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More Madness... year after surgery

Today is a milestone in my life... my new life! I woke up today and did my 1 hour work out! I did 30 min of hip hop abs and 30 min of incline training on the treadmill! I feel awesome!   I also took my one year bandaversary pic's but had a problem uploading I was totally bummed. I must admit I'm not loving the camera just yet but working on that.   I am going to a water park with my girls and their girl scout troop... Ya I'm a leader and it's time to wear a bathing suite! My feeling is are you kidding me I'm not into wearing bathing suites! Although the one I wore this summer fits a lot better. I guess I have to just suck it up and go and have fun... I feel great but not bathing suite great. That's a lot of skin showing lol. Oh and it's the middle of a Nasty winter here in the CHI (Chicago)!   So I am going to get it together and try and really get myself behind that camera more often! Maybe it will help me see the transformation of -60 lbs.   Oh I must tell you that shopping these days are a lot of fun especially finding good deals. Went to Express last night and was able to by size Medium and they had a big ole sale...$5.99 tops boy talk about a great feeling! I'm really starting to feel a lot more normal these days.   I love my Mono (band in Spanish) I don't ever want to be with out it!   Keep strong Keep focused and live the band life Peace!




My Madness continues a year after banding!

So I have been MIA from my blog for for to long! But I must tell you I do lurk a lot on LBT but I've noticed that I for one have been one of these slow losers! But to my surprise you never really realize what your eating until you really look at labels... Then theirs the little of this. You get aggravated with no restriction then you get some but it's not enough and then BANG Sweet Spot!!!!!!!!! Yes this is me… 8 fills later (8 months out of surgery)!!! To date I’m about 4 months into my Sweet spot making me down 60 lbs at my 1-year bandaversary! Yes Last Year on Friday the 30th of January I underwent this awesome procedure that has given me my life back. I am happier and healthier then ever thanks to my band. Despite the length in getting to my sweet spot the weight is melting off but I have to work for this!!! I work out hard and really follow the band rules. Yes it's easy to eat Crap (chips, cookies and ice cream) but if you do that you will never get the results you want... I don't deprive I just really watch the junk AKA slider foods more closely and try not to consume them often. I eat about a cup a food at one sitting and I try not to snack between meals and work out at least 30 min a day weather I feel like it or not! Don’t get me wrong there’s days I really don't want to but I get up and do it anyway and I must tell you I feel soooooo much better. I’m happy to celebrate my 1-Year today and hope to take pic’s tonight and post my before and after although I’m not done want to loose another 40-50 lbs this year! ~let the Madness continue…Peace




More Madness ~life after band~

So after I posted my blog yesterday I decided that I needed to do something about my being able to eat any and everything. So I was able to get in for a fill yesterday afternoon. I was given 1 cc making it a total of 3.5 cc's since surgery because I was told that at time of surgery 3 cc's were installed with my band. Anyway ya I'm feeling this 1cc and loving it. I was able to eat 4 oz of cottage cheese this AM and feeling it at the band. Which is something I didn't really feel before except for after surgery due to swelling. I really hope this does the trick for at least a little while. Because I hatted to be on the hunt for food!!!!!   So today is my 11 week bandaversary!!!! I am realizing that dispite this minor set back this was really the best decision I've made. Yes it's a challenge and it's not the easy way out. REALLY their is NOTHING easy about this BAND!!!!!! Because I can still eat cake and candy and chips all junk goes down really well. But if I eat the right amount of protien I notice I'm not wanting the junk food. Even when using will power a bite or two of cake is more then enough.   One more thing I realized this AM is I need to keep my eye on the prize!!! For me it's being a healthy skiny B*tCh!!!!! No more cpap, comfy in my own skin, no more rubbing thighs, being able to walk up stairs with out huffing and puffing and most of all being able to complete my black belt training (I've been on hold with this for a while and I'm only 3 belts away).   ~life is better today~ PEACE




