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Well, that is my motto for this new journey that I am taking. I will be posting frequently and hope to add some pictures soon.:thumbup:

Entries in this blog


1 Week down!

Today I am one week out from surgery. For the most everything has been great! I feel good, I am still losing weight, and I have not been too hungry.   I did have a bad night last night. My port area was very sore and cramping. It was hard to get up and move. I went out to change irrigation and by the time I came in I was doubled over and sweating - it was very strange. I did take some pain meds and was finally able to relax. I think I have been pushing it, since I have felt so good.   This morning I felt good and was able to get out and about. When I finished at school, I came home and have been relaxing, I feel much better!




3 Days Post-op

Well, it has been three days since surgery and I have been feeling great!:thumbup:   Today I got up early, fed the animals, did some house cleaning, went into town and ran some errands (nice to be able to drive again), I even went grocery shopping.   I took my son to the grocery store to buy some food, what a weird experience! I was not hungry at all, I saw lots of yummy food, but I was able to pass and it did not even bother me. It was a very strange trip. I bought food for everyone in the house but me! Kind of cool.   I was approved to start full liquids and that seems to be going very well. The protein is really very filling and I don't have very much before I am full. This is such a new experience for me. I am off of the pain meds as of today and hoping I don't have to go back. I am on an antibiotic just to make sure I don't get an infection.




Post Surgery

I am all done and banded! I am so glad to be done and on my way to a healthy me!   The surgery went well. I was very nervous right before heading into surgery, because of my last near death experience. It was smooth sailing and I feel good. I have six incisions with little bandages on them. I have an extended stay because of the sleep apnea - not sure what that has to do with it, but oh well. It is giving me time to use the wireless internet - what a treat, we have dial up at home!   I have been up walking and using the bathroom without any trouble. I can't believe I feel this great:thumbup: But I am still being careful I know all of that can change in a minute. I am now sipping diluted cranberry juice and it is going down well. Should be out of the hospital by 4:00.   Ross has been supportive, he is sitting and reading National Geographic while I use his computer - what a great guy:wub:




8 Hours to Go!

I am soooo excited:thumbup: I will go in for surgery in 8 hours. I can't believe how quickly this has happened. I had to do a liquid diet the day before surgery (yeah, I know, some of you had 1 or 2 weeks) so I feel lucky. It was not too bad. I made it through the day without too many thoughts of food, of course I was preoccupied with tomorrow! Had to do a bowel cleanse, how lovely. However, nothing seems to be moving at this point - with my luck it will kick in about 2 a.m. and I won't get any sleep. I applied my anti-nausea patch thingy behind my ear. Hopefully that will help with the woozies after surgery. Have to be at the hospital by 6 a.m. nice and early and should be back for surgery at 7:30. I am hoping everything is running on time. It would be nice to be home by 1ish, but I am not sure how long they will keep me after the surgery. :confused2: I know they want you up and walking around and able to keep fluids down. Well, I am off, hopefully I will get some sleep tonight and be ready to start this new portion of my life tomorrow morning - no looking back!




3 Days to Go

Well, I have three days to go before surgery. So far so good. I did have a meltdown the other day, but I have since recovered.   I was feeling very nervous and unsure of what I was doing, of course when you go to pay the hospital in full up front could be a bit nerve wracking! That is a lot of money to hand over.   I was having some negative self-talk, you know, the I have never been successful losing weight, so why will this time be different? I will be the only person to not lose weight, etc. :eek: I am now feeling better and I know this is the best decision I can make to get my health back on track.   I am glad that I have been dieting the past month, I am in a good mind set for losing weight. Some of the more fried, greasy, fatty foods I was used to are no longer a trigger for eating - the even smell gross! :redface:   I have to do all liquids on Monday, day before surgery, but I am ready to go and have the pantry stocked with all of my foods. My husband is being supportive, but I still hear the negative when he asks questions. I think he is so used to the failures he is uncertain if this will work. I am bound and determined to prove him wrong!



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