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I am hungry, but I am afraid to admit it....

I really want some solid food. It's only been 9 days since my surgery, and I am starving. I am trying to watch my liquids because I think I may be drinking too close to eating and therefore washing my food out too soon. The idea of eating is exciting, but then I get a lump in my throat, even when I have a rumbling in my stomach. I am alsofeeling tired and no energy... but I have been walking religiously every day, and that has helped. I don't know why, but I am hungry. I would never admit it to anyone other than you all.




Things are going ok

Everything seems to be going ok, but I am still having a lot of gas. I found that yesterday I got a little off on my portion sizes and I was MISERABLE for 3 hours feeling all bloated and full. I hope I didn't hurt anything, but I did learn my lesson. Portion sizes matter - A LOT. Who knew?:cursing:




Things are going ok

Everything seems to be going ok, but I am still having a lot of gas. I found that yesterday I got a little off on my portion sizes and I was MISERABLE for 3 hours feeling all bloated and full. I hope I didn't hurt anything, but I did learn my lesson. Portion sizes matter - A LOT. Who knew?:cursing:




Post op Day 2

I had surgery on Wed. It went fine. I asked my doctor afterwards if my liver was small enough, because that seems to be a concern for the pre-op diet. He kind of laughed and said yes, and I told him that was good because I had been working on that. So for all those people who are worried about falling off the pre-op diet, 5 days of salads and chicken breast will do it for the liver   The first time I ate after surgery I ate 4 bites of jello and that was too much. I was miserable for about an hour. I also gulped ice water because my mouth was so dry, big mistake, miserable for another hour.   Walking is good. Ice chips are good. Pain med is good. Eating too fast is bad. I ate my applesauce too fast last night and felt miserable for about an hour. Hot shower is good on the incisions. Sleeping in the recliner was good for a couple of hours last night. Turning over in bed was painful. Bracing my belly with a pillow is good. Getting on the scale this morning and seeing a couple of pounds disappear is the best!:cursing:   My husband asked me if I still thought it was a good idea that first night when I was hurting , and even though I was stiff, sore, and short of breath, it's worth it. :thumbup:




Post Op Day 3

I feel great! Most of the soreness is gone. I am getting the hang of the eating routine. I am not feeling hungry. The scale is moving! This is good!:cursing:




Tomorrow is the day!

I am ready! I am so ready. I have everything done. I checked the insurance, the hospital, the dr office, everything is set. I have post op food in the fridge for me and for my husband and daughter. I have my parents keeping Lila for me. THe dogs are set for us to be away. I am ready! I am starving from this pre-op liquid diet, I am cleaned out from the bowel prep. I am ready. All I have left to do is the chlorahex scrub tonight and in the morning. It will be ok.



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