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well here I am 24 days post op from my plastic surgery.. I am feeling pretty good probably if I had to measure it.. 70%. I go on Thursday to get my stitches all out which will be awesome. That is also my preop day for my thigh lift. UGH. I am so dreading that surgery. I still can't believe how long it is taking me to feel 100% again. I know that is really going to make me feel bad all over again. I do know it will be worth it and I don't want to drag it out. I want to be in my best shape ever this coming summer.. :confused: I think though if I had to choose I would have done this surgery during the summer. These damn garments are a pain in the @ss. Also the shivering really makes the stitches pull around my nipples and I am constantly feeling weird sensations throughout my body, which I am sure is nerve endings firing back to life. At least I hope that's it.. lol. I have finally been getting into the christmas spirit. I am still unable to do the majority of household work which is frustrating but i am sure not as frustrating as it is to my hubby and kids who have had to pick up the slack. lol. Well, I am off to get dinner out of the crockpot.. i made a pot roast in the crockpot and a homemade eggnog cheesecake for dessert. I am testing the eggnog cheesecake recipe for a work thing my hubby has to bring a dessert. So this is the trial taste test. It looks amazing so if it tastes as good as it looks I think I will be making this for his party. Have a great night!




2 weeks post op from plastic surgery

today is my two week post op!! I got my drains out and so excited. It hurt like hell getting them pulled out but I soooo love my new body! I have posted new pics in my before and afters and in my private album. Loving life!




ps update same as what's written in allies turn for ps

Well we made it home, round trip five and a half hours to go to the doc. I got the pain pump out and about half of the lipo stitches. I have to go back next thursday to get the drains and some more stitches removed. I am smaller and smaller every day so weird. I said that today to the doc that I feel like I am shrinking and he said you are. He said that every day I will be smaller as the fluid escapes through drains or just normal every day life. I finally had some relief with the bowels. It was ok until I started having a coughing fit holy moly that was terrible. I advise no coughing and no sneezing with garment down, up it's bad enough. My doc was thrilled with my incisions and said they are healing so nice and flat. My hubby is a wonderful nurse lol. The doc also was so excited when my garment came down he was telling danny look how nice and flat and see how she now has muscles on the sides, I can't see since my boobs are ginormous now but was excited to hear him say it looks like I will have a 6 pack when I am done .. who would have ever thought. lol. We talked about my thigh lift and he says I don't need one but will do one if I really want it. I think I do. I didn't do all this not to go the whole way lol. My teen daughters are making a vegetarian Thanksgiving for us so sweet. I have friends bringing turkey lol. I am bummed not to be out there shopping on black friday. :cool2: So all in all appt went great, I feel great, I didn't take any pain meds not even tylenol today and still feel great just tired. Going to go nap. But first I want to say how Thankful I am for all of you my lapband friends xoxoxo Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.




ps update

Good Morning! I actually slept through the night for the first time since surgery. Due to the UTI I was getting up every 20 min to a half hour (my poor hubby). He said to me yesterday as we were watching Kung Fu Panda that there are no accidents, maybe I needed to get up alot to speed up my recovery. Ok so back to the Kung Fu Panda, I do not normally watch cartoons ok I admit I never watch cartoons but the Oxycodone causes me to have terrible nightmares if I watch anything but childrens shows. Ridiculous right? It's ok some of these cartoons are pretty cute. Some on the other hand are pretty not acceptable for children! Ok enough of my rant. I am feeling pretty sore today. I figure that is pretty normal. I am telling you the lipo of the thighs is the worse pain of all. Holy Moly. I was feeling so great all day yesterday, still haven't gone to the "bathroom" which is a worry since I am alone today and don't know if I can get this compression garment off by myself. There is a whole at the bottom but not enough to safely go anything more than pee. (sorry if to much info). So yesterday when my hubby got home I said I feel great I would love to take a shower so in I went. Well, it was to much. I got my hair washed and almost passed out. Thank God he was in there with me. I agree a chair in the shower is a good idea. I felt so terrible for like 1 hour after. Tomorrow is my first post op appt. I hate that it's an hour and a half away. I called my doc and I asked if i would be getting my drains out and he said no. I would get the pain pump out though. Well I hope everyone has a great day!!




Post Plastic Surgery!

Well, I am home and finally on the good side of recovery. I ended up getting a uti that I swear just about killed me. I have all these compression garments on and could not pee and when I did it was a trickle and extremely painful. I started running a fever and hubby freaked. I am on meds and doing much better. I have to say the tummy and boobs feel great the most painful thing was the lipo of the thighs. I was really surprised this hurt the most. I thought that would be the least painful. I will be posting pics either tonight or tomorrow of my afters.. they might not be that pretty, I am really bruised and swollen but the swelling has come down quite a bit. My hubby loves the new me :eek: I swear I can hear my implants sloshing around when I move. Weird. I am hoping I can get my drains out on Wednesday when I go to the doc. They are a pain in the butt. I took a shower yesterday and it was glorious. LOL. My hubby came in with me to wash and support me. I am slowly weening of the pain killers and will be glad when I am able to get around without being exhausted. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.. I'm pretty bummed I wont be out with all the other Black Friday shoppers :cool2:




tomorrow! A new me! Plastic surgery here I come!

Holy Crap, tomorrow is the day. I am so excited and nervous. I hope I have everything I need. I have been on a mission. Today I am going out Christmas shopping just in case I won't be able to or if something happens. I am buying something special for my hubby and each of my girls. I just want to be sure that no matter what they have something from me. I figure if I am prepared nothing bad will happen lol. I am happy that I will have the pain pump and hope that I won't be to much of a burden to my family. I will try and get on here as soon as I can after to keep everyone posted. Wish me luck!!!!




