going well but they could be even better. I feel like an executive in some state of the art business..."I have targets to meet...deadlines d'you hear!" Well in my case more like lifelines I hope. I am determined for the next two months to work my ass off and be the best I can be...why? Well I have 30lbs to lose for my 100lbs and if I can't make that (I know it's possible...hard but possible) then I want to be as near to it as I can...within licking distance LOL. How am I going to do this? Welllllllllll... 1. Walking 2x six days a week. I am at just over a mile each time I walk for 30mins and so I need to increase my speed as I go along. (I am on holiday next week and so it will be at least one hour swimming each day in the pool). 2. No bread. I love my toasted sandwich but am going to forgo it for the sake of 30lbs... 3. More water. I don't do bad with water but I think another half a litre a day will top the balance in my favour. 4. No getting down and depressed if the scale doesnt drop each week. I am finally coming to terms with this happening. That's about it. No big secret, no big master plan. I'll keep eating what I eat cos it's the right stuff. I may keep a better eye on my portions but not change anything else. And we shall see...




what's happened this weekend then?

Ha..surprise...fancied pink today I have had a very quiet weekend and have been pretty housewifey too. I got lots of jobs done that I have been putting off for a while and feel better now they are accomplished. I have eaten well and done the exercise I planned on doing. This means I had a day off today. I think everyone deserves a day off and I like spending Sunday with hubby doing not a lot. Not much else has been going on around here. My TOM is due and all today I have been feeling teary and headachy. I guess I should be thankful that I dont have many bad days each month and I know things could be a lot worse. An early night will cure the headache and hopefully tomorrow I'll be much better again and back on that treadmill. I peeked at weight today and am exactly the same. I wasn't expecting any loss, especially this week and so am not disappointed. I'm becoming much more resigned to my weightloss being in spurts here and there... Boring one today, sorry if I kept you!





Hello world, I seem to be losing touch with everyone at the moment...guess they all have lives and I'm the saddo round here LOL. Oh well, we will catch up when we can. I have had a quiet day but feel much better then I did yesterday night. I'm never good when I'm over tired and so a good night's sleep did me the world of good. Today I got in both my walks with no probs and I ate very well. I made a big tuna and coleslaw salad this morning and split it in half for my main meals. For lunch I also had a yoghurt and with dinner I added a slice of low fat cheese. After eating chicken leftovers for last few days it made a nice change!!! Not long now to my holiday...we leave a week on Saturday and I can't wait. I am so looking forward to seeing Zakynthos and to just chilling out for a week....lots of swimming! Am going with the in-laws too..should be fun LOL!!!




weigh day...

Think some things are taking their toll...mainly the sun. With going swimming so much I have been out in the heat 10x more than I usually do in the summer. Today after my swim and lunch I didn't feel 100%, not terrible but I was tired and had enough of the sun (even though was sat in shade!!!). Came home, had a nap and feel better now. No walking today though. After all the frustrations of last couple of weeks, I have now gone and dropped 8lbs...I suppose I should accept thats just the way it's going to be for me. fab on the days I lose and annoying as hell the weeks I dont! Anyway another 8lbs gone...:clap2: :clap2: and now only 1lb from 70 gone and 6lbs from twoterville...not been there in a long time!




Well hello there everybody...

Yo! I'm in a pretty good mood today :omg: -yeah- shock, horror, gasp! I haven't done anything special to warrant this, I must have just gotten out of the right side of the bed., I'm really happy and excited about going on the LBT cruise. I will get to meet some of you and it'll be a big adventure. It's a huge motivator too, simply because I want to be fit and healthy to both cope with all the travelling to get there and to be able to make the best of the whole trip. So it's on with the exercise and staying good with the food. Having it so far ahead of me gives me something good to focus on for those days when maybe I'm not feeling so motivated. I am doing well with getting lots of protein in these days and I am using my new shampoo and capsules that hubby got me and we will see if they make a difference to my hair. Right now I'm not sure if its staying the same or getting a little worse, depends on how my hair lies at any given moment. Still, if this is a downside to losing the weight and getting healthier then I will take it. My diabetes doc was chuffed to pieces last night when we told him my levels and how much I have lost :clap2: He said that once I can take 10units only of insulin a day and not have my levels rise above 150 then I'll be at the stage to cut the insulin altogether and have a general maintanance pill like avandia...he also said at this rate I'll be completely drug free at some point very soon :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: For someone who has had unstable levels and high levels since diagnosis 7yrs ago this is the best news and worth the band even if (and I know I will) never lost another pound. Oh happy me :biggrin1:




