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One More Week!

One more week until I am an official bandster!   Okay! This is what is happeneing this week as far as scheduling!   Friday:4th of July! Family Fun! Saturday: work Sunday:work Monday:Meet with Anesthesiologist and Surgeon Tuesday:Clean house,pack,prep shopping Wednesday:Work Thursday:Last minute details Friday: GET BANDED!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEKK!!!!!:wink:   Last night I had my sleep study, and I actually got way better sleep with all those wires on me than I do at home. That leads me to think my mattress at home is, to be blatant, a piece of crap. But, I'm not even going to start mattress shopping until after I am fully healed. One adventure at a time,please!   I am not even really nervous, to be honest. I know that come thursday I will be, but right now I am just so darn excited. I've lost 11 pre-op pounds, and have to loose 4 more by Monday, but on this carnation instant breakfast drink diet, I am really doubting that will be an issue. I don't really feel sad about loosing food the way that I thought I would be. This liquid diet has really put things into perspective for me. I never realized HOW MUCH JUNK I would put into my mouth and never think twice about. Now I pick up a stinkin' cookie and feel so darned guilty I put it down before it hits my lips. And when I slip up and eat it, I am kicking myself in the butt so long for it that I think it over long and hard the next time. What an improvement!   Exercise, on the other hand, it somthing that I still do NOT love. To be honest, I don't exercise. I run around like a mad woman at the hospital I work for, but that is the extent of my workout. I DO realize that this HAS to change, but the thought of picking up weights makes me want to cry. Really. CRY.   Pathetic, right? I know. But maybe I will take up kickboxing, because I saw female kickboxing on TV last night, and I seriously would love to do that. But that makes me a little afraid of getting my port flipped. What if someone kicked me in the port? I feel like that would be SUPER bad!   I'm just rambling here because I have to go get some bloodwork done, and I am seriously procrastinating. I'll come back and ramble some more later, maybe.   Have a good day, beautiful Bandsters!




One Week Until Surgery!

Okay! This is what is happeneing this week as far as scheduling!   Friday:4th of July! Family Fun! Saturday: work Sunday:work Monday:Meet with Anesthesiologist and Surgeon





Ta-DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got my insurance approval letter in the mail yesterday!   Heck YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!




First Appointment with the Surgeon!

I had my first appointment with Dr. Robinson and his Assistant on Monday, and I am shocked! This process seems like it is going to fly by! Here's how it went:     I was scheduled for 2:30 but got there at 2:00, so they sat me down with paperwork to fill out. It included all the expected questions, including lists of failed diets, weights throughout your life, co-morbidities,etc. It took about ten minutes, and then they took me in early.   The Physician's Assistant (to be called P.A. from the point on) took my blood pressure with a cuff that actually fits me, and it turns out my blood pressure is pretty darn good for a 300 lb. girl! 126/74. They weighed and measured me. We discussed the potential risks of banding, why I wanted the band vs. bypass, etc. It was all pretty straight forward. Then doctor Robinson came in.   Dr. Robinson is a man of very few words, but I am not going to him for emotional support. I am seeking him because he seems intelligent, honest and open. He told me right off the bat that I am going to need a boob lift and lower body life after surgery. He also implied that if I mention later on down the road that my boobs sagging cause back pain, and the if I start getting rashes under my extra skin, that I will be able to get both procedures covered by insurance. He then laid me down on the table, looked at my belly, and told me to loose 20-25 lbs. beore surgery. He told me he wants to see me in four weeks for a follow up. If, at that 4 week followup, I have lost 10 lbs, then he will schedule me for surgery. I was told that we're looking at the first week of August, possibly!!!! I left with a to-do list that states which tests I have to have done, which medical records to have transferred, and how to pay the program fee. I have to get an upper GI, see the nutritionist and the psychologist, have a sleep study and have some blood drawn. All of those except for the sleep study can be done on the same day, I was told! Now I am just sitting here at home, waiting for the phone to ring with my appointment dates from his secretary. I am SO ready to go!!!!! :crying: Tomorrow is the lap band support group, and I am really debating going!





Only one week from today until my initial lap band consultation with Dr. Robinson! My PCP sent the referral today!!! I am BEYOND psyched!!!! yaaaayyyy!




And here's to you, Dr. Robinson...

I cancelled my apt. with Dr. Vernon and set one up with Dr. Robinson. I've decided that I never met Dr. Vernon and want someone I know for sure I can trust. So, I have a pre-op initial consult with Dr. Malcolm Robinson on June 2nd...A whole month away!!! I absolutely am conviced I cannot wait that long! I have been hearing from Brigham and Women's patients that it takes anywhere from 2-4 months to complete everything and have surgery! Two months!!!! How scary is that!?! I could be banded by August, slimming down durring the winter sweater season, and by the time next summer rolls around I will be trim,lean and (barely) covered in a bikini!   Here's to you, Dr. Robinson!!!




Initial Consult!

Today I finally did it!   I worked up the courage to call Dr. Vernon's office at Brigham and Women's Hospital and make my initial pre-op consult! I am finally ready for this journey, and it begins 5/16/08!   The receptionist told me I have to get a letter from my PCP stating that we've discussed Lap-Band, and I also have to get an insurance referral. There is a program fee of $500 :eek:! She said I can pay it in installments, which I guess I'll figure out how to work that out. I'll do anything for a chance to have my life back!   I am 285 lbs. and 5'7". That makes my BMI 44.6!!!! How horrendous is THAT?!?! Soon, with a lot of work and learning to self-love, I can be healthy and super hot!!!!:tt1:   I know it sounds really bad, but I fully intend on going to my hometown's fireworks next 4th of July and strutting my stuff! How stupid will those mean kids feel then, HUH?!?!?   ISSUES? yeah, I know. Which brings me to another point... I wonder what the psych evaluation is like! I am a major comfort eater. Seriously, I'm a bulimic who never gets around to the purging part! I hope that they don't refuse me!   And now, for a little inspiration...  



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