7 days till plastic surgery~

Holy Moly, 7 days until my surgery. I can't believe it. I started to get really really nervous about the pain so I called my doc and asked about options. He had given me a perscription for 40 percocets. They told me I could get a pain pump for an extra 450. So I bought the pain pump. I feel alot better knowing I will have that as well. I threw my back out last sunday helping a blind drunk woman up some stairs, and I sprained my ankle a week before that. I feel like God is trying to build up my pain tolerance. I am still on the losing trend. With all the stuff going on I really forget to eat. I never thought that would happen to me. lol. I will try and keep this blog going as soon as possible after my surgery but I am hopping to be completely unconsious for the first week. I hate pain. :confused: Please say a prayer for a speed recovery for me




10 days till plastic surgery!

10 days until my plastic surgery! AHHHHH I can't believe I am so close to a brand new me. I hadn't really starting worry about the pain until yesterday and now I am absoloutely freaking out. I am a big baby when it comes to pain. I just want to not be a huge burden to my family during my recovery. I am sure they will be ready to kill me by the time I can get up on my own. lol. My hubby took the 19-22 off. I have a couple of friends coming over on the 23 and 24 then my daughters will be home the 25 and 26. I really hope I will be ok after that since I will be alone. I am so nervous my band has tightened quite a bit. I lost another pound. I am going to have my hubby take some before naked pics day of surgery so I can really see the difference. I will try and post as much as possible after surgery. Please keep me in your prayers for a safe surgery and fast recovery :smile2:




plastic surgery

tomorrow is my preop plastic surgery appt and I am so very excited. I am booked for a tummy tuck, breast lift with implants and thigh lipo on Nov. 19. I am getting a thigh lift a couple months later. :crying: Everyone keeps freaking about the money but really??? People pay so much for their vehicles and don't even blink an eye. I am worth more than any car could ever be and these surgery's will last longer than any car. I paid 18 grand for my lapband so why wouldn't I go the whole way? Why not I say you only live once! So I am diving in. I love the way my body looks now in clothes, the surgery will just make me love my body without clothes. I would still choose extra skin over fat any day and I was one of those people who spouted how I would rather be fat than have extra skin.. really??? That is just a bunch of bull! I was so miserable fat. I am so happy saggy skin and all. No one knows I have extra skin when I am dressed but everyone knew I was fat. So seriously don't worry about extra skin if that is what is holding you back from getting lapband, you are just looking for an excuse, which is what I did until I ended up almost having a heart attack from being so obese. Getting the lapband has been the best thing I have ever done for myself. Being thin has been worth all the money and hard work. The band is a tool not a cure. Big difference! Ok enough of my spouting. I am just sooo pro band! Wish me luck everyone!




1 year!

It has been one year on June 20, 2009! I can't believe how fast this year went! I have lost 139 pounds and still losing! I went and met with a plastic surgeon (Dr. Goldstein) on June 19 and I am booked to have a tummy tuck, liposuction and a breast lift with implants on December 18,2009! I am soo excited. I decided to wait until then #1 because of vacation time and it being slow at work then. #2 My family will be home to help take care of me . It also gives me 6 months to lose as much more as possible. I am hoping to lose 20 more which I don't think is possible but I am going to try really hard. I am super happy with the way I look now with clothes on but naked eek.. I want to just wear heels nothing else and look great! I am going to have to wait to get my thighs done but that's ok. I did post pics on my main page with me just in panties and bandaids.. no head lol. Only my friends can see it so if you want to check them out you have to be a friend of mine on here. I just wanted a point of reference for 1 year out from lap band that way when I go in december I will take another pic before surgery and then after. I think it will be a nice time line. Ok well, I will blog again later :thumbup: xoxo




10 months

So here I am having lost 128 pounds, joined a softball team.. feeling terrific.. and it hasn't even been a year! I keep thinking how amazing it is. I am still losing at a pretty good clip. I am not thinking about food at all. I eat when I am hungry and have so much energy it is amazing. Last year at this time I would have been thinking about what was I going to have for lunch what was I going to make for dinner etc. Now I don't even have thoughts like that. It is amazing. I also have to say .. my sex life with hubby has always been awesome but holy crap it's out of this world now! We are like newlyweds! Can you tell I am loving life? If not I AM LOVING LIFE! Praise God for my lapband!




losing again

so I heard of this thing called resting metabolism and went online and found that I should be eating around 1700 calories!! I was like WHAT!! So I thought I would try increasing my caloric intake and seeing what happened and guess what I have now lost 107 pounds. I guess my body thought it was starving and wouldn't let me lose. The crazy thing is I added a couple of 100 calorie pack M&M's I have a major sweet tooth so was very happy! WOOHOOO..:w00t:




6 months

Well on December 20, 2008 I hit 6 months of being banded. I have to say this was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. I have lost 94 pounds as of today January 22,2008 and unfortunately I have been stuck here since the 17th of December. The holidays through me for a loop. My works hours increased and my salary decreased :tt1: I found myself slipping into my old "fat" habits. I am in desperate need of a fill which I am scheduled for the 26th and it can't come soon enough. I am hoping this will give me the push I desperately need to finish this. I have a little over 45 pounds left to go until I reach goal. I can almost taste it. :cursing: I love how my body feels now.. this is embaressing but I love to lie in bed and feel my bones. I didn't realize they had been missing all those years. It feels so good to know I am no longer morbidly obese and people actually see me now. I get comments from men and I love it even though I am really committed to my hubby. So that is my first blog and I hope to keep it up! :thumbup:



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