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And i am back !!!!!

HI ANYONE READING THIS ! It's July 28th in wintery Sydney and I havent posted in here for agessssssssssssssss   I have had several fills .. everyone tells me how great I look (ie slimmer haha)   I have lost a total of 36 kilos to date !!   WOW that sounds a lot when you say it like that   I have dropped 4 dress sizes!!!!   I am slipping into clothes so easy .. taking clothes back to the hanger at the shops because I've picked up the wrong size .. ahh   I've had several fills . .my most recent 5 days ago   Doctor is GREAT - so lovely and nice to talk to...   I am NOT exercising yet - I know I am naughty as!!!! but I do intend to   My goal is to buy a bike - Giant Women's Suede - I want to cycle!!   I need to take my dogs walking   but its so cold and dark here right now .. SUMMER is coming .. and my first real summer lighter than I have been for ... ohhhh .. 25 years???   bring it on !   To all you pre OP people .. dont look back .. look forward .. such a tiny op for such a HUGE result .. you owe it to yourself to do this for YOU !!!   GOOD LUCK   I will be back .. (hopefully in double digits soon)   today: 112.1KGS    




Mushy Stage and seeing the doc

Today I saw my doctor for the first time since surgery and he was VERY happy with how I was going .. total weight loss of 11.4 kgs or 22lbs - I think that's kind of average - no idea really That's 2 weeks of optifast and one week of fluids Today I started mushy food which is harder to be on than fluids because you have to have food with you @ lunch at work etc .. and today I didn't have any so .. it was a drink BUT I had scrambled eggs for dinner and that was really nice .. though I ate more than I needed to ... good to know that I was aware of that .. even tho I did eat too much .. the adjustment will help with that I am sure Oh and having weetbix in the morning .. sublime!! onward and forward I go




LIQUID DIETING - arrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhh

Well I don't think anyone is reading this blog but I figure that is OK .. it's somewhere to come and vent .. I love reading the other posts though and it's kinda cool to be ahead of some people now rather than before when I was pre surgery and completely new to this. It's now 10 days since I had surgery and I am still on a liquid diet as per instructions. I tried soup but I really dont like soup and so I am eating err drinking Sustagen which is kinda nice and Optifast and I have been sneaking a banana into that shake as it's 'anything you can drink with a straw' right and so I like having the banana. Having jelly and diet custard etc . I am not really that hungry and I have lost 29.4 pounds to date. Which feels good but also doesn't feel like I've made much change but then that's because I am morbidly obese not just fat. If I was a skinny minny I think 10 kilos would sure make a difference but now I find my rings fit better on my hands and some shirts I stopped wearing I can now button up and they look nice. So I guess it's small steps for now. I am a bit over the liquid diet but that can stop next Tuesday I think after I see my surgeon. I have tinned spadghetti all ready to squish up and have and I am not craving meat at all .. I was thinking of becoming a vegetarian just to avoid all the issues with trying to chew meat. I love fish and I could have eggs etc just no red meat perhaps? Thats what I am thinking anyway. Some days I have drunk a lot of my shake and it feels like I've overeaten so it IS a case of really watching what you consume. I was worried about the fill and how it feels but there is a great You Tube lady who posts under the name 'thebandinme' and she speaks about fills in one of her many videos and she's so upbeat and positive that I am no longer worried but actually see it like she does as a way to control and be in control of my health and what I eat. Good luck to anyone getting banded this week 10 days into it and for minimal pain, minimal discomfort and small adjustments to the way I eat it's really not been such a hard road as yet and I am hopeful it never will be




1 week after the band

One week after the OP and I think I've lost 10.9 kilos or nearly 24 pounds .. that sounds better in pounds than kilos haha I haven't been that hungry and today I went to lunch with friends and had to sit and watch them eat schnitzel and chips and chicken ceasar salads etc .. wasn't TOO bad .. Still on liquids and feeling pretty good actually I want to see me in 12 months time!! :confused:




Sunday evening - Days post op 3

Liquid diets .. suck .. quite frankly.   3 days down and what another 11 to go ? YUK   I was drinking UP and Go .. but I am switching back to Optifast as at least they are meal replacements and I was starting to get hungry otherwise.   I think I am only supposed to be drinking small amounts but I sip and sip and drink about 250 ml .. I sure hope I am not stretching anything!   The pain is less today and feels way better than yesterday which was the worst day for pain and discomfort. My bruises are all coming out now but I feel pretty good.   I am going to work from home tomorrow .. just to take it easy for another couple of days   I did feel down the night I came home from hospital   It is a major life changing decision I just made and a permanent physical change to me and my body and that takes an adjustment no matter how much it's needed .. I still feel I have to come to terms with that a little though I am remaining positive overall and can't wait to start losing!




