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14 Days till banding

Well, I'm off and running. Today is the first day of Optifast in preparation for banding on the 30th. I had Vanilla with Raspberries for breakfast and coffee - no milk - yuck!! For lunch I had a salad and plain Vanilla Opti but I added a little vanilla extract - yum. Also had Diet coke and blueberries. Tonight I think I'll have pumpkin soup and Opti chocolate mousse with raspberries.   I weighed myself this morning - wait for it - 107kg. Enough said.   I'll do my measurments tonight and post them tomorrow.




15 Days till banding

I saw my Dietician today - Trudy Wiliams. I have been seeing Trudy for a couple of years now and she is very familiar with my struggle. She is very possitive and supportive about LB and has every confidence that I will do well.   She ran through the pre op. diet, the post op diet and the puree diet. I just want to get started now because I have everything ready to go. I think the 2 weeks pre op diet is going to be the hardest so I just want to get that over and done with.   I've been having a few of my old favourite meals the last few days - saying good by to them for good I suppose. Today I had Narchos. I feel so full but I dont feel bad. It wasn't that great.   Tomorrow morning I weigh myself and take measurments. These will be my starting figures.




17 Days till banding

I met my Doctor today - Dr Blair Bowden. Nice guy. Pretty calm and knowlegable. Says he's been mentored by George Fielding.   Dr Bowden said if I do nothing else but get the band - not even excercise - statistically I will be 85kg in two years. Today I would be thrilled to be 85 kg but I know I really want to be 75. This is the weight I was at school when I thought I was a hippo. Welln actually, some of the boys told be I was a hippo. Even dad made the odd comment about my weight. God strike me down if I ever say anything to Millie about her weight - never ever!!!   Andrew came with me to the appointment. God I love him.. He doesnt say much but he is so supportive. I just dont tell him enough about what I'm feeling. I also went to see Beres my GP. She happily gave me the referral and said this surgery woud be appropriate for me and said Dr Bowden had a good reputation. I'm pleased to have her blessing.   I told Dr Bowden about my fear of failure since that had always been the outsome in my endevours to lose weight. He said that of all the people with a weight problem only 5%, that's 5% actully lose weight and keep it off long term - 5+ years. The huge majority fail and that is why LB is so successful. There was a study done in Switzerland. They took 200 people put 100 of them on a regular diet exercise programme and gave them, doctor, psycologists, trainers and nutrisionists and 5 years later only 5% had kept the weight off. The other 100 people had lab band and 5 years later 80% had lost and kept off their weight. I only have 2 days before optifast starts so I need to gear up for that.   Made a pact with my walking buddy Andrea to make Monday morning our weigh in then tell each other on our walk. Used my new Polar Heart Monitor watch today. Sure did keep me going when I slackened off.




18 Days till banding

I'm obsessed with finding out all I can before my LB day on the 30th March. I have no doubt that I am doing the right thing but what if I let myself down. I'ts hard to be confident when all else has failed in the past. If this doesnt work - then what. I consider myself of above average intelligence and faily capable but when it comes to weight loss all I've ever known is failure or limited success followed by failure. Funny, but the things that make me doubt myself are the ones that make this an appropriate option for me. I guess I'll feel better when I know what I'm dealing with, until then I'll keep on Truckin. I meet Dr Bowden tomorrow and Beres (GP) for a referral and hopefully some encouragement.   I've been eating heaps - like I'm trying to get it all in before it starts.   God knows what I'll weigh when I start on Optifast on Thursday.   Fleur



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