Sunday got here again eh?

We went out for the day yesterday and it was a lonnnnnnnnnnnnng trip finally. We were out for 12hrs and travelling for 9 of them- poooft. So, I slept like a baby last night which was good because I was really, really tired. I had a mini lie-in this morning until 9:30am and felt good. Walked on treadmill and cooked Sunday lunch...chicken...and that's about it. Short and sweet today...oh yeah...peeked at scale and so far this week I'm like :biggrin1: :clap2: :biggrin1: :clap2: :biggrin1: Makes a change eh?




I'm back in the swing...

Ok so thankfully my down moods don't last very long and yesterday I was much better and today I'm positively chipper! I can't do anything about my now rapidly thinning hair...along the top and the crown is worst. I look like I have an extra wide parting if that makes sense but careful, gentle brushing can cover up the worst of it. It must have been happening gradually cos it was hubby who noticed it and I havent been losing lots of hair in one go so to speak. So anyway, I've got some pills and some shampoo (they have different names here) and I'll continue to do the best I know how to do. Same goes for my weightloss really. It has to drop at some point, there's no logic in it not doing:confused: I've added an extra protein shake to my diet each day and this adds 20g of protein and 200cals so does 2 jobs. I have begun to do an aerobics dvd I have. I was chuffed cos I used to only be able to do a few mins but now I can do the 15min warm up and a bit more. I want to build it up slowly simply cos of fear for my knees but so far so good and it's a different kind of exercise from treadmill so should be good. Dunno how long it will be before I can do the whole thing LOL...one step at a time folks! Think hubby is feeling sorry for me 'cos he's volunteered to take me for a day out on Saturday. We still haven't decided where we are going but a trip is a trip is a trip! We might get to see our 'cumbara'- Greek for best man and his wife and then go into Nafplio which is a town I love..we'll see. Swimming is now gonna be Tues or Wed each week cos it was nicer and quieter...probably Wednesday now. That's all really. It was J's dad and son's name day yesterday because they are both called illias and today is his dad's birthday too. The family have come to eat Moussaka but I have been excused attending on account of it's too carb based and not good for my sugar. I ate cold pork from last night and peas. On a final note...my sugar levels this week have been perfect and I havent needed insulin...we are going to chat with doc about it tonight cos sometimes it still rises but this week its been in 80's when I wake and no more than 120 all day. In 7yrs being diabetic it has never ever been so good.:clap2:




some days....

Bloody awful day...weightloss completely stopped and now to add insult to injury my hair is falling out... not in mood for writing guys...will tomorrow maybe




Told you so...

Told you I'd go swimming again...and I did- today. Hubby has moved to summer hours for a couple of months so this means I get to go swimming mid-week for a while. He is finishing work every day betweeen 2:30-3pm. I went in a taxi this morning to the hotel (it's about half an hour away) and it was virtually empty. My friend met me there and we sat and chatted, drank water and sunbathed for a while. Then the pool emptied and we got in. We were on the move for about an hour...swimming and doing arm work and having a good time just the two of us and a nice big warm pool.:biggrin1: Then she got out and I carried on with my wrinkly fingers for a while longer. She ordered lunch and I had a tuna salad. Then we moved to the lounges and chilled for an hour before showers and a light spot of reading until hubby came. All in all a most delightful day...until next week then:clap2: I came home and walked a mile on my treadmill...so if weight is still the same tomorrow it's not for lack of trying.



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