I was banded March 2008
When I first decided to check out the option of lapbanding I was 213 pounds.
I went in for the preliminary check up and had lost 10 pounds but of course I think that was the fear of hey I could be skinny lol I was having caused the weight loss.
By the time the preop diet was complete I had lost another 10 pounds so it was looking good.
I handed over the cheque for 16 grand and yeah you know it lost another few pounds lol
By July I had lost 47 pounds and was feeling great. I had another fill this was my second one and about a month and half later that is when it started, I was throwing up constantly.
If I ate and drank water I would vomit. Everything got stuck.
I continued like this for some time before going back to doc and having an unfill that was in September. It was a nightmare as I felt terrible but the scales said I was down another 15 pounds but this is not how I need to lose the weight. I have lost another 3 pounds since then. I know it is slower now but I can tell you it is still my problem as I get nervous about the food so I eat what I know will stay down and that is not always the best foods. I am going back to see doc since I have read other posters and now I am afraid of losing the band all together due to slippage. I will make it to the destination because I have been waiting for me for a long time. I would like to lose another 30 pounds and better yet keep it off for life. I am being very conscious from here on as a promise to my life that I will eat properly.