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My Lap Band Experience "This isn't over until the Skinny lady sings"

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August 6, 2006

Well I finally got all my test results back from the gyno. And they want me to take some pills to help me have a period. Then after a few times of that then I will take the ultra sound again so see how that works. They didnt or couldnt give me surgery because of my port infection hole. Well with my wound, it is about less then a inch. Also I got the approval from my ins. company for the band replacement. So the Nurse from my Dr. office called and we are looking at surgery on 8/31 if my wound is healed. If not then 9/21. I guess I can wait. Its hard but I know it will be done soon and hopfully I will be a REAL bandster again!




July 27, 2006

Hello, Today I have good hopes. I got a letter from my Ins. Co. saying they approve me for getting my lapband replaced. Now I just need this hole to heal. Once it does I am in! I just hope everything is okay with my band. I would hate to wake up without a band. I also went to my Gyno. this week and I might have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. I went and had an ultrasound test done and I will find out Aug. 2 (Wed) the results. I hope everything will be okay. I seem to say that a lot. My husband might be losing his job, The company he works for just isnt what it is anymore. I am trying to stay calm about it all. But his mom might hire him, and even though I have my own mean thoughts about her I will be on his side on what ever he goes for. I know I need to go work soon. I am scared to a little bit.. I havent had a real job in a very long time and I just feel werid about going back out there again. I think I will be able to handle it.. Grab the Bull by the Horns sorta speak LOL Well I will be back soon to let you know how my test results go.




July 18, 2006

Well today I still sit with a hole in my tummy, having to pack it everyday gets so fustrating. But I know that I am not the only one who has gone through this. I want to say everything is going good, well I guess I can say it is, because it sure isnt getting worse. I guess that is a blessing. I pray for the day this will all end and I will be normal again. I want to be able to take a shower for more the 5 min. To be able to let the warm water slapsh over my tummy without plastic all over. Sorry if I sound like I am feeling sorry for myself. I'm really not, I just talk about my feeling over all. I still have not lost any weight, I dont even weight myself anymore... I'm pretty scared to see what that scale would say. But hey, I might be suprized... who knows, but right now im not ready. I really dont have much restriction at all so I can eat just about anything. Sometimes I do get stuck though, On breads or solid read meats. I dont know what I would being I have a leak in my band, and no port. I try to becareful about what I eat, but it is so so so hard. I guess thats why I got the band in the first place. I am still Knitting and Crocheting it helps my days go by. I am making a blanket I think it will take me a very long time but It will all be worth it. I started making doilies too... I never use to like them but now I love them, how funny is that.. lol I guess I like them more now that I can understand what goes in to making one. well I hope everyday gets better and better... I am looking forward to the greener grass!




July 11, 2006

Oh boy it has been so long since I have wrote in here. Well it is about time I catch up. Well my hole is about healed up, It is still about 1in deep. Which to me is a lot (since its my own tummy i guess) But coming from 6in deep 3in wide hole:eek: gots to be so much better. I go and see my wound Dr. on Thursday July 13th I think will be proud of my healing prosses. I have not heard from my Band Dr. or the Nurse, maybe they forgot about me who knows. Maybe the hope I forgot about them LOL Anyway I am trying my hardest to hang in there. I have been getting heart burn almost everytime I eat... which I am so scared as to know why this is happening... I hope my band is doing okay.. I have had it for 15 months now, maybe I should go and get an endo done to make sure everything is okay. My eating habbits seems to go back to normal. I eat so much and its all junk! I cant help it, I feel my band its working with me I shouldnt work with it... you know that feeling... Well maybe I should try a diet or something! UGH I HATE DIETS!!! Thats why I got this dang band in the first place! Gosh I want to get mad... but I cant I have to be strong and know one day just one day all this will end, I will have a new band and I will start to lose weight! I really need to I just turn 30 and I feel like im 80... I barely can walk... I cant breathe at times, I wake of all of a sudden gaspping for air. I cant live like this, I cant put my hubby thourgh this. If this band doesnt work for me I will have to look at my other opptions! For now... I am praying my band is okay.. and I really want it to work for me, I just got to keep my head up and my heart strong!!!!!!!!




