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5 days after

Okay, so my friend took me to my surgery on friday morning. i hate houston, i get lost everytime i go there. especially in the med center. anyway dr. spivak was late. he said that they told me the wrong time. i was scheduled for 9:30 and actually made it about 10:15 or so. anyway i felt like i was at a cattle call. there were probably 15 other patients lined up for surgery. there are obviously several other doctors that do their procedures at this facility. anyway they put some awesome stuff in my iv. i asked for rock and roll, i heard the music then next thing i know i am waking up at it is around 11:00am. The gas pains were absolutely miserable. i was mad at my friend because she was making me walk. i couldn't get rid of the gas pains and couldn't sleep at all on friday. i finally managed to pass out on saturday and slept off and on all sat and sunday. i made it to work on monday for a few hours. then went home cause the pain hurt. anyway i was able to eat dinner lastnight. had a small filet of flounder, a few bits of mushroom rice and a sugar free jello. today at lunch i had 4 bits of enchiladas and a couple of bites of beans with cheese and tomatoes. i was full. that was at 11:00am. it is now 2:30pm and i am getting hungry again so i will go drink a protein drink. i still have some gas but not nearly as bad as a few days ago. i can eat too and that worries me but i will continue as instructed and get a fill when it is time.....




One More Day

Okay so i was thinking lastnight the things that I would be looking forward after losing weight, and this morning i was kindly reminded.....   Getting of bed without my feet killing me... I fucking hate that! Also looking at the massive amount of clothes that I have and saying the same thing every day... " I have nothing to wear". I hate that too....   I missed a couple of weeks of my BCP and started them late, so right now I am retaining water and my ankles look like the elephant man.   I am scheduled for my bandaide tomorrow morning and i have been doing atkins for 2 weeks, i cheated my ass off at dinner! I ate a full meal of chinese food. I had triple delite (my personal fav) and 1/2 of the rice. i gave the other half and the big size of the egg roll to my son.... I want to go make myself puke!   So my DH called and his son lost both of his wrestling matches today... That really makes me sad.. I want to see him a winner. Actually he is really a winner anyway, doesn't need a trophy or scholarship.... He made it to state and was the only one in his district and only the second one ever from the history of his school! He rocks! BTW, I LOVE HIS GIRLFRIEND... He better marry her after he graduates college!   So I have to admit, I am really on edge tonite. I am nervous, anxious, scared, excited and exhausted..... another bad night of sleep! I am going to soak in a hot bath, shave my legs and pits and enjoy it.... I will write soon!




2 days and counting.....

Well two days to go and i am starting to have all of these feelings. Excited, scared, unknowing.... a lot to soak in. I was doing my usual weds night laundry and while i was standing there folding towels i was thinking how nice it is going to be to.......   Not cough and pee my pants (this is a definate plus)... To be able to hit a home run instead of a double or triple... To dance naked for my husband (of course with really low lighting)... To go to Nascar with my husband and friends and not have them have to wait for me to catch up on my bike.... To go camping with my family and friends and not be afraid to get out of the water because i look like shit..... To have my son tell me that I am beautiful and really believe it. How sweet they are at 4 years old... To finally be able to shop for clothes in a normal size (right now 18's).. To finally be able to get a full nights sleep..... To finally be able to have the water in the bathtub actually go over my stomach.... holy shit that will be awesome!!!!   I am thankful that I am doing this. My husband was supposed to take me to my procedure but our oldest son (my step son) made state in wrestling in ohio. I absolutly made him buy a ticket to be there! These are things that you can never replace. My dear friend and customer is taking me. She had a GB about 2 years ago so she knows exactly what I am feeling.... what a great friend! Okay so I only got about 3 hours of sleep lastnight so my ass is dragging right now... i am going to sleep! :notagree




Karen journal

Well, today i have finally decided to begin this journal. i have never written a journal (except the required entries in school). I have decided to do this so that I can remember everything during my journey. Today is Sunday Feb 26, 2006. I am scheduled for surgery on Friday March 3rd with Dr. Spivak in Houston. I have been reading as much as possible on this website along with the Yahoo group Houston Area Bandsters as to what to expect from this point on with my weight loss. I have always struggled with my weight. When I was in high school, I was a huge size 9. OMG to be that size again! Anyway, I moved to Texas when I was 20 and came her at a size 7. That was completely wrong! With my bone size, my body should never be a size 7. It was the drugs that I was addicted to. With moving to a new state, came seditary and depression from not knowing anyone. Anyway the weight slowly crept up and now at age 36 I am a wopping 258 lbs. :help: After my marriage to my husband it seems like i gained like 60 lbs off the bat. Then came my beautiful son 5 years later :biggrin1: and another 60lbs. Anyway, I have decided that I have to do something. My father passed away at 49 of a heart attack. He was 6'4 280lbs, smoked like a chimney and drank like a fish. His cause of death... cardio myopathy. Basically heart disease. I don't drink much but do smoke. That is the next battle to conquer. I have been given eating instructions from the dr. office and plan to follow them to the "t". i am just a little nervous after that! I will keep posting in my joural as to the progression etc. bye for now!



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