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Today, on June 10th, I went to the weight loss seminar. My friend Teri took me so I didn't have to go alone. I was very excited to go and I was happy to meet other people who are making this life change like m

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Next Week I Will Get Approval!

Yesterday, July 24th, I got a message from Dr. Jumper saying that he cleared me for surgery but he would consult with Dr. Ehrlich and tell him that I would have to take a medication during surgery for a precaution...okay, that I can deal with.   Very good news!!   Then, I went to work and there was a voicemail from Kevin (the patient advocate at Dr. Ehrlich's office). I called him back and he said he had almost all the test results except for Dr. Jumper's. I told him that I had just completed the cardiac tests the day before but Dr. Jumper had called me that day and said he had given me clearance. Kevin said he had already started working on getting the insurance approval and since he has a great working relationship with Oxford Health, he had just about everything he needed to get my approval. In fact, he said we should know by next week. He is sooooo awesome and great to talk to. He is always soooo enthusiastic and he makes me feel like I am the only person he is concerned with. Which I know I'm not but he is such a great person! You go Kevin!!!   The only thing was that Dr. Ehrlich was out on vacation (which I am sure is well needed AND deserved) but still, we should know by next week.   This weekend I am going to pick up the rest of what I need for the pre-op diet. I already have the SF popsicles and SF Jello so I only have to get some juices, decaf coffee, herbal tea, Splenda and some broths.   Tomorrow my daughter is coming with my new granddaughter for a short visit. She is such a little angel! They will be moving to Florida in a few weeks... I will miss them both but will be looking forward to taking a trip to see them...and hopefully be a thinner me by then. I figure I could see my sister while I am down there.   That would be excellent!!   I am more than ready and getting very excited. I can't wait to start my new life...




The Past Week And Now I Am Sooooo Close!

July 23rd, I went to my appointments for an Echocardiogram and a Persantine Sestamibi stress Test.   What a week...I could not have any caffeine for 24 hours before the appointments. Man, did I miss my cups of coffee in the morning. Plus I work nights and it has been a long time since I had to be anywhere at 8:00 in the morning.   Thank God for Sunny D!!   I made it to the cardiologist's office despite the rain coming down in buckets. I can tell you that all the tests were easy except for the Persantine Sestamibi stress test. In case you are curious, this test is for people that cannot do the treadmill. Instead, you are injected with this (Persantine) medicine that dilates all your blood vessels and stimulates what would happen to your heart if you did do the treadmill.   Let me be honest here...trust and believe...I would have much rather been on that treadmill than lay there feeling like I did after being injected. I am not very big on being injected with things in the first place, but I must say that this was the worst thing I have been through in a long time. It was only five minutes...but it felt like an eternity. I actually had tears coming out of my eyes by the time it was over. I felt sooooo sick!   Then she finally gave me the antidote and boy was I the most thankful person on earth!!   Everything else was a walk in the park. I had the Echocardiogram first thing in the morning which is basically an ultrasound for your heart. Piece of cake!   Then, I was injected with a tracer dye and had to go into a room while a machine took pictures of my heart. I didn't like the injection...could be because the dye came out of a metal flask with a hazard symbol on it...hmmmm.   The machine took about sixteen minutes. It kind of reminded my of a catscan. The machine was all automatic, it was just wierd. Then I did the Persantine Sestamibi stress test...yuck!! Pretty frightening but I did it!!   Then I had to eat a roll with cream cheese and have some juice. Back to the same room with the machine having to take more pictures. Easy again.   All the tests took three hours and I have to say the office that I went to is excellent!   They told me it would take about three hours and they were right on the mark. No delays, the staff was excellent, organized and very nice.   I am thankful that I planned ahead and told my work that I would be in but later in the day. I was so tired afterward and I felt a little shakey. The weather was awful and I could not wait to get home, put on my P.J.'s and hop into bed. I took a two hour nap and when I woke up.....   Got a hot cup of coffee!!! Man, did it taste good!!   Went to work, everyone asked how I was and was concerned about me, which was nice. I told them what I had to do and how I felt. Pretty non-eventful evening at work...thank the Lord!     I was happy it was over and I did all my tests. I was finally done with all my tests and appointments. After work, I came home and made some egg and cheese quesadillas for dinner. Yum!!   I figured I would hop online and update my blog. I am very tired but I am happy I am finished. Now. to just sit back and relax. Ahhhhh.... Here is my complete list: Seminar – 06/10/08 √   Dr. Ehrlich – 07/03/08 √ Nancy Murphy (Nutritionist) – 07/08/08 √ Blood work – 07/11/08 √ Mary Ziller – Counselor - 07/14/08 √ Dr. Jumper (EKG) – 07/15/08 Need more testing Scheduled w/Dr. Jumper Echo Cardiogram and Nuclear Stress Test - 07/23/08 √ Advance Radiology Consultants (Gall Bladder check) – 07/16/08 √   Now, only to wait for the insurance approval....the ball is out of my court.




I got my consultation date with Fairfield Bariatrics!

I got my first appointment with the surgeon at Fairfield Bariatrics today. The secretary said that they had verified my insurance and I am covered. My first appointment is on July 3rd 2008 and I cannot wait. I received my benefit package from Oxford Health and it said that as long as the surgeon authorizes the lap band procedure, then it is covered. It also stated that I don't need to see a psychiatrist. Everything is going really well and faster than I expected. I am a little scared but mostly I am excited. I even got more hours at work so I will have more money. I told my friends at work and they are all being so supportive. So are my kids. I am sooooo happy !!!!



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