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Weight loss update

Ok, it has been since Jan since the last time I've checked in and at that time I was around 25lbs down I am happy to say I am now another 10lbs down. for a total of 35lbs. Which means I am losing a total of 1.4lbs a week give or take since my surgery. So you know I am pretty happy with that. I am finally in a size 12 pants and I use to be in an 18. I can finally shop in the smaller section of the stores (although, I still find myself looking in the big girls side) People are saying I look like I am melting away. (which I say ...Gosh I hope so):thumbup: I've been at 7cc for awhile in a 10cc band which seems to be working out ok. I still have around 30 more lbs to go but I'll get there. I am excited about the summer coming where I can get out and be more active this year. This has been the best thing I've ever done for myself. It is so nice to see those lbs I've lost I will never ... never see again in my life!! I am still climbing the mountain.. but the top sure seems a little closer now. In the words of Mr Joe Dirt..."keep on keeping on!"... Nite




Just touching base

Hi there,   It has been awhile since I've been here with the holidays and all. I have to admit I really am glad to have them over with this year. I was banded in Sept 2008 and all the christmas parties we had at my work! UGH talk about having to use self control! Although, I must admit I didn't always have that much control:eek: I am down 25lbs now give or take so that is an improvment. But my new goal is to lose 30lbs by March. I am going in today or tomorrow depending on when they can schedule me for a fill and go over a plan for me for the New Year. My long term goal is to have a total of 60lbs by my 41st birthday which is in June. I am feeling better and my pants are loser which is a good feeling my kids even commented this year that I looked thinner even though I still have a long way to go but I am in oneder land now and that is a good feeling by itself. I hope everyone out there is doing great and losing the weight that they want. Heres to a New Year and a New ME/You! Happy New year everyone ... Theresa:thumbup:




Tortoise and the Hare

I went in yesterday for fill and I was thinking about my weightloss journey on the way home and how it really fits in with the story of the tortoise and the hare. When I got on the scale at the center it showed that I am down 14lbs from surgery (9-2-08) and that is good but my mind is the hare.. wanting to go faster with the weightloss even finding myself saying.. "My friend had it and is down 25lbs now" Then at that moment I realized that my weightloss is the tortoise doing what it is suppose to do going slow and steady losing the 1-2lbs aweek taking the road it needs to reach the finish line... It just takes time. It is hard at times when you have the hare talking to you wanting to lose faster wanting to get into that next size of pants wanting to see that 25lbs gone! I think this is a struggle every person has trying to lose weight even if they don't have the band. So the next time I get on the scale and the numbers aren't as fast as the hare thinks they should be.... I'll just remind myself I have the tortoise that will carry me to the finish line.




Sweet Spot

I just have to let the whole world know that I am in my Sweet Spot!! I am so excited and I only had to get two fills to get there. I hope that it last for awhile at my first appointment for a fill they told me the Dr had left 4cc in at surgery so she only added 2cc =6cc so I thought I was going to be good there but I still could eat waaay to much then so I called and my another appointment for a week later and I was down 2.6lbs (but I was starving that week) so she gave me .5cc for a total of 6.5cc. So far that seems to be the magic number. I was worried because sometimes you read on here how people have to go back sometimes 4times to get there. The only real problem I have now is I have to remember to CHEW MY FOOD BETTER!:cry_smile: I think I've chewed enough and WRONG:scared2: GOLF BALL IN CHEST! I guess it is just a learning curve. Hoping that everyone is in their sweet spot zone and have a great day.   Theresa




