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About this blog
This is my journal towards weight loss. This is where I can come and put everything out there. I have kept my decision to myself. The only person besides my doctor that know is my husband. (I finally told my best friend too!) My kids know I had surge
Entries in this blog
Doing least with the exercise. let's review.
Hello World...I'm back...with a new goal.
The band is doing it's job, but I am not....
When will I be happy with my body?
Just about a year out and my pics.....
My (tiny) Unfill...............
Soft Calorie Syndrome
Into the 160's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally back on the wagon!
Bandiversary Ideas.............
I am not longer OBESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After my 5th fill I am missing food.
Another fill.....then TOO TIGHT!
Someone mentioned anorexia?!?!?!?
Having a hard time....
The Reveal....
Maintenance? I guess I need to work on that.
Is it time to stick a fork in me? Am I done?
The Great Band Battle....(-107# and pics)
I'm dreaming of Plastic Surgery....
Is there such a thing as a SUPPORTIVE strapless bra?
Memorial Day Challege.....- 100 lbs
6 months....94 lbs later...... before and current pics
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