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Life is good!

I am loving life after my surgery on 6-18-08. Life is so good. I have lost about 65 lbs as of today and doors are opening for me (or maybe I am actually opening them since I feel better about myself and not so self conscience about my appearance.) I am really excited to see more changes!




Banded and feeling great!

It has been along time since I blogged here. I think it was when I was approved which was May 12th. I had surgery on June 18th and am getting ready to have first fill on July 31st. I lost 20 lbs on pre diet and then have lost 14 since surgery. It is coming off slowly but I am glad of that, it is more apt to stay off that way. I am in lap band limbo with very little restriction right now, but use my little plastic rubbermaid containers that hold like 3/4 cup and when the food is gone I stop! Basically, it is a mind game, if you have a craving for something BAD then go have something not so bad, just a small amount. Chocolate, sugar-free pudding has been a life saver for me when that urge to eat something sweet hits me! And it only has like 60 calories!   Keep up the hard work everyone!




I have been approved!!!!

I found out late yesterday afternoon that I am approved through my insurance. I am so excited. I got a call this a.m. from surgeon's office and have an appt with him on June 5th (1- to pay up! LOL 2-To set surgery date) and then go to pre-admission for all that stuff as well.   I did ask for a Friday surgery date so I can come back to work on Monday.   The reason I asked not to meet with the surgeon until the first of June is my son-in-law is coming home from Iraq tomorrow and I don't want to deal with the liquid diet and all that while he is here. Just enjoy the time with him and my daughter and the girls. I can't wait to see how the girls go to him, he has been gone for 7 months now and they have changed so much in his absence.   Well, just wanted to let everyone know I am approved... wooo hoooooooooooooooooo!




Waiting is not my forte'.... LOL

I am sitting here waiting on the insurance company to approve the surgery so I can start my new life! I am so excited about this procedure.   I have had weight issues since I was abused by a family member when I was approx. 10 years old. I guess I decided to hide behind the weight and it would protect me. :thumbdown: But it started coming on when I was in the 5th grade. Up until then I was thin. In fact, my mom told me that when I was a baby they had to take me to the doctor because I would not eat... WELL not having that problem now!:eek:   Anyway, I was active in Jr. High and High school, being a cheerleader all through those years. I was still larger than all the other girls, but had/have a great personality and pretty enough face, that I didn't let my weight become an issue in my life until I was married and having babies.   Not being able to blame the pregnancies on my weight gains. Only gained 12 lbs. with first pregnancy and 20 with the second!   It really started when ex husband started having affairs that the weight came on and it came on fast, I am one of those ladies that keeps everything inside until she decides to explode! Well it took me 18 years to finally explode and when I did, I lost 120 lbs of my own and his 180 lbs as we divorced.   Then I did the rebound thing... I KNOW I KNOW,, stupid and he turned out to be an alcoholic and all the weight I had lost came back on as I saw my life going south again.... Then we divorced and I lost some of the weight after that.   No my thyroid is pretty much shot, I am on medication but the doctor told me that with my thyroid issues I would have a lot harder time loosing weight and that is when I decided to try the route of the lap band. I have done alot of research and think this will work for me as it will help me to keep it off.   My support system isn't very good with family, my mom is always telling me about these shows she watches on tv about the lapband and all the bad stuff that happens. :mad:(Yes, I told her to stop watching so much tv.!) So I am looking for a different support system and that is where I came across this site. I am hoping to connect with a few people on here to help keep my spirits up and my head up at the same time.   Anyone out there interested in supporting one another in this adventure I am game!:bored::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:





Well, my name is Ronda and I have decided to try and have the lapband surgery here in Springfield, MO with Dr. Edwards from St. John's. I went to the seminar in Feb. 08 and started the process. I finished the last requirement with them this last monday and now my paperwork has been submitted to my insurance company and I am just waiting to find out if I am going to be able to go through with the lapband procedure.   I am very excited about this process and have really enjoyed everything that Dr. Edwards office requires you to do to be compliant with the changes you have to make in your lifestyle to be successful after surgery. His staff are great to work with also.   I will let you all know if I am successful with the insurance company!



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