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Stress can wear you down..

I'm 3/4 of the way through September and had lost 2 more pounds but gained back three!   I keep wondering what I'm doing differently and have determined EVERYTHING!   I stopped exercising, I stopped counting protein and calories, I started drinking high calorie libations, I started making excuses for eating cake and ice cream, blah, blah , blah...   Since my last blog I've enjoyed three family birthdays.   I've dealt with the death of family member.   I've learned new software at work.   I've sprained my ankle.   I've had house guests for three weeks.   I'm in the middle of a law suit.   All triggers to get be back to believing that food is a comfort not energy.   Today is a new day. I've said no the the banana bread and lemon cake at work. I've journaled what I've put in my mouth and plan to go for bike ride this evening.     Everyday is a new day and I plan to make this one better than yesterday.   Wish me luck as I haul this fat butt back on the wagon.     Ollie




Going to Daytona Beach in November and will be wearing a skimpy suit!

I just confirmed a week's vacation with my hubby, son and daughter to spend Thanksgiving on the beach this year. This will be unusual for me as I usually host the big family dinner with 30 plus people and enough food to feed 60 which results in a 4 day feeding frenzy.   I'm glad we're doing something a little less traditional this year as I hope to break some of my Holiday habits...gaining 5-10 pounds.   What do I plan to do in Daytona? Swim, walk the beach, ride bicyles, dancing at night clubs, Christmas shopping, anything that requires me to be active. My goal will be to burn off any daily calories that are not necessary (ice cream, alcohol) and continure to lose weight while I'm there.   I have approximately 130 days to get my body ready for a skimpy swimsuit. Will I be a size 8? No.... But I'll look damn good in a size 12! :shades_smile:   P.S. I have officially walked 100 miles since the first week in June and have ridden 48 miles on my bike. I feel so much stronger than I did 2 months ago.




Plateau finally broken...hallelujah!

"Muscle weighs more than fat." Do you know how many times I've heard that in the month of July? Too many. But finally that wicked scale finally threw me a bone and dropped by two pounds. I'm now under 240.   Now, I'm not whining although it sounds like it. I have biked over 170 miles since July 3rd. So I deserved to drop at least 5 pounds in my mind. Don't you agree? Yes, the inches are dropping off too but I'm yet to drop a full size so that will be the telling moment.   Everyday I jump on my bike with a renewed sense of awareness of how strong I'm getting. The hills are not so itimidating, the traffic less invasive, but more than anything my mind is opening up to challenging this body to go another mile.   Two days ago it hit close to 100 degrees when i was biking home 9 miles from work. Someone asked me if I felt sick when biking at that temperature but amazingly if you hydrate you're fine and it's almost cool when the breeze hits you.   I have a goal to hit 500 miles on my bike by my birthday on August 28th. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. :redface:     Ollie




Bicycling again.. http://www.mapmyride.com/training

OMG! I had forgotten how fun it is to get on your bike and just ride. No destination, no goal, just cruise.   I now have the energy to bike for a hour at a time which can take you miles from home. Each time I hit a hill I have to count to 20, over and over again to make it to the top but with each wheel rotation I can feel the calories burning and my heart getting stronger.   I found this website that helps you find bike paths in your community and can chart your progress, count the calories you've burned etc.. MapMyRide.com | My Training   So if you are like me... Dig out your bike from the back of the garage, find the helmet, pump up the tires and get out and ride.   Ollie




5 days to go before my first fill, Yikes! Can I wait that long?

Ok. So the first month was not such a breeze as I expected?   What did I expect? I wanted to be down 20lbs, perhaps one size? Instead after the scale kept jumping around, initially losing 15 lbs then regaining 4 after I started to exercise and now down again by 2 pounds leaving me at a net loss of 13. But I'm down so this is good.   My Dr. told me that the two weeks before your first fill was the hardest because you have the band but no restriction and can eat solid food again. So why don't we fill that sucker up now instead of waiting?Patience is not my best quality. So I will continue to watch my calories, walk everyday to help clear my mind of all uncertainies and stoke up my metabolism.   I'm trying to stay at 1200 calories but most of the time hit 1500 a day and 80 grams of protein.   Keep me in your thoughts as I work through the last 5 days of my pre-fill journey.   Ollie:confused_smile:




