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Still as strong as ever in my pursuit of WLS!

It's been awhile since I have blogged my thoughts and feelings on what is going on. This LBT is great because I have met a couple of really great people so far and I enjoy talking with them. One actually went to a information meeting in Flagstaff with me. I am really only torn over one thing. I really want to get the sleeve rather than the lap band but I know for a fact that my insurance wont cover the sleeve and I am so not wanting to wait for a year or two for them to come around and finally add it to their list of surgeries accepted for WLS. I want this done now and not one or two years from me. I'm 45 and want to start living life better than I currently am. I am in some sort of waiting game right now. I need to wait to find out exactly how to proceed with this. The surgeon's office is calling BCBS of Mass to find out exactly what is required but the initial call looked very promising. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for a call back any time now. I leave for Ireland two weeks from this Friday. I wish this could've been postponed for just a little bit until I lost a tiny bit of weight. I have no problems walking around etc but I just flew not long ago and dang those seats do not have much room! I had the seat belt out as far as I could and I was so embarrassed that I couldnt put the tray table down. I just pretended that I didn't want anything to drink but I was just too embarrassed too admit, "Yes I'm too fat so I can't put the tray table down" ' I'm flying with my Mom and Sister but that isnt much consulation, they are of normal size and don't fully understand. When I was in Washington visiting my parents in July I brought up the idea of LB surgery to my Mom. I had pretty much made up my mind at that point I was doing it but just wanted to let her know because as my mother I just feel she has a right to know. I knew she wouldn't be supportive and I was right. She told me with my strong will and stubborness I have always had and my desire to always be competitive and win at all costs she finds it hard to believe I can not win the battle over my weight the "right way" I suppose I was wrong to think my mom might have a inkling of any idea of what it was like to have struggled with this my whole adult life. At any rate, I now have the full support of my husband and mother in law. Maybe this trip to Ireland with my mom and sister I can talk about it a bit more. Or maybe I just want a good vaction and I'll give my mom a call the night before surgery lol NEWS WHICH HAPPENED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THIS POST: I received a call from the surgeon's office to inform me that my insurance looks good and they want me to meet with the surgeon on September 9th to start the process! YEAHHHHHH




Reading more on the insurance I will have on June 1, 2008

It is BC/BS of Massachusetts, Blue Care Elect Preferred (PPO) I have googled this a lot today and have found that as long as there is an exclusion for WLS there seems to be no problem getting banded. (I HOPE!!) I dont think the employer would put a specific exclusion for WLS because what I am reading it sounds as if they pulled no stops at making sure they have a great policy. Soooooo unlike my husband's current (nearly former) employer.




First blog entery.......my wee ray of hope!

Ok, So this is my first entry on this blog. A bit about myself. I have always struggled with my weight. I was never overweight as a child or even a teen. I think this was because my Mom really was my "food monitor" I never realized that till now that I am 44. It wasn't until I got out of my Mom's grasp did I gain loads of weight which of course for most kids is when they go away to college. Before that point I was very active. I was involved in Sports and Cheerleading but still was considered "big" compaired to the other girls. I knew I was different even though I was what I now consider at a very good weight. I am 5'9 and back then I was consistantly between 145 and 160 until I was 20. At 20 I went away to a University after staying at home for 2 years while getting my AA. My own parents were in shock when I came home for Thanksgiving weighing around 180 at that time. By Summer I was around 200. From there it was a vicious cycle. I did get engaged that Summer. My poor fiance (now husband) knew me as the good looking 20 year old and now had a overweight fiance. By the time we married the following Summer I was at 225. 4 years later came my first son. I had got up to 260 but went on diet center and immediately got pregnant but got down to 220 first in about 8 weeks. My pregnancy weight topped out at 280. 4 years later when I got pregnant again my pre-pregnancy weight had gotten to 306. By the time of delivery I was 325. My weight was effecting a lot of my activities. 3 years later (this was back in 1996) we moved to Phoenix. I found a new love in my life....chatting online. I was bored here in Phoenix and had no friends so I took to chatting online. Somehow that sparked me not eating and being able to easily diet. I still dont know the reasoning but I was happy about it. I had gotten up to 337 and within 12 months I was down to 200 pounds. I felt great and loved life once again. I was comfortable on an airplane, shopping in normal shops etc. Now, 12 years later, after many ups and downs I am at the highest weight I have been since my huge weight loss. I am back up to 292 and really wanting to get banded. I love to travel and it's embarrassing to squeeze into an airplane seat. I do it often but I am usually praying the night before that no one will be sitting next to me. I already have a trip to Ireland planned in September with my Mom and Sister and I know I am going to spill over into their seat. Not that they dont know how big I am, I just dont like to be reminded! I also know I have sleep apnea though it hasnt been brought to the attention of my doctor. I am tired all the time and my feet hurt when I wake up in the morning and take those first few steps. I remember them doing that when I was at my highest weight ever. That all went away when I dropped all that weight but now in the past few months those feet pains are coming back. Other than those "ailments" I am quite healthy. No high BP, no diabetes, no limitations etc. Wow this has gotten very long!! Anyway, I hope I am well aware of what being banded will do for me and I am going into it with my eyes open. My insurance now is Cigna and it's such a cheap insurance option that my husband's company selected. It's not even normal cigna, it's got loads of exclusions and huge deductibles and co-pays. I was so happy that my husband (after working for 19 years with his current company) has just taken a job yesterday with a new company!! :thumbdown: When he was interviewed he found out that it's a great health plan. Its BC/BS of Mass. Some sort of Blue select program. From all it covers and how generous this insurance seems to be I feel as if they have probably not excluded lapband as an option like what the Cigna policy did. I see this is my ray of hope! I need to sit back till around June 1 when I am finally covered on this insurance and then find out what to do to get this process rolling!




Almost one year later..........HUGE difference!

Ok, it's been ages since I posted on here for good reason. I just got a reply from something I posted nearly a year ago so I felt the need to update my blog. I was going to have the lap band but after the urging of my surgeon I fully looked into Gastric Bypass (RNY) surgery. It was something I never even considered. Why would I want my guts rearranged and have a surgery that wasnt reverseable? Why would I want a surgery which had a high death rate? Why would I want to even consider something substandard as compared to the lap band? Well it's because after I finally looked into all of those reason, I found out I was way too harsh on this surgery. I did deserve something that gave me greater control of my life with less stuggles. I found out that most ALL the reasons this surgery is deemed "scary" by most bandsters is totally unfounded. I had RNY January 8, 2009. That was the start of my new life. I am now down 99 pounds. Where as before I was a size 26/24 I am now a size L tops and 14 bottoms. I have had ZERO complications and a fast easy recovery. If anyone would like to message me with any questions on RNY please feel free to do so. I am soooooo dang happy I had this surgery. It was the best chocie for me. Please, if you are looking at being banded look at ALL options before making that huge desicion. Im not saying RNY is for everyone but I thank God everyday I made the decision I did.




10 months and counting!

It's now been 10 months since my RNY gastric bypass surgery. Zero complications, zero struggles and a lot of weight gone! I started out at 306 and as of this morning I am 176! WOW!! I am 5'9 so that puts me just 11 pound short of goal. If anyone has any questions regarding RNY surgery just ask. Its not as scary as you've been led to believe.



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