June 5, 2006

:cool: I am going crazy! I still have a lot of pus coming out my wound, I really thought I was getting better. Maybe I still am getting better but with the wound pussing like it is, I am sure it slows down the healing time. But I really dont know. I go in to the Wound Specialist on Thursday so maybe she will see if there is anything that I should be doing diffrently. All this scares me, because I need to get a job. I am worried about being around 100 or more people in the same building with a wound like mine. But then it so hard with some of the money problems we are having. Then over all once I do heal, I want to have surgery again.. and that time I will need off to recover. Will a new job even let me take time off like that. There is so much to think about I am going crazy! or just feel like I am, everything is so over whelming. I did take up Knitting Oh what a wonderful thing to do to get my mind off of things. It is so relaxing. All I can do is make scarfs for now but hopefully I will be able to make a lot more then just that. But for now I am really enjoying myself. So between my ceramics and now my knitting, it is helping me keep my mind off of all the bad things in my life. To bad I cant knit my problems away as fast as the yarn goes down. I have not weighed myself, because one day I was so excited I saw 283 and then I was back up to 287.. Hmmmmm I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens when I get my new band. I still have my hopes up about getting my new band. I cant wait!!!!




June 2, 2006

I know I have not wrote on here for a while. But not much has changed until now. I have been so excited about my wound closing up it seems to get better everyday....until last night. I was watching a movie and I just couldnt keep my eyes open.. I started to get really cold and I went outside (80 degrees) and I started shivering. I knew this meant I had an infection brewing up. I went to take a warm bath (water does not touch my covered wound area) and when I looked at the gauze over my wound I noticed it looked green. So when my husband came home he repacked my wound and the packing that was in there was covered in pus.. (it had normally be really red blood throughout) there was a little pink but it was mostly greenish white pus. I didnt say anything I just laied there with tears in my eyes. Sometimes I just want to bang my head on the wall out of fustration I just want to be normal again. Who knows when I will get my band replaced and who knows if its not even messed up now. I am so scared that I will go get my new band and I will wake up to nothing. I guess I just have to see what happens. I am going to have to look for a job soon. My husband pay check was just about cut in half and we are barely living. He is having to work overtime just so we can pay rent. He wants me to work at T Mobile call center, but I am scared about being around so many people with this open wound. Oh well I guess I dont have a choice. I will be applying there Tuesday. Wish me luck! I am praying for a better day today!!!




May 19, 2006

:typing: Hello!!!! Well I am starting to feel more better every day. I went to go see the wound specialist yesterday and everything was looking good. She said I should be healed up in no time!!!! I cant wait, now I can get my new band! Well the insurence is putting up a fight again :Banane09: So I am having my hubby call and get things done over the phone today. I hope everything works out. Last time (my 1st surgery) my husband had to call them too but once he did i was approved the next day. I hope we are that lucky today. I want my new band so bad and I really want to lose weight. I am still trying to get down a few pounds. Well I think everything will work out really well this time!




May 17, 2005

:Banane09: Well I talked to the nurse at my band Dr.'s office. I was suppose to go in this Friday for him to look at my wound. Maybe even stitch it up. Well I can not make it out this Friday... no money for traveling. Anyway my Band Dr. was very happy to know I was seeing a wound specialist out here and that there is no reason for me to travel to CO to see him, since he was only going to look at it. He also said that he does not want to replace my band yet until I am completely healed due to the fact I am at high risk of infection. We are still having a lot of problems getting an approval from my insurence so maybe its a good thing that we wait until we get that approval. Over all I am doing pretty good :bounce: my hole is still deep but not as wide... I guess thats what they mean by healing from the inside out. It still gets old packing it everyday and I bleed a lot, which is a good thing. My hubby is really good taking care of me. I get pain still sometimes so bad I cry but I guess that comes with the fact I have a hole in my tummy. I am going to try and lose some weight... I will record what I am eating so I can hit myself later for eating that LOL I want to lose 5-10 before surgery... Today I weigh in at 287.5. Hey I really have not gained much being I have NO restriction. But on some days I feel I do have restriction and I do something very bad that NO bandster should ever ever do..... I dont even want to utter the words out of my mouth. :kiss Wish me luck I want to be at 280 or 277 by surgery!!!!!!! :clap2:




May 13, 2006

I am feeling much better then my last post. I guess it is normal to go through feelings of depression and sadness once in a while. I also have realized that I cant put all the blame on my Dr. I dont think he sees me and says "I am going to mess up her life today" It is just a freak thing that happened. And if you really look at it, its not all really all that bad. I havent slipped or eroded to make me lose my band forever. I just have a leak and its getting replaced. I had an infection in the port and it got removed. That is what is suppose to be done. I went back and edited a lot of my posts on here so it doesnt read so dramatic. I am staying with my Dr. I have been with him a year and I am going to get him the chance to fix this mess. I knew that there could be possiable complications having this I am STILL willing to take that risk. I cant give up hope yet, I have to keep going. I need a better life for myself and if I am willing to go all the way with this... I know my Dr. is too. I started this thing to lose and by golly I AM GOING TO FINISH!!!!!!! Holes, Leaks and all!!!!




