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Almost six weeks post op and my first fill tomorrow...

Well...it's almost time for my first fill and I'm still doubting whether or not I need it. I guess that's a good thing. I've been trying to exercise 5/7 days a week and am losing regularly and doing well with my eating.   Thanksgiving day, I went on a 2-mile plus fast walk and then had dinner with family (I ate all I wanted...small quantities) and lost a pound that day! Two days later, I had my second T-day dinner after going on a hike with a friend that morning...and lost TWO pounds!   I think I know what's going on...I'm pretty sure I'm building muscle and that increases metabolism. Initially, I had 49% body fat...I'll be anxious to recheck that (I'm going to do it this week). I would bet I've increased muscle while decreasing fat.   I'm not doing any big muscle building exercises...just using some hand weights and doing some basic things like curls.   Hope this helps someone!




Twelve weeks post op

Well, I'm about 12 weeks post-op and I've lost almost 39 pounds so I guess I'm doing pretty well. I had my first fill last week and feel a little more restriction but can still eat more than I think I should...so I need to work on my willpower for now!   I am exercising about five days a week and that is new for me (treadmill/light strength training). I just started a class at the Y...also a first. It's a latin dance class called "Zumba" and is really fun as everyone is willing to laugh at themselves! I am truly uncoordinated so that's a good thing! One BIG thing is that I am trying to do some jogging--I'm doing a program called C25K--we'll see. In the meantime, I'm signed up for walk/runs that benefit charities.   That's all for now!




Day after surgery

Today I had a one pound weight gain. Fortunately, I knew that I would have a gain right after surgery because of the fluids they pump in you and the swelling at the surgery site. I felt pretty miserable last night and took a narcotic tablet that we had leftover from some back pain awhile back. My doctor doesn't prescribe narcotics...just an NSAID and I'm already on some of those (Voltarin) for my rheumatoid arthritis. This morning, I took 1/2 tablet and feel a little better. I'm wondering how much weight I will have to lose to go down a size? I just bought (online) a shirt to wear for Thanksgiving that is in my current size (but tight right now). I hope it literally hangs on me! We'll see...




pre-op testing tomorrow

Well, tomorrow is another step in the process and something else I can check off :thumbup:. I guess they do bloodwork, x-rays, EKG, barium swallow, and have everyone meet with an exercise physiologist and a dietician. Busy day! Can't wait!   Also, my oldest Army son is coming for a visit tomorrow at 3 pm for the weekend (Columbus Day). I just got back from a quick trip to Florida with my husband (business for him) and saw SO many soldiers in the airport in Atlanta and on the planes. I sat next to one heading to Atlanta from Orlando and felt God was telling me to give him some money for a meal on me. I tried to resist but couldn't! (I tend to be shy) When we were getting off, I passed him some money and told him what it was for and he tried to refuse...I looked him in the eye (mine were tear-filled the entire trip!) and told him how much I missed my boys and would he please have a meal on me and he thanked me :smile:. It helped ME so much to do that!   Still no word on the change in my job...that's a tad stressful needless to say :cry_smile:.   Oh, one good thing, during my trip I walked more than usual and my "bad" knee held up better than usual!   Can't wait for tomorrow!




Two weeks post-op

I'm doing pretty well so far. I've lost 18 lbs (including pre-op) and have advanced to soft foods. I've worked with a trainer at the gym this week and feel pretty good about that.   I found out yesterday that I get to have a fill at FOUR weeks! Yay! The other MD's in the office wait for SIX weeks...mine doesn't!   So far, dh doesn't seem to be changing his eating habits as he said he would...we'll see.