More Madness ~this time it's life after band~

So I'm 10 weeks and 6 days out and well this week I'm gaining weight!!!!!!!! So I'm frustrated.... But I know why I'm gaining but the point is I can eat any and everything with no problem. Ugh so I had some chocolates of course I did it goes down, it goes down really well. Although I have to say it again everything goes down really well. I guess I'm starting to panic this AM when the scale read up a few pounds. I was sick for a week and a half so I haven't worked out either. Ugh... I need to get back on the loosing track. It's just so hard. I know I need to plan my meals but I haven't all week I clearly know what the problem is but I wish my band could kick in to gear with me and stop me from being able to eat so much. Oh and this darn TOM that just won't go away I have been spotting since like a week after surgery and this AKA period was the worst ever it was heavy and I would have bleed threw situations all weekend. WOW as I'm rambiling on here and I'm seeing issues. I wonder if the PMS is making me crave chocolate. AM I a wide open TOM girl, because last months AKA TOM I was tighter then all get out!!!!! ugh My madness is complete MADNESS!!!   Let me finish this blog on a good note: I do know that before the band I probably wouldn't have lost these 25 pounds I would have gained them so I'm greatful I was able to have willpower the first 10 weeks. I will try and continue from today to go back to my band rules and not eat other then Protien first, Veggies, Fruits, starches and sweets if I'm still hungry. AND DRINK MY WATER... AND WAIT THE WHOLE 1 HOUR AFTER MEALS to drink... PEACE!!!!!!




Adding to my Madness...In 2009 good things are coming!!!

So I've been MIA again from my blog! The Holidays were rough... But what ever back on the ban wagon... SO I finally got a date on Jan 6th and my band date is JAN 30th which is just about 2 weeks away. I'm excited and ready for the journey... I have to admit I did gain a few pounds so I'm freaking out like I always am! That would be ME. So This Saturday I get to do all the final lab work and EKG, chest x-ray and what ever other stuff that I can't seem to remember at this moment. But I'm so ready to get it over with because my addiction to food just sucks! Ugh can't wait to get this undercontrol and get rid of issues and get skinny on top of all that!!!!!!!!!!!!   I'll keep u posted




The madness continues.....

So Yes I know I've been MIA to my blog, but I've been in limbo with getting my Shiz together. So here is an update/overview of what has happened since my last blog. I went to the Shrink and Dietician! Lets go over the Dietician - She said my eating is good! Ya that's cuz I'm on Phentromine (sp?), so I'm not craving any crap! But she gave me the thumbs up and said I think you will be just fine, but I must follow the guidlines and what not. So that was one down 1 more to go (ALL ON THE SAME DAY BY THE WAY). So my visit with her was over and I had about 40 min gap to get the Shrinks office. I had my girls with me and they poor babies were up since the butt crack of dawn and were like can we get Burger King I'm like sure so we did. Not very good for me but I ate a Jr whopper no cheese no mayo! Then off we were to the Shrink APT where I did a million Question test actually 2. Took me three hours YES still had my babies with me! They were such good girls. Anyway so he said we need to meet again to go over test and talk ok so we made an APT for the follow Saturday which was OCT 11. Well we talked and it all went good he said well you are sensitive so if the surgery takes 6 weeks to heal it will take you 8 weeks. But other then that Your great canditit GREAT!!! I felt so happy to hear that. So he says it will take me a couple of weeks to get the letter together and the Dr. Rantis My insides reaction was WTF can't you do it now and hand it to me! Nope instead I have to pay him my $25 co-pay and wait it out. So Wed YEs this WED 1.5 weeks later the Kane Center chic e-mails me just need the Shrink Clearance letter can you call him to see if he can fax it over! I'm like Cr@p ok I call him were getting close to the 2 week mark what the heck. So I left him a message at 7AM YES I SURE DID lol I start work at 7AM and saw the E-mail saying call and get that letter faxed I was on it like no ones business lol. So he calls me back last night at about 10PM YES he said sorry for calling so late but I just know you want an answer. YES I SURE DO!!!!!!!! He said I'll get it over to them tomorrow afternoon latest Saturday afternoon. He was still working on it. UM how long does it take to say Ya she's not a nut case HELLO! IS this a test! LOL ok well my patients I've been praying for has def been put to good use. SOOOOO the waiting game begins. Am I APPROVED yet oh they haven't sent them in YET!!!!!!!! COME ON SEND IT IN ALREADY, I'm off the Phentromine for a week now and have gained a whopping 10 LBS :confused:.... I so need this BAND~ Ok I'll keep you updated on what happens...:tt2:




