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Yays! with a little Hip Hips in it!

Ok, so waiting...as we all know that part sucks the most....especially when youre calling your surgeons office three times a day for three weeks just to find out if they have anything on your insurance to see if you have infact been approved or if youre still waiting......I knew nothing, all I know is that August 20th I went to see Dr. Snyder and I heard nothing after that. Finally! Finally I heard from Dolly, who deals with the insurance in the office. Come to find out they were late getting back my Dictation from the Doc.:thumbup: I was a tad furious...but the best part was that she said she was sending my insurance stuff in MONDAY! So. then of course as inpatient as I am I politely asked her..."how long is it going to take now after you have submitted my paperwork?" she mentioned it usually takes 30 days which is fine suprisingly because at least I know whats going on but she made me even more excited when she said " In your case it shouldnt take that long to get you approved!":thumbup: thats basically the face I had lol when she told me that on the phone. I am going to Disneyland first week of October with my bf and son...and Im hoping I hear something either by the time I get back, or there soon after to set up my appt for surgery. Ive been waiting for this moment forever! I cant wait till next year when I celebrate being able to actually ride the rides at Disney and anywhere else. This time around im just going to have to enjoy the smile on my sons face when he finds out that where taking him:lol:




Waiting is half the battle!

So in July I went to the seminar explaining and talking about Lapband. I have been debating about doing this for almost over a year. I finally decided to take charge of my life and focus on myself. Ever since I was younger around 12 as I remember I use to always take care of my brother because my mother was always gone trying to make a living. A year after that I decided to move in with my dad in which even then I had to take care of my father because of his weight. This is something I noticed at a young age since I was 12 and shoping for school clothes for my new school in a new state that I had to already go into the women sizes for clothes. At the age of 12 I was shopping for a size 12. Thats when I realized even at a young age that I was over-weight. All my life I was always the chubby kid. Never really got made fun of it until I was in the 7th grade. I looked more like a boy because I was plump and had short hair so I was called a "dyke" because I have overly huge shoulders that make me look like a hard ass. lol as I would put it. All my life I always took care of someone, everyone but myself, at the age of 21 I had a son. A beautiful son of course. I was very happy that I had this happy blessing in my life. But again, I had to take care of another. Just until now did I finally feel so complete in my life that I decided to focus on me. Not only for myself because well as important as that is, I needed also to do it for my son because I dont want him to have to be like me when I was younger and take care of my obese parent. I want to be able to go to a amusement park and ride all the rides with my son, and go to waterworld without going down a slide and almost flipping over because my weight is pushing me faster down the slide and the bottom of my bathing suit falling down under my stomach with my pooch sticking out. I dont mind it as much as it may seem in me writing this blog. I still have a blast no matter where I go. Just to see the smile on my sons face is a blessing all on its own. Im ready to be reborn, and give myself this gift to have Lapband done so that not only will I be Happier then I already am, but be the healthiest Ive ever been. I do all this because well, Im just that rad!:party:



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