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Post poned the 2nd fill-bad choice???

Well I had lost another 11 lbs after the 1st fill in a month. I sure was surprised, I had been traveling and eating crab, lobster, lots of it! But now I've been home since and just not changing weight. Don't have enough will power to stop grazing along through my weekends. And when my roomie is here she makes me nervous eat cuz she stresses me out. So, today I decided to add a source of maintenance to my life, Weight Watchers. I can go once a week or more often if I need to take myself to a meeting to get back in touch with who and what is most important. ME. I have to do this for my knees and my health and my life in general. Focus focus time for me.




July and counting...

Got my 2nd fill coming up, and I am now down to 312 from 340, so I am doing ok but still feel I am eating too much and not excercising at all hardly. I feel sorry for myself when the pain in my knee gets so bad just standind up. I have to lose weight before I think of knee replacement, but I can't f#@ kin stand or walk half the time. I want to get motivated and if i feel good I try to do something and then the pain is so intense I am shaking. I weigh myself too often and share nothing about my surgery with anyone, I just can't. I am on my own with this and pleased to be. I will conquer this. I need to be the person I know is in me.




Into June...

Well here I am headed past the 1st month, and have had my first fill. It does restrict a lot more, and I am glad. I think I can still eat too much but am losing some so am happy. I use this site to keep me focused. I am so scattered with a lot of business decisions and need this. I have one person that knows I have a band and she is a bit jealous I think. Not my problem, I just did this for me, and I want it to work. I will try to remember the TOPS motto from when I was a teen and dieting from 147 down to 129, never made it... "I am an intelligent person, I will control my emotions and not let my emotions control me. Every time I am tempted to use food to satisfy my frustrated desires, build up my injured ego, or dull my senses I will remember, even though I over eat in private my excess poundage is there for all to see what a fool I've been." I don't want to be a fool, I want to be me. When I am lying on the bed and chatting I feel a thin sexy body, same when I am with my SO, so I know she is in there, and I need to set her free again!





Ok, so I had the surgery on 5/7/08 and have been able to eat most things since the 14th. I get a little pain if i really over do but I am most concerned about the rather large lump where the largest incision is on my abdomen. If that is the band, they it will never be inconspicuous. I expected it to fit deeper, but it seems to be just under the skin. Anyone else have this? My incisions are almost healed and I have been rubbing cocoabutter in. I like the protein shakes, but I really need to cut back on the food intake. Should I expect the fill to help more?




BM from Hell!

mixed some solids in with the protein and so i was in a lot of discomfort taking that first step this 5th day after surgery. Not a good afternoon, but one last dose of meds saved for just this day :thumbdown:.   I can do this can't wait for the scale reading on Wednesday. Will post the change!




May 7th 2008 was D Day

Well I have only told one friend about the surgery. I was a person that just could not see getting gastric bypass. My sister did and she looks awful, rotted teeth, no bone density, no muscle, just flabby gross and very sickly. Then to top it off she became an alcoholic! I am not doing this for anyone but me. I went to CA with my granddaughter and just had no strength in my legs to do all I wanted to and so that was it for me. I took my 10k from my retirement acct and 5 weeks later I am done. The incisions aren't leaking badly, but the coughs still give a new adventure in pain. I was bad today, ate some chocolate covered strawberries. Mothers day gift. I am in some pain but working through. I need and want to lose weight. I am tired of being tired and fat and weak. I will resume my pool time as soon as dr says I can. swimming will tone me best!   Keep smiling!



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