May 9, 2006

I am so down today, I am so sick of being in pain. And I just wish oh how I wish I could just be a normal bandster. I read all thoes wonderful threads about great news and I cant help but feel jealous and that is unlike me at all. I think I will stop reading so much on here and just write in my Journal. I talked to a lawyer, just to talk to see if there is anything I can do, not that i would really do anything I was just curious and wanted to see. But he thinks I dont have much, he said that the Lapband is a high complications rate so its all over looked because I should have known that. I guess poor patient care is part of that. Yeah I might not be totally damaged by this but still.... Oh well its okay I really just wanted to see any how. Gosh it just hurts so bad inside everytime I think of how much I want to be normal... a normal bandster.. to have posts like "I lost 100pounds" or "I went down 2 more sizes" UGH I hate this so much... I always think what if I just had called one other Dr. first. what if.... what if.... what if.... I cant live like this. :think I cant sleep, I have to take 2-3 pain pills before bed... my right side is starting to hurt so bad from sleeping on it so much. My wound burns all night like a sunburn that is being rubbed by a brilo pad. My husband had to stay home from work yesterday to clean the house because I cant. I cant take a normal shower, or a bath... I have to sit there making sure the water doesnt touch my stomach. Sometimes I think I wish I never got this band at all. :cry Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.




May 7, 2006

Today I am feeling a little better. I do have a constant pain but maybe a 3-4 level and not a 6-7 level like it has been. So the packing today went good too. There is still a little bit of pus but not as much there is more blood instead. This is good because it shows that there are new cells there. I cant wait to get this heal and so I can find a new band Dr. and get going on my new band and my new life. I will then put all this past me and move on to losing weight! I cant wait for that day. I take showers still but I cover the area really really good, it doent even get wet at all. So now I smell good and keeping my wound safe. I know everything is going to work out. But sometimes it is so hard to see that light. I just think it will be forever and I am already so sick of have to lay there and get my wound packed. I was even doing it 2 times a day there for a while. Lets see if my band Dr. now or the nurse calls me this week to see how I am doing. I doubt they will. Anyway thats all I really have to say today.




May 6, 2006

The continued story...   May 2, 2006 ~ I went in to see my Primary Dr. He felt so bad with what has happened to me. I told him the story and as I started to cry I told him " Dr. Allen, please, I dont want to see that Dr. again I am so scared" He told me that I didnt have to. That he just wants to get my wound all healed up and HE will find me another band Dr. WOW I felt so good about all that. He also wanted me to see a wound specialist once a week until everything heals up. I really didnt want to but he was really conserned so I agreed. He also gave me more pain meds to help me deal with this pain.   May 4, 2006 ~ I went to see Dr. Driscoll a wound specialist. He was really nice, and I had to go through the whole story with him too. He looked at my wound and said that it looks like it is healing nicely but he wanted me in there once a week. So I made an appointment to see his partner next Thursday.   ***Thats My Story***   Today, Me and my Hubby went to my moms house to vist. As I was sitting on the chair I would get these bad sharp pains where my wound is, like my muscles were spasaming it was very pain full. But when John (my husband) was packing my wound today I noticed a lot more blood then pus. This excites me because that is a good sign of healing... nice new cells building up in there. I guess I have to take each day one at a time Its hard but I know I can do it.   I still cant wait to get a new band. Boy can I eat! last week I was so depressed I ate 2 bags of candy in 2 days :kiss I should NOT have done that. I need to start really watching what I am eating. I dont want to gain the 50 pounds I already lost.   One more thing before I go..... NOT one time this whole week did my Band Dr. call or the nurse just to see how I was doing... Nothing! how mean!!!! well fine then because I am NOT going back there again! Time for me to enjoy a nice weekend with John! :clap2:




