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waiting and waiting

so as of tuesday i am done with my diet,but now i am wating for this new doc. to tell me back. i have waited for 7 long months for this and i am not going to let anything make me gave up now:thumbup:...i am so scared,but then again i know that if i dont lose weight that my health is only going to get wrose.....so i'll have to wait for them to call me back...i know everyone had to wait,but i have waited for 7 long months lol....




the 1st steps to chaging my life

:biggrin:ok so..i have took the 1st step to changeing my life and getting the lap band...i have to say i have never been so scared in my life...its like all my life i have been over weight and now there is an answer that works to help me..i went to see my doc and she did are these test..she said have to take iron pills for an month then i have to see her again....but today the lap- band doc called and told me that my ins. will cover it as long as i do what they said...so i have to get an sleep thing done and then some other stuff....i never thought in an million years i would be getting this done... i am so glad to have great friends who are there for me..they have gave me the push i need...always telling me to just stick with it...i feel like they are my angel's helping me ...:shades_smile: i am just so happy!!!




my 2nd steps to the new me

:thumbup:so monday (7-14-2008) i went to the my lap-band doc and i have to say she is so nice..and anything at there office is so nice..they told me if they were my age and could change there weight they would.i have to do the six month diet since i dont have any weight lose history with a docter then in 6 months i can have my dream come true...but i have alot to do in those months....i never thought i would be doing this, but i have some family whos not happy about me getting it..i guess they dont understand why i want it done...but then again i am like the only one who is this big..i have gain like 4 lbs in a week....i have been trying iron pills and i know they make you gain but not that much...and i havnt been eating more then before...i was so stocked.....so know i weigh 285 and not 281....i feel like this is in god hands...i trust that he has a plan for me after this happens..who knows i may just found the man of my dreams lol..since i have been single for 2 long years ..with that said i am just happy that i am going to get it done in 6 months......:smile2:....




3 months since my band

so i havnt posted a blog in some time. Its been 3 months and 41 lbs down. I have got 3 fills,but this last one. i think i have too much in there..but its only been 3 days so i have no idea...



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