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Bone stuck!

Well it's been a while since I posted so I thought I'd report on how I've been. I'm down to a size 14:thumbup:wow! Never thought I'd see that size again. Anyway I went to Florida for vacation a couple weeks ago. Had a great time except near the end. I went to a rib place and ate some ribs I felt something get stuck. Nothing weird about that, but felt a little different. it wouldn't go away and it kind of hurt. Usually when I get something stuck I can't eat for a little while well after this time I couldn't eat for the next day. By evening I couldn't even drink and I get dry heaving. I ended up going to the hospital and they didn't know what to do. They gave me anti vomiting meds and pain meds ( I was in extreme pain by this point), they didn't have a bariatric Dr. available until morning. So they admitted me and keept me on meds. By morning a bariatric Dr. came in to see me and he took out all my fluide from my band. I burped and felt a lot better. ahhhh. What a relief. I couldn't eat for a couple of days, but by the time I got home and back to my Dr. I was feeling a lot better. My Doc put in 6cc back in I was still swollen so I couldn't fit any more in. Im suppose to wait a couple of weeks to get another fill. Well it's been a couple of weeks and they now cant get me in until Aug.:rolleyes2:. The swelling is gone and I feel no risistants. Im hungry Im so scared that I will over eat! So far Im doing well. No gain. My daughter is getting married in Sept and I need to lose 20 more lbs.. I NEED A FILL! As long as I don't gain I'll be ok. Well my hands are tired. Until I blog agian. bye Cyndy




First Fill

Well I had my first fill yesterday. Everyone was right. It was worse in my mind than the actual fill. My doctor put 4.4 cc in. I thought that was a lot for my first time but it is helping I don't feel as hungry as before and I really can't eat as much. To date I've lost a total of 28lbs. Wow! :willy_nilly: All in 6 weeks. When I started in Dec. of 07 it took me 9 months just to lose 14lbs. Then I gained it all back with in a month and half. The lapband is the greatest tool I could have gotten to help me lose the weight. I realize it's still me eating the right things and exercising the lapband just really makes me more conscious of what I eat and do. The lapband is'nt doing the work I am. Needless to say I still miss eating real food. Im so sick of protein!




2 weeks out

I was 2 weeks post op yesterday. I have lost 24lbs since pre op diet. :cursing: But lately Ive been so depressed. I didn't realize how much I depended on food for comfort, satisfaction, and happiness. If you had asked me 5 days ago if I regretted this I would have said YES! I miss eating so much! I want to quit this diet, but I cant. But now Im seeing how much I used food and am finally getting to know who I am (without food) and it's not easy. I now am trying to depend on food for nutritian, thanks to my band. Its so damn hard! I just want to cry everyday! :angry_smile: God is what is going to get me through this. I'll learn to relly on him instead of food!:cursing:   Look no double chin anymore!





Ok started liquid diet 2 days ago. Im STARVING!! I never realized this before but I really think I may be a food addict. Now I can honestly say yes I am a food addict. Im trying to find other ways to deal with boredom, depression, and anger now that I can't just go eat. Blogging seems to help. Im so hungry it's hard to think. I took my measurements and weight for the before and after. Wow when did I get so big? My bust 43', w 41, h 53, arms 15" and thighs 29" the size of a normal persons waist.:cry_smile: I just have to remember this is suppose to be the hardest part. My new mantra "I can do this":welldoneclap:




Do I really want this?

Ok I just got a book "Weight loss surgery for dummies" and it makes me nervous how you change so many things about your life. I just keep thinking if I could change all those things I wouldn't need the surgery but, I know this is a tool to help me with the change. I think Im just getting nervous because it is getting closer to my surgery date. Besides there are a lot of good changes also. The biggest one is being healthy for a change. My kids are young and I have 2 grandkids and I want to be able to play with them! I CAN DO THIS!!!:rolleyes2:




Bloging for the first time.

Ok here goes. Im a 41 wife and mother of four, 22, 21, 8, & 6. A grandmother of two, 2 and 6m. I have survived a hystorectomy, and cancer of my kidney. I am ready to take control of my life and lapband is going to be my tool to start! I started my journey in Dec. of 07. For ins. I had to lose 20lbs to qualify for the surgery. It was a long hard road. I thought to myself if I could lose the 20lbs on my own I wouldn't be trying to get a lapband. Well I did very well losing the wait until March, I had lost about 10lbs and had to have foot surgery. Guess what? I gained my weight back. I got back on the wagon the next month, did all my visits for heart, pulmanary, (find out I have sleep apnea) and psyc.. by Aug. I lost 15lbs again and they sent it off to my ins. co.. The next week my ins. approved surgery:thumbup:. Well I called the office to set my surgery date and find out they never recieved ok from pulmanry Dr. :smile:. I had to call them and they said I needed another appt.. Luckily they got me in the next day. It is Mon. morning and Im waiting for 9:00 to call the office and see if they recieved the ok. Just when I think everything is back on trac my dh dicides to let me know he doesn't want me to do the surgery. :tongue2: Now's a fine time to tell me. He is afraid something might go wrong or I won't make dinner after I have the surgery (he loves his food, who dosen't). Ive assured him the only thing that would chande was my size. He did let me know it was my choice, but I still can tell he is upset about the whole issue. I want this to work out so bad. Im tired of being fat and hungry all the time.



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