Entertaining for the 4th of July

I really haven't felt like entertaining for a very long time but I'm raring to go again. Now that my energy level is back up and I've actually cleaned every nook and cranny in my house let the entertaining begin!   We plan to have two couples over for the 4th. Planning a menu that's perfect for me appears to be easier than I thought. My hubby plans on grilling brats and chicken breasts. A great fresh salad and slurpy watermelon sounds perfect with a couple of lemonade martinis.   I also now fit into summer clothes that I had tucked away because they were too small. I tried on a sundress and it zipped up with little struggle.   Yes, losing weight is good. :wink:




Went to my first Support group last night

Went to my first Support group last night where we had a guest speaker; clinical phychologist who specializes in Weight Loss Counseling.   Best information I took away was learning to live your life today, not waiting for that "day" when you finally reach your goal. I seem to daydream about that day as if it will change my life. I'll wake up that day and be someone else. I'm starting to "get" what she means.   Tonight is "Girls Night Out" and I always look forward to some time with the girls.   Ollie




The rings comes off...

In June, just 3 short months ago I blogged about not being able to get a ring off my right hand for many years. My doctor said they could cut it off as it was restricting my blood flow especially when retaining water.   I patiently waited. Every week trying to see if it would budge, a little soap..Nope. A little oil..Nope. Icing the finger...Nope. Wrapping dental floss tightly around the finger to then slide off...Nope.   Well...Drum roll. I just washed my hands and decided to twist away and off it came!   Not that I won't put it back on but sliding that ring off gave me such as sense of accomplishment. I'm now down 29 pounds and feeling like more like my old self.     Here's to accomplishing small goals that make you smile.     Ollie




Down 17 lbs and feel like cleaning house?

Ok. Has anyone been through the nesting phase?   I started cleaning my house yesterday at 7am. First the bathrooms, on to the dusting and I mean oiling the furniture including the kitchen cabinets. I took a break to have a protein shake and wipe the sweat away but then it hit me like a freight train... I must clean the windows, scrub the kitchen floor, and rearrange the laundry room.   On to the bedroom where I cleaned my everything including my closet? I was possessed!   I finally put the cleaning supplies away at 4pm and it occurred to me that I have not cleaned like this in 3 years. About the time I had put 35 more pounds of weight on.   It really is the small changes in my journey that I appreciate. Incidently, I woke up this morning feeling so sore and it was a ssswwweeett feeling.   Ollie




"Lightening Up Sale!"

So with all my newly acquired energy I have undertaken a Garage Sale this weekend.   As I strolled through my house plucking pictures from the wall, clothing from my closet, knick-knacks, furniture, dishes, jewelry, you name I have it and I'm tired of it.   Where in the world did all this excess baggage come from? My daughter made the comment, "Yeah Mom..you're lightening up!" As she encouraged me to get rid of the stuff she calls clutter.   I'm going to start a new rule at my house that whenever I bring something in I must take something out. Hopefully, eliminating the excess clutter.   The same principal can be applied to my weight. Keeping my calorie intake at 1600. No.. if,ands or buts, just period. Anymore calories and I must exercise the extra calories off in that day. Keeping myself in balance.   This weight loss thing sure can hit you on very many levels of your life.   Wish me luck on my "Lightening Up Sale!"     Ollie




When I said I do...

Saw Clint Black at an outdoor concert this weekend with my hubby of 27 years.   When we first met we liked Rock and Roll, I'm talking Pink Floyd, Moody Blues and Yes.   As all relationships change so do tastes in music. When my husband started listening to Country Music I was shocked to say the least. When I asked him why he started listening to Country he said he felt the lyrics were more real and he could identify with them.   About ten years ago we went through a really tough time in our relationship and almost parted ways. Mike made me a mix tape that included a few of his favorite songs that included When I say I do. It means so much to me now and thought I'd share it with you. We have been through a lot, thick and thin and hope you'll find the lyrics inspiring too.   Ollie     These times are troubled and these times are good And they're always gonna be, they rise and they fall We take 'em all the way that we should Together you and me forsaking them all Deep in the night and by the light of day It always looks the same, true love always does And here by your side, or a million miles away Nothin's ever gonna change the way that I feel, The way it is, is the way that it was   When I said I do, I meant that I will 'til the end of all time Be faithful and true, devoted to you That's what I had in mind when I said I do   Well this old world keeps changin', and the world stays the same For all who came before, and it goes hand and hand Only you and I can undo all that we became That makes us so much more, than a woman and a man And after everything that comes and goes around Has only passed us by, here alone in our dreams I know there's a lonely heart in every lost and found But forever you and I will be the ones Who found out what forever means   When I said I do, I meant that I will 'til the end of all time Be faithful and true, devoted to you That's what I had in mind when I said I do Truer than true, you know that I'll always be there for you That's what I had in mind, that's what I had in mind, When I said I do




Remember what you use to do with your legs?

