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So i went to the doctor today to have another fill. this would be my 3rd. the first was 2 cc and the 2nd was 1cc. I was told I had 2cc to begin with so this was all a total of 5cc. WELL...the dr. weighted me and realized the weight loss wasnt where it should be so obviously i'm still eating too much. Mind you i've lost 36 pounds so far. lol. He looked at me and said "you know what...were going to try something different" So im thinking "oh NO maybe he'll take some out and see if it helps". He tells me "were going to get you a bottle of water and were going to slowly fill you while you drink the water and when you cant swallow anymore we'll take out a little bit and you'll be at your new fill amt. So i'm thinking WOW i didnt exspect that. He Locked the needle in and took out all the liquid in my band. he pulled a total of 3cc...doesnt make sense to me because i originally had 5cc but what do i know. Anyhoo...after he takes out the 3cc he starts to slowly fill it. I'm taking my swallows and then it i feel pressure so he takes a tiny bit out and pulls the needle out. IM AT 8cc now. holy moly thats a big differnece:eek:. Dont get me wrong i'm excited to see how this is going to effect me but wow...that was alot more then i thought i would get. so I go back in a month to see where my weight loss will be at. on a side note...my port is always hard to get to so now i have 5 needle marks from previous attempts. I love my doctor and I trust him so we'll see. Im on liquid diet for 2 days and very thin mushies untill monday. ::gasps:: :frown: wish me luck. :confused:




Late at night...but needed to vent...

Im so estatic right now :thumbup: So...today my husband and descided to go shopping at albertsons instead of waiting to shop on the base. We did partial shopping...EVERYTHING I wouldnt be able to buy on base we got tonight and tomorrow we would buy the rest on base. well.... we got little things here and there....cereal, coffee, tofu, sugar free drinks and a couple other things. THE GREATEST THING and expierence i've had since this whole surgery "new lifestyle" expierence was shopping in the organic isle. HOLY MOLEY....I got sugar free and fat free syrup, chocolate for milk, ketch up, blue cheese salad dressing and pancake mix. I also got some boca burgers, foe sausage and black bean burger patties. It was exspensive but i'm so satisfied. Tomorrow we have to get our veggies and meat but I think I've done good so far. Husband doesnt know it yet but our meals are going to be sOoOOoOo different lol :eek:. I've lost 30 lbs and we've descided that this week we start our work out sessions. My apartment in downtown has a 24/hour gym so monday through friday were going to work out and weekends we'll allow breaks. Nothings better then big life changes and quality time with the hubby :thumbup:




weight loss status

:thumbup: So today I had my first fill. I was so scared that the whole process was going to be painfull but suprisingly it was not. My doctor used the numbing agent before he actually did the fill....THANK GOODNESS! :cursing: One Small pinch and I went from 2cc to 4cc. In two weeks i'll move up to 6cc. liquids today and mushies tomorrow and i'll be able to eat solids at my nieces birthday party. I'll start slow but i'm excited to be able to eat veggies and fish. FINALLY!!!!! So far i've lost about 24.5 pounds and hopefully the weight will continue to go. yay me.:tt1:[/url]>



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