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I'm back

Well, made it through surgery and can't wait to get back to walking (more than just around the house). I have a swimming pool now and all the work getting it up and running before my surgery is reminding me to keep active or be sore. In other words, my legs and arms think I have done something mean to them and are paying me back by hurting. Well, I did do them wrong, I left them alone and idle for too long. Won't do that again. I heard about a cool site on the web...just go to Cool Running :: running run training marathon runners jogging jogger joggers runner run fitness exercise diet weight loss nut... and check out the couch to 5k. As soon as the doc clears me, I'm on it.




Minor delay

I have surgery scheduled for Wednesday May 21 to fix my port. Seems the little devil flipped over and is now upside down. I guess, it freaked out when it saw the needle coming for the last fill. Oh well, only a delay, not the end. Have lost 21 pounds so far and only 84 more to go. I have set small goals and have already attained my first. This is something only an overweight person would recognize. I used to have to get someone to tie my shoes for me and now not only can I tie them myself, the bow ends up in the middle of the shoe and not nestled to the inside of the tongue. On to bigger and more substantial goals. As they say in AA... it works if you work it and it is worth it.:thumbup:



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