Today as I was bicycling to work I saw a small girl running and it got me thinking about how strong children's legs are and subsequently how weak mine felt at that very moment due to a large hill I had just crested.   When I was a child these were my favorite things I used my legs for without knowing how much stronger they were making me.   leg wrestling
Hanging from jungle gym
back handsprings
riding a bike
50 yard dash
climbing trees
balance beam
roller skating
walking 18 blocks to/from school home
kick soccer
jumping on a trampoline
Jumping rope
What happens to us? I can't believe how lazy we get as adults? Yes, we're busy in other ways but what happened to staying out until dark running until it was time for bed? Instead we beeline straight for the couch with the remote and fall asleep before dark.   I'm not sure what happened to me but I'm determined to change my life. Not to add more activities or responsibilities but "fun."     Ollie




Cut the ring off my finger or lose weight

Many years and pounds ago my very sweet husband purchased a Mother's ring for me. He commissioned to have it made from a small jeweler and asked that the birthstones of our children, his and my birthdays; Citrine, Emerald, Sapphire and Peridot, be surrounded by two rings of gold.   I remember when he gave it to me. We took a Ski trip to Winter Park, CO, where he surprised me over the Christmas Holiday. He was so proud to give it to me as I was to receive it.   Now twenty years later, the ring is still on my right hand but tight enough for a Dr. to suggest cutting it off? No way! I will lose the weight. At this point, it spins which is a good sign. Perhaps 30 pounds more and the ring can be taken off safely.   Will I take it off when I can? Certainly not, but over my dead body will the ring be cut. This ring means more to me after 27 years of marriage than my wedding band.   Small steps..   Ollie




Summer's over already?

This has been the best summer in 5 years!   My highlights included wearing shorts and a swimsuit on multiple occassions and actually swimming while I was at the pool.   My hubby and I enjoyed several concerts including an outdoor concert that I wore a sundress.   I visited Las Vegas and walked every morning that I was there at least 4 miles. I have ridden my bike over 325 miles and walked over 138 since June 1st.   I've had an energy level and a renewed interest in life after losing 25 pounds and 10 inches.   I love my Lapband.     Ollie




Walking 1,2,3

Why is it when I think about exercising I find so many "excuses" not to follow through. Here are my best:   1. I'm so busy, hard to find time... Reality- I'm blogging right now?   2. I'm so tired after working 8 hours... Reality- I feel energized after walking   3. My ankles swell after walking... Reality- My heart swells from not walking   4. It's too hot... Reality- I love the sun   5. It's too cold... Reality- I love to ski in wintry conditions   6. No one will walk with me... Reality-I like the peacefulness of not talking sometimes   7. My thighs rub together Reality- Swooshy pants fix that   8. I'm lazy Reality- I'm not, just put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking on that door.   So, as my Lapband birthday present I started walking again on June 7 and have now walked 28 miles since my present to myself.   Here are my tips to you. Take your cellphone in case you fall, get blisters etc.. Take a bottle of water to hydrate yourself. IPOD's are great to get your heartrate up, especially "crank it up" music.     At sometime in my "Fat Journey" I started making excuses. I promise myself to no longer make excuses about exercising as the gift of a strong heart far outweighs the comfort of my favorite soft cushioned chair and remote control, or laptop.     Ollie




34 hours and counting down....

My surgery date is just around the corner. In the last week I've found so much strength and comfort with this website. I hope others are as lucky as I to have found this site prior to their surgery.   Today I had the Last Supper Syndrome. I chose Carlos O'Kelly's for a Santa Fe Chicken Salad for my last sensible meal before my clear liquids start tomorrow morning.   I'm ready.




