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the new road

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banded in nov

i got my band tight on the 22 i have made it to 290 that go but i feel like im not losing it fast enough my hair has thin around the edge but i have just bought myself new clothes from a size 28 to a 24/22 pants and shirt my underwear r a size 18/20 that great can wait tell the next clothe shopping spear saveing now




losing it slowly

i went and got my band tighn today and ive lose some wieght i was 344 the last time i got a fill wich was about 2 month age now in 329 not bad but i need more i will keep working on the wieght lose can't eat nothing but that cool food is not my freind its my emeines




first fill

today i had my first fill the doc put 4cc in my band i was 360 on 3/6/06 340 on 4/19/o6 not much but better then before im hungry right now and i was to eat something i feel like throwing up but that because im hungry




just a little bit

3-14-06 i went to the doctor:faint: today to get the staples out and i found out how much i really weight at the time of my surgery i was 360 pounds:help: well im glad to say im now down to 348 that to my is good but i need more off :nervous i made a promise to myself and family i would be at lease 180 about this time next year :phanvan the docotr gave me the ok to do somethings but be careful;) i want to start execriseing but i still have a hard time moving in the differnt ways on my left side :paranoid like sitting down, getting up,and sometime when i move or dont move it burns :bored but i guess im rushing myself but i will keep in mind i need to give my body time to heal :tired so until the next weight in keep up the good work and eat little to nothing :speechles




day befor my stretch r removed

i get them out tomorrow but im excited becuz i;m hoping i can move around better with out them im in a lot of pain i wish james was here but i understand a man has to provide for his family . i love him and wish he was here because today is my b-day and tomorrow im doing this by myself its hard when u r used to having someone around u all the time and there when ever u turn around and then there not there and u really want them there. very excited to c how much i weigh when i get to the doctor tomorrow.




trying to hold on

today is the seventh day of no solid food and im trying my hardest to not turn in a real bitch but its not working every thing hurts to sit ,to stand, to go to the bathroom ,to raise my hands, to walk, to laugh, then on top of all that i can't eat or have sex cuz these stupid staples r killing me by drying out and connectioning to my skin. i want to know if i can hold on before i lose it right now all i hear is going , going, going , i need some kind of support for some one that has been there and knows what im going threw im tring to keep in mind that im going to be something sexy in a couple of months but that knowlegde is starting to wear thin in my mind my husband and children r starting to hate me cuz im so snappy and everything. please lord help me right know write in my book is helping but man do i want to scream loud but guess what it's going to hurt. kaybug




my first days

my surgery date was march 6, 2006 and at the time i was 355 pounds not happy and very ready to lose the weight. im 31 years old and my birthday is right around the corner. I've had my band for about a week and im very happy with it very hungry but looking forward to losing the extra weight. My husband is very supportive. My children and freinds are there and very helpful im having a hard time bending over and pickin up things below my knees but im doing good. Right now the worst pain is the hungry and the staples r starting to dry and itch. So movement for me is very limited but if this little dicomfort is something i have to go throught to get where i want to be then lets get it on.



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