May 5, 2006

The continued story....   March 10, 2006 ~ 3 months later from my port replacement, I went back to my Dr. for a fill (6th fill). He was very excited to tell me that they use something to numb the area now. Dang that needle hurt worse then the fill needle. Well he added saline (I dont know how much) I felt it, I drank water and poof it was gone. Again he added more saline, I felt it, I drank water and poof gone. He unscrewed the needle applicator and added more saline. Filled me up all the way I felt it really tight, I drank water and poof gone!... He put his head down. Boy I have seen this look before, as tears started forming in my eyes I heard what no bandster wants to hear. He said I have a leak in my band. OMG!!!! :Banane59: I just had the dang port replaced because of a leak. Okay so I get a new band, that can't be to hard can it? I wanted to have surgery on April 27, 2006 one day before my 1 year. My neice was getting married the 29th so that was not going to happen, so I changed it to May 25, 2006. After this last fill that area got really red and puffy, and it bruised. I wasnt to worried about it, but it got worse. After a week it formed a scab. after 2 weeks the scab came off and it was yellowish pus looking. 3 weeks it was only getting more red. I finally went to my Primary Dr. (thanks to my LBT family that pushed me into going) He put me on Antibiotics oral and cream. After 8 days there was no change. My port was pretty sore and I was getting sharp burning pains. So I made an appointment. April 21, 2006 ~ I went in at 12:30pm and my Band Dr. looked at the infection. And in one week he would stitch it back up. My port came out in his office at 5:00pm He numbed the area really good, I didn't feel a thing. He packed my wound. I started having bad chest pain, right were my band is it was hurting so bad, the nurse ran out to catch my Dr. before he walked out the door. He just told me that he might have tugged on the tubing a bit and shifted the band but I am fine. Then I COULDNT BREATHE! omg I was so scared I was gasping crying hitting my husband on the shoulder looking at him in desperation... I was scared I started seeing stars and gasping as much as I can. The nurse ran out to catch the Dr. again, he came back layed me down and I cried (no sound) and kicking still gasping for air. He said they might have let some air in to my diaphram and that would make me feel that way. finally I calmed down and was able to breathe with a little bit of pain still. I was shocked! I just wanted to go home. Instead we were stuck in a hotel, until the next day.     April 22, 2006 ~ I went in that Saturday morning for my Dr. to pack my wound for the first time. My husband watch carefully. :cry I was not put on Antibiotics, I was told that I would heal better without them.   Packing it has been a challenge and lots of pain. My husbands mom owns a hospice and sent one of her nurses over to help with the packing and supplied us with tons of packing material. What a blessing.   April 27, 2006 ~ My Dr. told me I could take a shower with the wound unpacked and let the water run inside even soap running inside would be ok. I did this and it burned very bad. but I smelled really good LOL. by the evening I was not feeling well so I went to take a nap, I woke up shivering as though it was below freezing. (hmmm i wonder what this ment ha) I sat in a bath with hot hot water ( the water was not touching my bandages) I took my temp and it was 101.4 :sick thats scarey. I got out dried off and my husband did my packing. As he pulled out the packing it was yellow slimy and just plain gross. It was full of pus. I was scared I tried calling the hospital where my band Dr. is and they would not page him for me. But lucky me he had gave me his pager number. So I called to page him myself. I heard *beep, this pager is out of order* Oh cute. I was ready to pack and head out to CO (remember he was going to stitch me up that next day anyway so I already had an appointment) I had to lay down for a bit first I couldnt hold my eyes open. My mom called and I told her what was going on, she cried asking me to just go to ER, I told her I was fine and we will be leaving to CO soon. next thing I knew my sister called begging me to go to ER so okay I went.   Emergency Room ~ 6 hours Ugh what a night. I got on IV drip of antibiotics and took oral antibiotics too. my fever came down and he gave me antibiotics to take for 10 days. I told him that my band Dr. wanted to stitch me up that friday. He said that werid you cant stitch up a hole of that size. And he was also in shock that I wasnt already on antibiotics. Hmmmmm Well we were there until 3:00am   April 28, 2006 ~ My 1 year Band Anniversary. I should be happy right... well I couldnt be more sad. I called to my band Dr. office and the nurse was not in yet so I left her a message, that I was in ER and I wont be going to see my Dr. today. I waited for her to call me back but she never did I finally called her back. she said "I hear you were in the ER last night what happened?" I told her I got a bad infection. She said "Yeah thats why we took out your port, because of an infection" NO!!!!! I her told I was sickand had a temp of 101.4 and that there was so much pus. I started to cry. She said "oh okay did you want to resedule your appointment?" What is she joking??? Not a how are you doing now? is everything okay? UGH!!!! I told her sure 3 weeks! put me down.   Well glad that was all over. I still have more. So until next time!




