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My lapband journey, the good the bad and the ugly lol

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Part 5: GG has expanded her blogging horizons to YOUTUBE!!

Hey people!:biggrin:   I finally bit the bullet and decided once and for all to sort out my video diary's and upload them to you tube. I did try to edit them until my editing programme decided not to work any more!   Anyway's as well as following my journey on LBT you can also join me on youtube!!   CHECK IT OUT---->>>>>YouTube - gg2007BandSTAR's Channel   catch you all later!




Part 4: Looks like its self pay!! :-( But...I LOVE ME, BECAUSE IM WORTH IT!!!

Ok i have just gotten back from the hospital and although i knew which way it was gonna go (pushing me down gastric bypass route) i still held out some hope that i may be able to get banded.   The surgeon was an absolute dickhead!!! Didnt listen to anything i had to say...was going on about the advantages of gastric bypass...(yeah right being on supplements for the rest of my life) i was sitting there thinking you fool!! I told him the whole story...blah blah, but he didnt really seem to want to listen. To top it all off, my appointment was for 16.15. But the hospital had a fire alarm...by the time i got back in he waiting room it was already 16:15 and there were three people before me, i didnt end up going to see him untill 5:30pm. The other ladies were in there between 30-50 mins. I was in and out of their in 10 minutes!! Throughout me sitting in the waiting room and through teh consultation the fire alarm was STILL going on. I swear i can still hear it ringing in my ears!!   He then told me that i cant book and full assessment, until i go home and "think about it". Like i haven't been for the last four years!!!! What an EEEEDDDIOTTT!!!:cursing::wink:   Bascially unless my bmi is the fourtys they are not going to do it, so the NHS can go F**K themselves (and to think, money is taken out of my pay packet every month and i cant even get a service what i have literally paid for) !!! As i have said before whether it be paid for by the NHS or by me i will get banded. I will self pay, i tell you there is no money to much i wont pay to get my health back into check.   Ok so im a lil pissed off when i come out of the hospital, i really shouldn't of been as deep down i knew what they would say. I picked my mum up from the airport today and she has no idea about my surgery plans. When i get to my mums house, she asks where did i go. I was in two minds about telling her the truth, but i said to myself if she asks i will tell her.   In my head im thinking here it goes....!! "where did you go" me: "i went to see an nhs consultant about weight loss surgery" Mum: "What? weight loss surgery" me: "yes" Mum: "NO, NO, NO,!!!! So they can cut your stomach?? Dont even think about it" Me: "No actually, they don't do it as open surgery!! Do you even know what kind of weight loss surgery i want? It called a gastric band, do you know what that is??" Mum: No! Me: " Well you shouldn't start shouting if you don't know what it is that im talking about!"   At this point i just want to burst into tears, but i hold them back walk away and take some deep breathes. I just find it really sad that the one person that i would really like supporting me is totally against the idea. The only person who i know i have 100% from is my sister, she has really been my rock throughout this, and really don't know what i would do without her. I was able to vent to her and she made me feel so much better.   I know it may sound wrong but that was another reason i wanted to tell as few people about the procedure as possible. I will be self paying and going to Belgium for the procedure and i will not be telling my mother that im going or having the procedure done.   I really dont think that she understands the extent of how this excess weight is making me so unhappy. I'm normally and bright and happy person but i have felt so down today, i feel everyone is against me except my sister. I really do thank god for forums like this because is it of such support to me.   Anwyays to cut a long story short i will be self paying and having surgery on sept 1st. I have always done everything for everybody else, its time i started thinking about myself for once. If people cant accept my decision then that is their problem NOT MINE!!   Im doing this for ME and nobody else, for once in my life im doing something for ME. and as the loreal adverts say......"BECAUSE IM WORTH IT"!!   Lapband here i come!!!




Part 3: Another consultation...To Pay or Not To Pay..??? That is the Question...!