MUCH better today! (day 3 post op)

Yay! Today I am only severely obese instead of morbidly obese! :tt2: I finally lost my "surgery" weight (aka GAS) and feel so much better. Basically, I spent last evening sipping hot tea while reading or watching tv (I did walk too) in my bedroom and told dh to STAY OUT! Fortunately, it was nice enough outside to have the windows open and I lit some candles! :wink_smile: Such is life for us all I guess.   My gas was so bad that my stomach was FIRM from the bloating and even the incisions were pulling and bleeding a bit. EEK. It was bad.   On to happier days now...:confused:




pre-op day

I had my pre-op appointment today and it was LONG as I had worked during the night and went straight to the appointment. One lady asked SO many questions that, IMO, she should have known the answers to at this point with only a week left until surgery. I was tired and irritable I guess! :cry_smile:   The barium swallow was disgusting. I hope to NEVER have to do that again! The exercise folks were very thorough--apparently, we get through the end of the year up to four days a week in the cardiac rehab gym with a trainer and sports physiologist. They will adjust our exercise routine to individually meet our needs as far as our physical issues. They did do our measurements and body fat analysis and will continue to follow those as time goes on. They also did "before" pictures. I'm excited!   I had some "bad" news today. My future first grandchild is likely to be born premature as my DIL has a bicornuate uterus. So many ups and downs right now! My oldest son is in town for the weekend from the Army and it's so great to see him!




Tried the Unjury

I tried the unflavored unjury today. It wasn't bad. I ate it with two cups of SF choc bliss pudding and that gave me 200 calories, 6g fiber, and 24g protein. I'm going to try the chicken soup unjury later.   I'm excited! Less than a month!




Tomorrow is the big day!

Oh wow. It's hard to imagine that in 12 hours, I will be banded! I've lost 10 lbs pre-op and THINK I have everything I need ready to go. I'm still doing a little laundry and have to work 1/2 night tonight.   The BIG thing I did today was get a pedicure/manicure. It was wonderful! Two hours of someone else pampering ME!   I have still not told my teen daughters although they know I'm dieting and will be starting at the gym next week. What are the chances I can keep them in the dark?   It's great to get on this site and see all the great success stories!   Until the next time... :eek:




"last supper"

Well, tonight is IT! My last non-diet dinner where I will overeat as usual :eek:. I grilled hamburgers/veggies last night and made a chicken pot pie tonight (and a veggie one for my vegetarian dd). For lunch today, I went to my last Chinese buffet trip (why go to one and pay so much if I'm not eating much later???).   Tomorrow, I see the surgeon for a pre-op appointment and start my pre-op diet. I'm as ready as I can be! I have some EAS protein drinks, broth, SF popsicles and fudgesicles, diet "flavored" green tea, and SF pudding and jello. I also have Benefiber at the recommendation of the dietician (I tried it today...can't taste it). Oh, and they suggest Tums (for calcium) and a daily vitamin which I'm adding to my pillbox. It's sad to be 40 and already have TWO pillboxes...one for morning, one for evening. Sigh.   I'm ready to get this party started!




Anxious about job changes

I am still waiting to hear from insurance and now my job is going to change in some capacity which may or may not send me out job hunting. Today, I am meeting with the CFO of the healthcare organization that I work for as a nurse. I am praying that the upper management DOES see the reality of what they are trying to do.   For 2 1/2 years, I have been on-call at night 40 hours a week for a certain salary and now they want to raise that to 55 hours a week for the same salary. Their justification is that I don't "work" all those hours. My argument is that is what they offered originally and that I have to make a commitment TO work those hours if needed away from my family. I wouldn't want to do it even if offered MORE money. They are eliminating five positions and creating four that we must interview for.   Physically, I don't think I CAN work it as it would require TWO 16 hour shifts a week in addition to three 8 hour shifts. Maybe post-band but not now (there are some nights that I am busy all night). One of the bosses suggested a compromise of a 48 hour week (four 12 hour shifts) which I think would work for me but the organization seems like they won't allow.   If I need to leave my job, not only will I have increased stress from interviewing and changing, but I will also forfeit my sick time which I was counting on for when I, hopefully, get banded.   Sigh.




Protein Drinks

OK, out of the three brands dh and I tried, we liked the EAS best. My SIL found them at Sam's Club for about $27 for 24 cans I think so that does't sound like a bad deal. I figure if I pre-buy some of the things I consider "necessary" prior to surgery, the financial impact won't be so bad. So far, I am paying $217 up front...who knows what the final bill will be (although I am VERY blessed that insurance covers it).   I am worried about one Army son today. He is married and we heard "through the grapevine" that his pregnant wife may have left him (he is 2500 miles away). We have tried to call him all weekend and immediately get voice mail. Adult children--sigh.