One week and counting, a very long journey

Today is Wednesday, May 14th and I'm one week out from my surgery. I started my journey 2.5 years ago when my sister was banded. Jealousy immediatley deployed me to the internet to learn more about this procedure, combing through everyone's stories wondering if I could finally accomplish the one goal I haven't been able to tackle, a healthy state of being.   During my gestation period (pre-banding) I've learned a lot about myself. I love food so much that the glaring "red flags" from the Doctor's lab reports were easy to dismiss as most of the World is obese so join the crowd. I'm in my mid forties, successful in my field but everyday I wake up feeling the dread, how many calories did you consume the day prior, you blew off the walk you promised yourself everyday, your clothes feel tight and yes it appears you'll need to go up another size. When does it stop?   In researching the topic, I convinced myself two years ago I would finally do something for myself even if it meant paying for it out of pocket. My husband of 27 years has been patient but I can tell he looks at me differently than he did when I was 125 pounds lighter, just 14 years ago. Each year I managed to gain 10 more pounds. He on the other hand had managed to maintain his weight within 25 pounds regardless of the sweets, fat, and alcohol he consumed.   Finally, this is my journey. No children to counsel, no pressing projects at work to lead, no more excuses for killing myself emotionally as well as physically bite by bite.   For the record, I don't want to look like one of the desperate housewives but rather a confident, healthy person who can stay up past 9pm with a little extra energy to store away for the next day rather than borrowing from tomorrow. My mother died when I was 26 from Uterine cancer (probably obesity related) and father at 31 from heart disease. I'd like to be around to see my grandchildren someday and watch my children marry as I miss my parents so much.   Wish me luck as I know this will be the hardest undertaking I've personally experienced in my life. Much harder than giving birth my first child a 10 lb 5oz baby boy. This baby's birth needs to hit 100 lbs and whether it takes a year, two, or three I will finally succeed.   I'll check in later...   Ollie




60 days after surgery..What have I learned?

Although I wouldn't admit it, I think I felt that I would be "the one" that my weight would magically melt off after receiving my first fill. Guess what, it has not.   I now have 6.2 cc's in my band and struggle to eat some foods. I have had several PB episodes primarily because of acquired "bad" eating habits which include trying to enhale my food without chewing it and taking too big of bites for my own good. I feel restriction finally and it has helped me a great deal not to overeat.   As far as exercising, I now have it down and am getting very strong. I can ride my bike for 10 miles in one shot and I can walk 5 miles without feeling I could die. This is an amazing change for me as I would have never walked more than one block 3 months ago.   As far as weight loss...It is a disappointing number in my eyes but that's only because I wanted the weight to melt off. I had set unrealistic goals in my mind and the scale is not participating with my fantasy. I have lost 16-18 pounds on a good day.   My clothes fit a lot differently. I actually have lost several inches in my hips, waist and thighs. I have not lost one full size but expect to go down within the month.   I have learned to have patience with eating, with the mirror, with exercising, and most of all the scale.   Ollie




Still waiting for my unexpected gift of a 5 pound loss

So it's now been 35 days since my surgery and although happy I've lost weight I'm sensing I'm getting to that place in the "Dieting" plan that I would historically have given up.     I have always had the tendancy to compare my progress with others. I just left the Chat room and learned that another Bandster (male) that had surgery 1 week after mine had lost 35 pounds. He said he's averaging 5 pounds a week. What's wrong with me? I've been fighting to lose 17 pounds in 7 weeks?   I'm very happy for him as I know how much every pound lost means to me but come on... Give me that unexpected gift of a 5 pound loss in one week and I'll do backflips while waving flags for the Fourth of July!   After having my fill of 4cc in a 10cc band I now feel a little restriction and hope that as I introduce solid food back tomorrow I'll feel my band helping me.   I hate the yo-yo feelings about my weight loss as I meant to leave those insecurities behind after deciding on this surgery but I'm learning to take a deep breath and relax.       Ollie




Giving up multiple Vices all at one time?

I was injured in a car accident 3 years ago and due to the chronic neck pain I was taking Hydrocodone for 3 years daily. I actually took them during the day to get me through the long hours at the office along with muscle relaxers. Thank goodness my Cervical Fusion in March relieved the pain, pressure and dull ache I woke to everyday. I was finally able to eliminate the fog the medication caused and haven't had to take either medication for over two months.   Prior to my LB surgery I also gave up Nicorette gum which I had become very fond of for 18 months. Who knew it would be so easy to give up? What I missed was putting gum in my mouth so I switched to Sugar-free gum that suites me just fine.   And now on to my strongest vice, food. My Lapband is helping me but the head hunger can cleverly disguise itself as the real thing. With the other two vices I can just say no but of course with food it is always present, always tempting and rarely disappointing.   Here's to another day of fighting the beast.   Ollie




When I said I do...

