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59 hours to surgery

Wow! Two more full days of my pre-op fast/diet and I'll be heading to the hospital on Thursday morning for surgery. My stomach feels like a volcano tonight. Guess I consumed something today that didn't agree with me. I've got chicken broth and creamed soup coming out of my ears. I bought some ready-made, no sugar added puddings. They only have 1 grm of protein, and I liked that idea, being limited to 20 grms on my pre-op this allowed me to put a bit more into my stomach than I have been. Maybe the pudding is what upset my stomach. I've also had the headache from hell for the last few days. Tylenol has no effect. Getting the pre-op jitters. Hoping I've made the right decision and that I will succeed in this weight loss journey.




Pre-Op Fast & The Surgery Countdown

It's day 2 of my pre-op fast. I woke up with a headache this morning.   It not easy to stay at 20 grms of protein for a 24 hour day. Yesterday morning, I quickly realized that one no sugar instant breakfast with 1% milk used up 13grms of my 20 grms of protein. Didn't leave me much for the remainder of the day.   For the rest of this pre-op fast. I plan to carefully ration my protein. A full can of a Campbells cream soup with chicken broth instead of milk, will only use 3-5 grms of protein (for the entire can). That gives me the option of 3-4 cans of soup per day and still stay within my 20 grms of protein. I'd rather have soup several times throughout the day than one instant breakfast. I'll save the instant breakfasts and sugar free puddings for post-op when I'll have more grms of protein to spend.   I discovered Luigi's no sugar added Italian ices in the ice cream section of my local market. They are very yummy. Six per box.   That's my 2 cents for today. Happy Easter!!!




24.5 Hours

I begin my pre-op fast in 24.5 hours. My surgery is 8 days away on April 16th.   Went for my pre-op labs and final class today. A review of medical, dietary and exercise information.   I have my pre-op physical and history appointment this Friday.   It's countdown time!




2009: New Year - New Body

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to me! Three weeks from today I'll be banded. I'll be on the liquid fast during the Easter holiday. I went to Golden Corral last night. It wasn't my idea. Family wanted to go. All you can eat buffets and super sizing; it's no wonder we are a nation of obese children and adults, and that heart diseae is one of the top three causes of early death. So, how does one succeed in this weight loss journey, even with a lap band? I guess that's my biggest concern in an environment of all the food you can eat. So much socialization revolves around FOOD; having friends and family over for meals; going out for lunch/dinner with friends. I guess that's where the support group comes in. I'm still filled with mixed feelings, questions, concerns, doubts and hopes. I'd appreciate any support and insights that the experienced banders can offer!




2009: New Year - New Body

I received a call from my Surgical Weight Loss (SWL) doctor's office two weeks ago. My insurance, Tricare Standard, has approved my LapBand surgery. I have a surgery date of April 16th (not soon enough for me!).   My process began in mid-November 2008, with nine mandatory pre-op orders that had to be completed before the surgeon's office would request surgical approval from my insurance company.   Initial surgical weight loss seminar Office visit with my surgeon Blood labs Chest x-ray Upper GI testing Psychological evaluation Support group meeting Pre-op wellness and exercise class White light scan   I worked through these within seven weeks. Getting an appointment for the psych eval was the most difficult. All the psych doctors had full schedules three - six months out. I was blessed to be find and be placed in a cancellation slot.   All in all, my journey thus far seems to have been pretty painless compared to many people. I received approval from my insurance within a week of completing all of my surgical prerequisites.   So, now I find myself giving considerable thought to the surgery. Will I be happy when I’m finally banded? Will I discover that food was my drug of choice? Will I regret my decision after banding? Will I be able to live with eating several mini-meals for the rest of my life? Will I be faithful in all I have to do to insure that I get the proper amounts of protein, nutrition and hydration? How will the Lap-Band affect my quality of life and ability to get necessary nutrition when I am elderly?   I’m excited about the surgery, but I am not without “what if’s”. Am I the only woman that has these pre-surgery questions going through her head?:thumbup:   Are there any other Virginia Beach/Tidewater bandsters out there?




2009 New Year - New Body

I received a call from my SWL doctor's office two weeks ago. My insurance, Tricare Standard, has approved my LapBand surgery. I have a surgery date of April 16th (not soon enough for me!).   My process began in mid-November 2008 with eight pre-op orders that had to be completed before the surgeon's office would request surgical approval from my insurance company.   Initial Blood labs Chest x-ray Upper GI testing Psych evaluation Support group meeting Pre-op wellness and exercise class White light scan



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