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Preparing to get Banded in August

So here is where I'm at so far. I started a new job 90 days ago and found out they cover the Band on their insurance. I've always had a porblem with keeping weight off so I decided to go for it. I just had my first child in January and I still look as though I could be preggers. Sad.   I have gone through the dietician and exercise physiologist. I had my chest x-ray and go for my cardiology clearance Tuesday. They did blood work and found out I had H Pylori so I have to take 30 days of antibiotics before I can schedule my preop visit. I'm on the second week of 4 weeks now. I'm currently 270 pounds and should be more like 150 so this will be quite the road to travel.   I have talked to so many people that have had this surgery and everyone tells me something a little different. I've met everyone from those who have lost a whole person to those who have gained weight. Some with no side effects and some who throw up everyday. I have been successful in the past with losing weight but I can never keep it off, so one of my big concerns is, "will I be hungry after the band is put on?" My doctor who has done tons of these looks at me kind of crazy and says No. That's why you get the band, so you won't feel hungry.   But after reading people's stories, I'm kinda concerned. So many people say they are starving and I don't want to feel that way. Is there anything I cna do about feeling hungry after the band but before it's time for a fill? I want to be successful but if I'm constantly thinking about how hungry I feel I know it will be exceedingly difficult. I know it's just a tool, but do any of you think about food as much after the band as before? :frown:



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