Saw Clint Black at an outdoor concert this weekend, yeehaw! Ok. So maybe some of you are not Country fans? At the time that my husband and I married 27 years ago we were Pink Floyd and Moody Blues fans.   Somewhere along the way my hubby who back then had long hair started to like and listen Country Music I couldn't believe it as you couldn't pay him to listen to it when we first met?   When I asked what he liked about the artists he said they have more to say in their lyrics about the common person which he identified with.   For those of you that have been in long term relationships you've probably experienced this type of change with your partner. Mike and I have been through tough times through the years and almost through in the towel 10 years ago. During that turbulant time he made me a mix tape that included a song from Clint Black. I love the lyrics and of course the song too.   For those of you going through difficult times know that this too will pass. Perhaps   Ollie   When I said I Do...   These times are troubled and these times are good And they're always gonna be, they rise and they fall We take 'em all the way that we should Together you and me forsaking them all Deep in the night and by the light of day It always looks the same, true love always does And here by your side, or a million miles away Nothin's ever gonna change the way that I feel, The way it is, is the way that it was   When I said I do, I meant that I will 'til the end of all time Be faithful and true, devoted to you That's what I had in mind when I said I do   Well this old world keeps changin', and the world stays the same For all who came before, and it goes hand and hand Only you and I can undo all that we became That makes us so much more, than a woman and a man And after everything that comes and goes around Has only passed us by, here alone in our dreams I know there's a lonely heart in every lost and found But forever you and I will be the ones Who found out what forever means   When I said I do, I meant that I will 'til the end of all time Be faithful and true, devoted to you That's what I had in mind when I said I do Truer than true, you know that I'll always be there for you That's what I had in mind, that's what I had in mind, When I said I do




Lean and green Club...Riding my bike to work 2 times a week

Today I accomplished a major milestone for me. I rode my bike to work with was over 8 miles. It took me approximately 45 minutes with one stop for a drink of water.   I really didn't think I could do it. First, I tried to talk myself out of it thinking I'd be too sweaty, and look terrible all day at work which is not optimal at my job. Then one of my co-workers rode and challenged me to. I'm a sucker for a challenge so this morning I woke up, took a shower, packed my backback with a knit dress that wouldn't wrinkle and a pair of sandals. Threw in my blow dryer and curling iron, deoderant, mascara and lipgloss and took off with wet hair under my bike helmet before I could talk myself out of it.   The ride was amazing! I had no idea there were so many people on the trail at 6:30 in the morning? Who knew? I passed joggers, walkers, fellow bikers, the running team from a local highschool, a mommy with baby in tow. It made me feel so alive.     Just about the time I hit the downtown area I ran into some mud but with a washcoth in my backback I was set. I'm sitting here at my desk looking quite strapping in my sundress, sandals and curled hair. Who knew I could go lean and green and have a little fun too.   Loving my exercise even if the pounds aren't dropping as fast as I'd like...     Ollie




Setting a timer...Works for children, how about adults?

This morning after completing my walk I decided to set a timer to complete some chores before going to work. I set the stove timer to one hour, put in some music and promised myself not to slow down for one hour.   Did it work? Why yes it did. I used to set timers for my children that are now grown and it worked famously. I'm beginning to understand that I'm having to retrain my brain to stay active and become a energized person rather than a lazy one which I've accomplished over the last few years.   The ultimate payoff is keeping the metabolism moving and keeping it churning away at those fat cells when I'm not. Eating habits are just one piece of the puzzle, exercise is the largest piece though and sometimes the most obvious are the hardest.   I'd love to hear any other ideas of tricking our brains to be obedient to this new lifestyle.   Ollie




Did I ever mention that I hate that thing you step on and wait for a number?

I HATE SCALES!   So I've been exercising for 5 weeks without fail. Sometimes walking 5 miles a day, other times riding my bike for 10 miles. Each day I strip down, tip-toe my way onto that scale waiting for my prize. URGH!!!! I gained?     So the Dr. and everyother human being has reminded me that muscle weighs more than fat...How much more? Jeeze, I must be solid muscle by now and the fat should be dripping off me. Patience, patience... I'M NOT Patient!   Ok, so tomorrow when I get on that scale it better throw me a bone or I'll throw it out the window.   Ollie-   P.S. Sorry to rant but somedays you just have to!




Happy Memorial Day

My first Memorial day after having lap-band surgery and a befitting day for memories.   I lost my father on this day 15 years ago from Congestive Heart Failure. He struggled with multiple strokes and many more lung disorders some caused by smoking and others genetic. I miss him dearly and hope by having this surgery I will give the gift of "time" to my children and their children some day.   I'm heading back to work tomorrow and trying out some of my newly acquired eating habits, 1200 calories daily with 80grams of protein. I will also start walking over my lunch hour for 1/2 hour in hopes of breaking old habits and starting healthy ones.   Happy Memorial Day to you and your loved ones here and for those that have passed.   A new summer begins....     Ollie



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