My madness continues...

My madness continues in my lapband journey... Thus far I had been waiting for the next step from Bariatrics insurance specialist at my Sergeons office. It only took like 2 weeks to get some answers! Ya I was a little peeved at first. But I keept praying until I got some anwers. So the answers came in on Thursday AM didn't even know it until about 3PM when I took a quick break at work and saw that I had 2 messages. I was so mad that I didn't see that at lunch time. But I was just like what ever took down all the info. I only needed to see the dietition and the Physic both for evaluation. So the last 30 min of work were hell because I wanted to call and make the apt already. But didn't want to do at work people know about my WLS. So I got home and made the calls first call was the Dietician and OMG the lady says I have a canceled opening this Sat AM at 8AM is that good I'm like sure that would be great. Then I get on the horn and call the Shrink lol but all I get was leave a message I'm thinking of crap things were going so perfect and looking like I'm going at this as a fast track, which was awesome! SO I left the message and gave him the number to work and time I could be reached their. So Went about my life and Friday AM didn't think he would call me at work but OMG he did, and that was great. When he tells me a little about what I need to do and that it would take 2 sessions I was like ok but bummed about OMG it's going to take forever to get this going. Then he says let me look at my schedule and he says I have a Saturday at 9AM I say thats not good he says I also have a 10:45 I'm like oh that's perfect because I have an 8AM already didn't want to schedule them too close together in time. So I'm so excited at this point and worred that I will have my girls with me this weekend and they will have to come with me no other option. SO I make a point to talk to my girls 6 and 4 and tell them that I will have 2 apts and it will be a rough AM but that if they act good I will take them to see Beverly Hills Chewowa! Worked like a charm and it was a long day took me 3 hrs to take that 9 million question test actually it was 2 tests ugh. But I survived so I have to go back and see him thankfully he has an opening next Saturday to talk over how I pan up to be ok for surgery. Until then the madness continues...




New and confused in the beginning stage of this process

So this is all new to me although I've been doing research and going to doctors visits and having all kinds of tests done and well my doctor finally gave me the referral to a surgeon. Although I confused. I called the doc and I have to do some seminar before they can give me an apt. The girl was really nice and advised me to see if my insurance covers bariatrics and to not ask to many questions, so I did just that. I was advised that it is covered if medically needed once approved they will cover 100%. I also asked where on line I could find the requirements so she told me where and so I went to look but that info is not online. So I came across something else in the benefits website under doctor search and it didn't have names of doctors but approved facilities for bariatrics and this doctor is not affiliated with any of the 4 hospitals in the Chicago land area! So am I just wasting my time with this seminar if this doctor isn't affiliated with one the the 4 hospitals? Ugh... Anyone have a suggestion for me. I will tell you that I was diagnosed with sleep apnea (just received my cpap machine a week ago) my BMI is 41 or 42 and I have been having back issues and went to therapy and MRI's and nothing is wrong mechanically. I have issues with my ankles and knee's giving out I'm like 5'. 0.5" and as of yesterday 219 (I lost 5 lbs this month, I'm so proud). I have BCBS of GA and I live in Chicago land area go figure out of state insurance! Does any of this look hopeful? Some one anyone give me some inspiration words of wisdom. I've been wanting and pushing doc to say ok lap-band since early this Year and it's now August and I just turned 30 2 weeks ago and want to enjoy my 4 year old daughter and life.



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