First fill not so good

Today I am 1month out from my surgery date. I got my first fill on the 30th September and I have a total of 6cc in my band. I had 4cc from surgery and they added 2cc. I have the APS Lap band So I was very excited thinking I was going to have the restriction that I needed. Well, I was wrong! I stayed on soft foods the first day just because I didn't want to upset my stomach then yesterday I did my protien shake in the morning everything was fine there and then I came home for lunch and I ate a whole sandwhich with 100cal chip pack and a suger free pudding. I didn't wash down my food and didn't have any problem getting it down. Although, after everything settle I think the pudding upset my stomach. So I thought to myself I shouldn't be able to eat this much and I called my WLS center and the lady was not very happy with me she said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING EATING BREAD YOUR NOT SUPPOSE TO EAT BREAD":cursing: I said "because I was hungry" then she went on about how bread expands in your stomach and can block your band and she said I shouldn't be able to eat that much and set me up for another fill for next Tues. I wanted something this week but they were booked up. I did have a little harder time getting dinner down last night ate some chicken and didn't chew it well enough and it was stuck for a few minutes boy was that painful but was ok once I finally got it down. I am only down 10lbs so I am really looking forward to getting my fill handle so I can get this weight loss going. Plus, I am in the middle of trying to find a new job because my boss needs to downsize due to the state of our country right now and you know how food can be your friend in stressful times So yeah .... Good Times! Going to keep reading everyone elses to give me strenght and just keep the faith that "This too shall pass" Theresa WA




Bad Weekend

This weekend I gave into my weakness. I found myself falling back into a lot of my old habits. The habits that I promised myself I wouldn't do. Pizza, hamburgers, mexican and greasy grilled ham and cheese. I had my surgery on the Sept 2 '08 and I go in for my first fill on the 30th but what makes me so upset with myself is that I've worked so hard and went thru so much this month that I just gave in like that. I will give myself a little credit that even though I did eat these things is was a little smaller portions then when I before.. example pizza ate 2 slices instead of 4.. mexican had some chips but not the half the basket and did have some food left on my plate when I left. I am hoping that when I get my fill I will only be able to eat 1/2-1cup of food because right now I can eat way more than that. I have the AP Lap Band 10cc I keep hearing that when they do surgery on you they leave some fluids in but I am not sure how much I am hoping when I get my fill Tues that I am lucky enough to get good restriction and can get back in control. Ok, going to chalk this up to a bad weekend and keep the faith that I will overcome this monkey I have on my back with food. ..... Theresa




2weeks post op

Went for my Post Op appointment yesterday and everything was fine. Still only down 6.4lbs but I am feeling so much better. I am on mushy still very excited that on Monday I'll be able to eat normal food again. Hard to believe that I just had my surgery on Sept 2 and I am only a few days away from eating normal food again. I do find that I am hungry more than I was when I was swollen. But the nurse I had the appointment with said not to worry too much about that the first month is just about healing and I did get to schedule my first fill for Sept 30th so looking forward to that. I am trying to do some self control on my meals and putting everything on salad plates because right now I do feel as if I could eat more than that and I stop when I am done with that portion. Although, I do have a bad habit I am really trying to change I am a snacker when I prepare food. Take a little here ... little there and of coarse I still have to prepare meals for my husband and I found myself taking little bits from his meal. But I guess Rome was not built in a day. I really am looking forward to my first fill and maybe that will help with that. Nurse gave me the ok for working out so going to start walking more since the weather is so nice now and then I'll break out the treadmill in the winter. I am looking forward to Oct because I think once I get a fill or fills as needed I will see more weight loss which I think will help with motivation kind of hard right now when you really don't feel any difference. Love reading about everyone success really helps and I keep telling myself "It works for them and this will work for me" :thumbup: and I am going to support group at my weightloss center so I think so far I am on the right track. So until next time I ramble.... Theresa WA




First blog

:thumbup:Well, this is my very first note in the long journey I will be taking. I've decided to get the lapband after ten years of being overweight thanks to two of my pt getting it done and their great success rate and to all those that I've read about. I will be going to my appointments on 8-22-08 and since I am a cash pt they gave me all my appointments in one day! I guess money really does talk! I will be going to Northwest weight loss center and my surgery be with Dr.M. I am very excited to meet him since I have heard such wonderful things about him. I have to say this wouldn't be possible without the love and support of my husband who once we made this commitment had a check in hand for me two days later! I would welcome any and all comments and would love to hear about the evals I will be taking. Looking forward talking with everyone more. Theresa -WA



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