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3 days Post op

Well it's almost 3 in the morning so I guess I'm 3 days post op now. My surgery went really well.   It was funny because I read how everyone says their not hungry after surgery for a few days. Well here's me in the recovery room and the first words out of my mouth are "I'm hungry!"LOL I think what I was really feeling was gas pains!   My roomie was a girl (Surgery4Me) I meant on here in the August forums, that was so awesome because I totally felt that I had know her for awhile!   As far as how I'm feeling. I'm feeling pretty good. I have the same gas issue's everyone has but, it's not to bad. I have stopped taken my pain meds as for they were giving me migraine's! Most of my day today and yesterday were in bed because of it. That part has been awful! It even caused me to do some scary dry heaves when I was in the hospital. I was supposed to get of there on Thursday at 11:00 but, I was not aloud to leave until after 12:30 because I had to make sure I could keep my protein down.   I have not lost any weight yet I have actually gain about 4 lbs my body is holding on to the liquids and I can still feel the swelling in my stomach as well as the gas! So I'm not too worried about it yet. It's going to come off!   My Doctor did a great job with his incisions...I don't think I'm going to have bad scars at all! I'm so happy about that!!:thumbup: Well, I'm going back to bed. I will write more later.




Tomorrow I Begin My Band Journey....

Well, this morning I woke up and just about had a heart-attack! Aunt Flo came to see me 4 days early! How dare she do that to me!LOL But, then again that's my luck. Oh well what can I do about it right?   Anywho I've done really well since I got back from my vacation and I have managed to lose 8 lbs this week, I'm so happy and I'm so ready to make that number move up!   I just got done taking my official before pictures. I took two sets, one with my last outfit I wore not being banded. The other I took in my OLD workout shirt (I love this shirt....I wore it before I got pregnant with my last baby) and a pair of shorts that fit me two years ago, Man I had to force those babies on! I just want to see them go from being super tight on me, to super lose!   I'm going to have a hard time sleeping tonight because of my butterflies as well as my darn cramps!LOL   The next time I write it well be from the other side!




2 Days Left

Well, I have only two days left until my surgery. And everything was going great until I was going threw my mail and I realized that I had a letter from the hospital. So I read it and found out that my deductible we ALL thought was $3500 is really $7000! I just started crying! 2 days before my SURGERY I find this out! I can't believe it. So my surgery that was costing us $8200 (because of some Doctor's fee that's added after my insurance) is know going to be $11,700, my husband was not very happy! Thank God he cares for my happiness and health! Although I'm sure he wants my old body back as much as I do but, he would never say that out loud!LOL He gave me the go but, not with a smile...he'll get over it. But, I feel like there's even more pressure on me to do well....I guess that's not really a bad thing is it? I can't wait for this to done with!!   We just got back from a weeks vacation. We had a great time and ended it with Disneyland for two days, we were last there in January and since then I have put on 20 lbs, WOW did I feel it! I can't carry around this kind of weight anymore, it's so dum!   I'm ready to eat to live not live to eat!   Two more days, Bring it on!!!!:redface:




I'm so irritated with myself!

Well, I've been in Carlsbad this weekend for my son's soccer tournament and I have managed to gain all 8 lbs that I had lost back in 3 days!!! I am not happy right now!!! I'm really hoping it's just water weight because I truly did not eat THAT much.   I was trying so hard too because I wanted to go into my pre-op appointment on Tuesday at my pre-surgery goal of 10 lbs or darn close to it! I've gone back and forth between getting bypass or lap band because I'm so afraid of failing with the band! I really wanted to prove to myself that I can do this!   So as of this afternoon I'm back on liquids, if I gained it back in 3 days maybe I can lose it in 3 days:confused:   I guess I'll have to wait and see.




I start my pre-op Diet and I've lost 8lbs...

Well, I decided to start my pre-op diet early to see how I was going to handle the whole two weeks on just liquids thing! And I made it a whole 24 hours...that's a big deal for me! That is until I ended up being so light headed to the point I truly thought I was going to pass out...it was a trippy feeling!! So, I ate real food and after a little while I felt much better.   After that experience I got on the scale and I had lost 2 lbs in one day! That really motivated me so I've really be watching my intake this week and I have lost 8 pounds!!!! Who would have thunk it...you eat less..you lose weight!     I have lost 8 lbs before in one week but, that's because I went to the weight Dr. and got diet pills and water pills....this time I did all on my own! I'm super excited about it! I just hope I can maintain it when I go on vacation next week!     I can lose weight taking diet pills but, I don't like the way it makes me feel and after awhile my heart will start racing....not good! So, I'll stop taking them and gain all the weight back plus some ! That's why I decided to get the Lab Band....it will help me not feel as hungry and not attack my heart while doing it. I know that there's risk involved but, I think it out weights what diet pills can do to you in the long run!




Hello is this thing on???

I've never been a Blogger but, I thought it might be fun to track my WL Journey.   I'm 35 years old and I'm married with 3 kids (15, 8 & 3) & 2 dogs. I never had a weight problem that is not until I had my 2nd child (I was 27), I started putting on weight right before I got pregnant with him and by the time I had him I had gone from (in about 1 1/2 years time) 125 - 203. The lowest I got after that was 166 and I would go back and forth between 166 - 180 for 4 years.   When we bought our first house we had a 3 month escrow and boy did I start turning to food when I was stressed out! By the time we closed escrow I had gain 25 lbs and I didn't even know it! I knew I had gained some because my clothes were fitting tighter but, not 25 lbs!!!! The weight started going to places it hadn't before...like my face, arms, stomach, my girls up top! When we finely moved in I had gained all my weight back from my 2nd pregnancy! I couldn't believe it!!   So I started working out and eating good (most of the time), I was doing Body for Life, well about a month 1/2 into it....Guess what happened??? I got PREGNANT!!! I was happy about the baby but, not about the weight I was starting out at. Now I was starting out at 203:eek:!!!!   Well by the time I had my Rye Rye (on my 32nd birthday!) I was weighing about 244...The lowest I've been since then is 218, I was doing so good after I had him...honestly I don't know what the heck happened! All I know is now I'm even heavier then I was when I had him!!   I really wanted to lose the weight on my own without any type of surgery but, I have failed over and over again and I'm done! I feel like I'm letting my youth slip away and missing out on dressing the way I want too. I've always had a good self esteem..Thank God....but, lately I've been having to force myself to do things with friends because I get so depressed about my weight. I'm so OVER being a cow!!! I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life.   Tomorrow I'm going to have my blood work done, I have my pre-op appointment on July 22nd and my surgery date is August 6th....4 days before mine and my son's birthday. I'm hoping tomorrow goes well...I really hate needles and usely they have a hard time finding a vain...I really hope they'll be nice and not hurt me!!!:biggrin:



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