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We didn't go on roller coasters because we didn't fit into the cars and/or safety belts
We chose bigger cars because what we really want - in my case, a Mini - wouldn't fit our happy asses comfortably and we looked ridiculous driving them around
We didn't have the freedom to buy clothes we liked because we had to buy clothes that fit our expansive waistlines
We avoided stairs, walking festivals, and anything resembling an outdoor/exercise activity because of how we looked or how it affected us after only a short while
We ate what everyone else ate, regardless of its nutritional value (or lack thereof) because we didn't have the freedom (or so we thought) to make different choices; we were enslaved to justification, eating with the masses
Last Friday, my assistant and I went shopping. I went into a normal-sized store and purchased normal-sized clothing off the normal-sized rack. No "W" after the size, no special department, no special cut to hide my abnormal size or shape. I found Freedom through choice rather than a forced necessity.
Staying on Track in the Path of a Hurricane
To the Asshats Who Broke Into My House
Seeing him again for the first time
Paying Attention: My New Obsession
Support: Sugar and Spice, Not Always Nice
Over and over and over again....
(And even with GB, you are limited in the sugar, fat, etc. you can take in for fear of Dumping Syndrome. And yes, it's as bad as it sounds.)
Just because you CAN eat it (get it down), doesn't mean you should. If you are eating ice cream, smores, Fritos, cheeseburgers, bacon and sausage pizzas, etc. as regular food instead of the occasional treat, then you will continue to look like you eat those things.
Calories in need to be less than calories out (expended). Low carb, high protein, SugarBusters, Weight Watchers, whatever you are doing... calories are still king. Eat more than you need and you gain weight. Eat what you expend and you stagnate. Eat less than your bigger body needs and you will begin to lose weight to create the smaller body we all hope to achieve in this process.
Move your ass! (Thanks to Jachut's sig for that reminder.) If you are sitting around expecting the pounds to melt off simply from "dieting," you are in big trouble. It may work at first if you are watching your caloric intake, but that will slow down - if not stop.
Your body needs to move: your heart, lungs, muscles... they need exercise to become more efficient and fuel this healthier body you are trying to create. You don't need to be a triathlete (but kudos to those who do!), but you need to move. It also helps with skin elasticity, so there's a double bonus there.
Soda? Pop? Cola? Beer? Sparkling Water? Carbonation? Fizzy Drinks? How many people have to post on this one - creating a new thread with a poll every week? Even if your doctor didn't tell you to stay away (because I realize that not all docs are created alike and some people did not receive the guidance they should), READ THE BOARDS. This and other questions are dead horses on which so many people still beat. Seriously, it's called a search button. Look for key words, phrases. Spend some time researching what it is you are looking to understand. People answering the 2,863,298th poll about carbonated beverages is not justification, especially for those posters who admit that they "know better" or "know it's bad", etc. It's science. Carbonated beverages contain (cold) compressed gases. Introduce them into a (warm) stomach and guess what happens? The gas bubbles have no where to go. When they explode, much like they do on the top of your beer stein, where do you think all that goes? It's trapped. Trapped exploding gas bubbles = expansion of their environment... your pouch. Expand the pouch and the band as a tool becomes nearly useless. I Know It's Bad, But..... This just needs to go away. If you know it's wrong or bad, don't freaking do it. Period. Posting on the boards and finding other people who know it's bad does not negate the fact that your behavior is your worst enemy. If it's bad, don't do it. If you slipped, stand back up and do the right thing. Continue to screw up, and no amount of board postings will help you. Someone tell me what to do. Whip me into shape. This one just pisses me off. Looking for advice is great. Comparing notes is fabulous. But, if you need this board to tell you step by step how to live your new life... you need way more than this board can provide. This is a message board and, while I have met some great people and read some great posts, it is still up to the individual reader to take action on what they learn here. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE. If you need someone to hold your hand and lead you through each day, each meal, each issue, you need to look into something more face-to-face. Also, if it's a medical issue, go to the damn doctor. How many more people will post that something is broken, bleeding, popping, or otherwise falling off - then wait for the online community to tell them that they haven't been banded yet but maybe it's this, that, or the other? KEEP YOUR SURGEON INVOLVED - ESPECIALLY WITH MEDICAL-RELATED ISSUES. I did _____________ earlier than I was told. I didn't follow ___________ exactly as I was instructed. I ate ______________ a month before I was supposed to. Follow the rules. If your doctor gives you guidance - even knowing that they are all different - who are you to decide that his or her medical education and training are inferior to your experience as a patient? Let's face it, if you knew better, you wouldn't be in this position... would you? Get over yourself and accept that you don't know everything. Are some of the rules harder than others? Hell yes, they are supposed to be. This isn't supposed to be easy - you have to put some effort into this new, healthier you. If you can't be bothered, then why go through with this? ----- More to come... believe me.
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