May 4, 2006

The continued story....   Well after I got home from surgery I followed my bandster rules to a "T". But in June I was starting to eat everything! It was time for a fill. :hungry: June 23, 2005 ~ I went into Colorado to get a fill (1st fill). As I was I could feel it getting tighter. So I was happy that I would have restriction. We spent the weekend in Colorado site seeing, we also took my mom for a small vaction. We had lots of fun. I was being very careful the whole weekend not to over eat. So I really just under ate so I wouldnt get sick. By the time I got back home and back into my normal life I was able to eat everything again. I had no restriction what so ever. :cry   August 5, 2005 ~ I went back to Colorado for another fill (2nd fill). This time taking my neice for a little vaction. Again I felt the fill that day he put it in. But after the weekend of having fun, by Sunday (when we are about to leave back home) I know I need a fill. The on call Dr. at the hospital paged my Dr. and he called me back saying he will met me at his office to have another fill.I thought that was very nice of him. (3rd fill) As he was working with the fill he would push in and out really fast trying and making sure he was talking out all of the air bubbles out. I thought this worked. And it probably did for a few days, but after that nothing.   November 18, 2005 ~ Again I went back for another fill (4th fill) This fill was very painful for me, while my Dr. was putting the needle in he was unable to find my port and he was pushing really hard. I could hear the grinding of the needle against my port, its like it echoed in my won body. I get the chills now just thinking about it. My Dr. notice that what ever he was putting in that same amount was NOT coming back out. Also at this time I could not feel the adjustment at all. My Dr. put his head down almost is shame. He said I had a leak in my port and I would have to have surgery again. they put me down for surgery on Dec. 22. I also reminded him of the numb area (where he cut the nerve) That I was in a lot of pain there so if he could look at it while I was under.   December 22, 2006 ~ I went in for surgery to have my port replaced. I ask my Dr. if he could also move my port down about 2inches. It was originally placed right under my rib and I was in a lot of pain driving or sitting down to long. Again I reminded him of the sharp pains I was feeling where it was numb on the surface of the skin, but painful inside. He marked an X where he would look. I came out of surgery groggy like normal. I was told there was a massive scar tissue around the tubing and he cut it away. He also put in 2cc's of saline while I was under (5th fill) I went home that same day to be with my family for Christmas. It was a hard and painful Christmas for me.   To be Continued.......




May 3, 2006

To bring my journal up to date I need to start at the beganing, I need to go back to January 4, 2005.......   Jan. 4, 2005 ~ I went in to Dr. Smith's office for a consult about the Lap Band. I was very excited and couldnt wait to get it. Dr. Smith explained the Band to me, I weighed in and that was all. I did not have to do any test no X-rays, no blood work, no EKG. I did though have to go thourgh a Psych. Evaluation and talk to a Dietician. I found someone in Alb. to do my Psych Evaluation, she didn't know anything about the band so I told her everything I knew of it and I guess I passed . The Dietician was in CO so she called me over the phone and we talked for about 30mins to 45mins. And I was all done. They origanlly put me down for March 13, 2005 to get the band. But money and time did not permit. So I waited until April 28, 2005. I went on a 10 day liquid diet pre-op and that was very hard for me. I think I lost 15 pounds. The morning of April 28, 2005 It was snowing in CO and I was in shorts Brrrrrr. I went in got my paper work done waited for the blood thiners to kick in... and that was it. I was under. I woke up and the first thing out of my mouth was "Am I Skinny Yet?" hahaha I spent the night in the hospital that night and then went to a hotel room until that following Monday. I went in to see my Dr. That Monday I was complaining of numbness on the out side of my tummy. My Dr. said "Oh I might have cut a neve Sorry!" Oh is that all... :Banane59: I went home and healed up.   I dont want this post to be so long its hard to read..... So...:bored To Be Continued.......




May 2, 2006

Well it is 4 days after my 1 year Band Anniversay. This should be a day that I can rejoice in and be happy, but all I am is sad! :think April 28, 2005 I got my band I was so excited to start my life over. I wasnt wrong in that my life did start over just in the other way. It wasn't like that at first but everything just kept adding up. Now 1 year later.... I am broken down ripped into and tossed like a piece of meat. I am hopeing that having this journal will allow me to express my thoughts. Anyone can read them maybe even learn from them.



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