48 hours after surgery !

well it's now around 48 hours after surgery. I can't believe I have done this. I had some effects from the anaesthetic, threw up a couple of times and they got quite worried about that. Had lots of different drugs to stop that plus painkillers pretty much all the time. Felt great yesterday .. the day after surgery. wanted to go home. Was up early .. slept a good 5 hours straight through. Surgeons was late to see me so I stayed in the hospital till 2pm and drove home after (well it was pretty much 24 hrs after the anaesthesia so I figured I was Ok to do that). Today though .. in lots of pain or maybe it's more discomfort .. really feels like someone's been kicking me in the stomach over and over. Haven't had much to drink .. an Up & Go and a tiny bit of soup. I am not hungry really at all so that's good. Feels much harder to get up and about, hurts to do much so I am taking things easy. Yesterday I had a few tears when I realised the drastic thing I have done to myself.... but then I can't stay this weight and expect to live healthy or for long right? I am sure once the pain and discomfort goes I'll be fine .. I just have to figure out how to manage this little beast within .. how it works, how it rules my life .. what it loves what it hates ... It's tough now but I feel in a week or two it should all be good .. I hope! oh and I put on weight too .. what's the deal there hahah ...man





3 1/2 hours to go before surgery ..   I know its the right thing for me but I am still anxious about the actual operation and the hospital .. hope all goes well !   onward to a new me




the night before Surgery

17 hours to go .. till band time .. I feel anxious and concerned and nervous and worried .. but optimistic too.. I am scared of what I am comitting to .. but what can be worse than how I feel now with how I am The hospital called.. my operation is at 1:30 and I am packing a bag. I have bought liquid yoghurt and fruit juices but I think I wont feel like eating much for the first 48 hours .. I haven't really had much of an appetite for the past two weeks so that should be OK I hope there is little or no pain, I just want to get over the Op as quickly as possible and start the new me to all the October bandsters out there .. Im thinking of you will be back .. when it's over ! live strong ..




2 days to GO till surgery !

and I am quietly freaking out !   I mean .. it's all quiet .. I am doing the Optifast .. I have lost about 8 kilos on it .. I don't know how much the surgeon wanted me to lose. I did cheat on the weekend and had some salad and a chicken skewer but .. enough of that .. surgery is in 2 days.   2   It's happening by stealth .. I am too busy at work to think about anything other than work and the days are creeping by.   Did I mention I was freaking out ?   I thought on Monday I was going so well on Optifast that .. hey .. why the heck would I need surgery? - yeah right ..   So now it's 2 days before and ..I Know it's all minimally invasive and safe but .. it's surgery !!!! oh my god ...   My manager asked me to attend a really important meeting this week .. and I had to say I wont be in.... I will have to let him know I can't call into the meeting cos .. well .. I'll be on a surgery guerney I guess !   Still I wanted to do this on the quiet for work as much as possible you know? Just till I actually get used to what it is that I've done to myself.   Hey .. btw . losing 8 kilos feels great .. imagine what a stack more will feel like??   I know this is what I need .. I know it's going to be great   but .. for now     WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING !!!!   haha Good Luck to all the October surgery people!! we're going look so good..............




Rugby League Grand Final BBQ !

Drove a couple of hours to a friend's house yesterday to watch the final of the football. Manly V Warriors .. I am not that interested in league I prefer rugby but it's more about the getting together with friends thang.   First off there were chips and dips everywhere when I arrived but I didn't really want those. I was quite fascinated by others though and how they just kept grazing on the crackers and eating the chips - I felt slightly removed from that and it felt good not to want to eat any thing from the table.   Then they brought out BBQd chicken wings .. well that was tough - they smelled divine and looked even better. I really wanted one .. but the funny thing was they were very popular and so by waiting and just being strong .. they eventually all went and my choice was made for me!   Sausages and big fat fresh bread rolls were the main course ... the sausages didn't really worry me as fatty foods sometimes upset me and I could tell that I wouldn't be fooling anyone if I had one... but there was salad .. a plain garden salad with no dressing so I had fresh tomatoes and cucumber and carrot and lettuce. I was weak though .. I had a little of this asian salad with noodles and there was an amazing potato salad there which I should not have had. But I did .. and I dont feel like I've gone backwards .. today it's nearly 9:30 and I haven't eaten or had the OPtifast and I feel Ok .. I dont feel like being off the liver shrinking diet one bit.   The thing that interested me most about that visit .. noone said anything about what I ate. Noone said .. you didn't have a chicken wing .. noone commented when I didnt have a sausage or two .. nobody does usually .. but I felt to me that it was SO obvious I was eating differently .. and yet noone noticed .. makes me think that in the future when I am eating smaller meals and watching how and what I eat .. I can do it without assuming I have a big read beacon over my head !   all in all .. a good day   and today I lost some more kgs so thats also cool




Let the liver shrinking begin

Today is the 4th day of my pre surgery Optifast diet.   I have started coming to this support website more often and am really uplifted by the support and great comments from people on here - not to mention the fantastic photos of before and after ..   So far I've taken all my measurements and I have plenty of horrid before shots .. and I am coping on the Optifast ..   I feel all this liquid and mushy diet thing is such a finite time you know? 2 weeks pre op .. 2 weeks post op .. 2 weeks of mushy food .. it's all measurable . it's finite . it will END and then I can start to be a normal person ... who happens to like small serves of food and doesn't let the food rule her life.   I am really looking forward to exercise and now it's spring here it's the perfect time to get into that .. oh and walking my dogs .. they will love it and so will I ..   I dont have a set goal yet .. should I have those?   not sure .. I want to feel good and look pretty nice by Xmas .. which is 2 1/2 months away but I have no clue what I will look like by then or what I will have lost.   I figure this is a lifelong journey now so who cares how long it takes .. (though secretly I want it to happen SOOPERFAST hehe)  



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