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Acid Reflux & Vomiting

Hi Everyone,   I was wondering if anyone has experienced this problem. It's almost been a year since my surgery. I have lost 50lbs. and my docotr says it wasnt a significant weight loss. After my last fill i started throwing up and was having a really hard time so i called the office and exsplained my problem and they said as long as i can get water down i am fine. that was in October. it has gotten a little better since but this past week i have been having the worst acid refulx and vomiting alot. I couldnt even keep water down. I had to fight with the nurse that i needed an unfill. they told me to wait out the weekend and just drink fluids. I am sorry but i have been starving for 1 week already I AM HUNGRY. they made me feel like some fat person wanting an unfill just so i could eat more. i was very upset and called them back and demanded an upper GI. so i got it and they said the band WAS a little too tight!:thumbup: they took out 1/2 cc from my 7cc's. i feel better but still alittle Nauseous, but no vomiting. Should i just give it alittle time i did just have it today. i dont want to feel sick anymore.





Hello Everyone, I would like to see if anyone has advice for me. I had my surgery on April 22, 2008. I lost 15lb before surgery and have only lost a grand total of 26pounds. They never explained to me that i would still be very hungry after i had this surgery. The first week after i was miserable. Ok fine i got over that. I was never able to eat chicken after the surgery ok fine i am over that. i had my first fill 6 weeks after surgery. It did nothing at all. My second and third fill was the same. I still felt hungry all the time:thumbdown: and could eat alot of food. although my choices are better i am still not loosing weight. I just had my fourth fill and i am at 7cc's in a REALIZE band. this fill has been very hard. The list of foods i CAN eat is very limited as aposed to the list of foods i can not eat. I have a hard time with eggs but if i have cereal for breakfast i am starving by 11am. I throw up alot and i dont ever feel full and i am not loosing weight. I have been eating good foods. i had eggs for breakfast, celery and cheese for snack, salad and yogurt for lunch and steak and beets for dinner. still starving. HELP!!! what do i do?



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