I finally have "hope"!

After gaining increasing amounts of weight since I graduated high school and got married, I finally have hope that I can be outside how I feel inside!   I've seen the surgeon, dietician, psychiatrist, have my letter of medical necessity and everything goes to the insurance company this week...   Praying it's approved and happens quickly! I am so ready!   About me, wife of 23 years to a wonderful husband, four children--two sons in the Army and two teen daughters still at home. We have a one year old lab pup named "Jack" who would LOVE to have me take him for walks but I am unable as my joints hurt too much with exercise (I have rheumatoid arthritis). I have high hopes that taking 100+ pounds off my frame will help with those aches and pains! We also have a little old sheltie dog and a house cat. Oh...and I'm a nurse.   ~~anne




Getting ready!

I've ordered a sample pack of Unjury and a new scale! I've also been sampling protein drinks. So far, the Atkins tasted "watery" but the EAS carb advantage was pretty good and filling.   I'm so excited!




BIG changes in my life!

Oh my...still waiting on insurance but just found out I'm GOING TO BE A GRANDMA!!! I am 40 years old and my 21 year old son and his wife are expecting! I'm excited and upset at the same time...they live a three days' drive from us. He is stationed in Tacoma, WA (Army). I don't want to be a long-distance Grandma, but I guess I have no choice.   Also, just found out about some big changes at work which MAY send me out job hunting. Right now, they are telling me they expect me to work 55 hours/week for the salary I've received for 2 1/2 years for working 40 hours. :party:   ~~anne




I have a date!

I have a date! October 22nd! Insurance has approved it...and now the countdown begins :cursing:.   I still have no new news about my job situation. I wish that didn't have to change.   Our area is recovering from hurricane strength winds on Sunday that devastated the community. We were fortunate as we only had roof damage and lost food from our fridge/freezer. We were without power, any type of phone service, and obviously internet for four days. The damage was amazing as the winds snapped light poles in two and huge tree trunks. Some big trees were lifted out of the ground and ended up on top of houses or completely twisted in electric wires. We have power back...but many in our area still don't. Fortunately, the weather has been lovely.





Today I made food for my supervisor as her mother died and they held visitation. I ran into a co-worker who was previously banded, had to be "re-banded" and was telling me a story of eating one day post up tiny bites at a wedding that she couldn't resist! Please, God, help me to follow the rules and do this the right way!!!   I'm off to pick up my dh from the airport and then we are having a late dinner with my oldest son and girlfriend before he heads back to Georgia in the morning to Ft. Stewart. It was a nice visit but I already miss him! I'm having a "last" dinner at our favorite restaurant...an amazing burger and fries. No more after tonight!   I had my "last" drinking splurge last night with a close friend. We had a bonfire and set around drinking our favorite adult beverage until about 2 am! It was fun...but I hope I can still be "fun" post-banded.




a new scale

Only 25 days until my new life!   I had a huge MD's office scale and it did NOT fit in our small bathrooms. I prefer to weigh first thing in the morning in the buff, so I knew I needed to find a scale that "fit" our needs! I did some online research and ended up with a Weight Watcher's scale made by Conair. So far, I'm pleased. Each time I've weighed I have got on and off a few times and it ALWAYS weighs the same (down to the 1/10th of a pound). Yay!   My job IS changing in some way and I'm not happy. More hours/same pay. Tuesday I have a meeting to discuss it. I hate to think about having to change jobs at this time in my life. :thumbup:




continued research

Doing lots of online "research" today on many things. My mind keeps jumping around with new questions! This forum has really helped me get answers as well as think about new possibilities--that I might actually LOSE all this weight, what is the best way to exercise?, how much will insurance pay (if they do)?, and whether or not family members might also qualify.   I've also been thinking a lot about the possibility of having my pannus removed if/when I get this weight off (I already have issues with rashes). I didn't think it possible but it seems some insurance companies pay for it!   My greatest desire will be to be able to be as active as I want to be. I finally feel like I might achieve that!



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