Ok Ok i have another consultation on Thursday 3rd July! Im very excited about it but very anxious...this consultation is with the National Health Service and if they approve me then i will not have to go private and self pay for my surgery. My only problem is that from talking to other people who have had it done, because of my high BMI they will try and push me down the gastric bypass route, which i dont want to go down. I really dont want any part of my body, especially if there is nothing wrong with it to me chopped up and re arranged. I really know that i can make this lapband work. And dont care if it takes me 3yrs years to get the weight off. I am prepared and so ready to give it my all!! Anyways im gonna try not to get ideas in my head of what they are going to say, but will pray about it and wait and see what happens.   But God willing of course i would love to get it done on the NHS that would save me nearly £4000. But at the end of teh date there is no cost to high to get my health back into check! I will do what i need to do, if push comes to shove!   Roll on Thursday 3rd July!!!! Wooooo




Part 2: Hurry up!!! I hate waiting!!! ahhhhh

My goodness I am so impatient…..!!! If only I knew about this procedure before I blew all my money on nothing. I’m still waiting to have my appoint with the nhs consultant on 3rd July. But I got this funny feeling that they are going to try and push me into getting bypass because of my high BMI. Either way, I am not going to let them change my mind…and if I have to I’m going to get it done privately if they refuse to do the op.   Im sooo sick and tired of being overweight…..:thumbdown:i can see it now 2009 is going to be my year!! :thumbup::thumbup:I know that it is probably going to be the hardest few years of my life getting the weight off, but it is so going to be worth it!   I don’t really know what im going to say to work why im going to be having two weeks off, I suppose I could pull a sickie but then they will ask for medical evidence. I am telling as few people as possible, that being my sister whom im very close to and my mother. (still haven’t done it yet). Mainly because she is off on holiday and second im not to sure how she is going to react. Either way I kno that the lapband is for me and im going ahead no matter if people approve or not. Afterall they don’t have to carry around all of this excess weight! Im always doing things for others, its time I did something for myself. Am not looking forward to the pre op diet seeing as I have to do it for a month….ive done the Cambridge diet before and ifi can do that im sure I can get through this.   Enough of my rambling for today…..:thumbup::ohmy:




GG'S Lapband Journey June 2008

Hi all Welcome to my first blog entry:thumbup::biggrin2:…over the next few months I will blogging my lap band journey. A bit of background first though: Im 25 and have been overweight since I can remember, I have done all of the fad diets, starving myself, drinking protein shakes only, diet pills, reducing my portion sizes, slimming clubs…you name it ive done it! My problem is I have no problem in loosing the weight its just keeping it off. This year I finally decided to do something once and for all about my weight and am going to be banded. I am trying to get banded on the nhs (national health service) but I will have a few hoops to jump through first. Even if I am excepted im not to sure how long the wait is going to be. So in the mean time I have found a private surgeon who will do the op and have provisionally booked it for sept. Hopefully by that time the nhs will have gotten back to me and I will know what is what! Im currently 392lbs (cant believe im telling you all) I normally the kind of person, if you ask me what I weigh I will start going into one and have a hissy fit, it none of your business blah blah!! Lol lol But im praying to God that it wont be seeing that number for much longer. Because I am so heavy I am embarking on a diet to try and loose as much as I can before the op. I will be doing a pre op diet from the 4th august to skrink that sexy liver of mine lol! So if you wanna here me cuss and complain stay tuned for that one lol. At the moment I am trying to make healthier food choices and step up my exercise. The exercise part I am struggling with, (any excuse lol) part of me thinks get your lazy ass up and do it and the other half thinks, ahhh …..the pain. I find it really hard to walk at the mo because of the pain in my joints but I have taken up swimming since last sept and do enjoy it. I only go to one class a week but that can defiantly be stepped up. Since I have decided to get banded I have been having some funny dreams…..in one im prancing about in a bikini, in another ive got ripped abs!! Ripped abs??? lol lol I could give you a six pack roll of fat right now…lol But in all seriousness , I know that this is the best decision I have made and whether it be down the private or nhs route, Stay tuned…… GG!!:biggrin:



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