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A look at my weightloss journey. Day by day. :lol:

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CPAP - Not my friend.

I've been assigned a CPAP machine to use for a week to get used to it. I can't freakin stand it!!! OMG It's the kind that covers the nose and mouth, and it's VERY annoying. I tried the nose pillows while I was at my first sleep study, and my mouth always drops open during sleep so I'd wake up like I was choking. Plus, they gave me a "loaner" that is for smokers (yes, I smoke...I know the picture of good health, right?)...it smells like SHIT. I don't know what to do, I know I need to use this thing...apparently my sleep apnea is pretty darn severe. (288 events per hour, but my oxygen levels never drop below normal...go figure). I have an appointment to take back the loaner tomorrow, I think I'm going to ask to try the nose pillows again, this mask is just to freakin weird.




Update much???

It's been a hell of a few months...(huge post starting...)   April 20th, my starts vomiting violently, luckily it was a Sunday and my DH was home. He called an ambulance just as she passed out. (she lives with us, she is disabled) The EMT's can't get a blood pressure and her pulse is weak (her BP normally runs very high - she's on two BP meds). They get her to the hospital...her BP is 20/40 and she is septic. The ER doc informs me and DH she could likely die. At this point I'm freaking out...I lost my dad 10 yrs ago to cancer, the thought of losing my mom just boggles my mind. They admit her to ICU and she's put on a breathing machine. I spend the next three days praying at her bedside that she'll live (she's 64 yrs old). Due to her being in ICU she can only have visitors about half the day. So, in the evenings I come home and I'm unable to sleep...I keep waking up with panic attacks, so scared the phone will ring and someone will tell me she's gone. They originally told me she would be in ICU for 2wks (or more), three days later she's off the breathing machine and not septic at all. She's moved the progressive care unit and is almost 100%. She was released within 10 days of being admitted. She really recovered well, she has severe arthritis, other then that she's a pretty healthy lady (thank God). I guess all those years of taking a bowl full of supplements has paid off, lol. Well after she came home, her back started hurting...BAD. She gets injections for back pain (she has MANY bad disks, so many that surgery would be a last resort). She has to get them every 3 years to keep the pain level down...well it was time for new ones! Due to her being septic (btw, it was a severe case of colitus that caused her to be septic) they couldn't give her a "full" dose in her back at once so they had to space it out over like a 1.5 months. She finally got relief with this last injection (5 days ago). So, I've basically been playing caregiver and trying to make my dietician appointments. I finally made it to my last one last Thursday and FINALLY have my appointment with my surgeon on June 25th. I haven't been paying ANY attention to my eating habits...I've been to busy taking FULL TIME care of my mother. Thank goodness I've been out of work...or this could've really been bad. I also was diagnosed with horrible sleep apnea, and I have a "loaner" machine to use in order to get used to the mask so I can go in for ANOTHER sleep study to determine what my pressure needs to be set at. That took forever to get to because I couldn't seem to ever keep an appointment (due to my mother's condition). So, the guy at the CPAP place informs me he has NEVER seen sleep apnea like mine. I stop breathing 288 times per hour...which is unheard of (bad is 110 and the worst he's seen is 177). I was totally freaked out when he told me this.... The good news is, that most people that stop breathing while sleeping lose lots of oxygen their levels can drop as low as 70%. Mine never went below 96% which is considered normal...explain that! So, I finally pick up my CPAP machine and I fall asleep last night, forgetting to put it on....good job Michele!   So, we try again tonight...




Surprise, Surprise...the fat girl has sleep apnea!

2am:   I fall asleep for all of 30mins (finally...omg if I ever have to do that again it will be too soon). The nurse comes in and tries to fit a CPAP mask over my face.   Wow, just wow. She might as well of tried to strangle me, cuz I freaked out about as bad. After several different CPAP attachment attempts I finally found one I could stand using. It's a weird nose attachment that goes over the top of your head!! It's like an elephant tusk in reverse!   And seriously, what is up with the wires?? How can ANYONE sleep with that many wires!!! I know, I'm a big baby...but wow that sucked.   I have an appointment with my PCP on Wednesday to reivew the results (she will probably perscribe a CPAP). I left the sleep center at 4am, cuz my nose was burning from all the air being shoved up it. :thumbup:   It's gonna take a lot of getting used to...sleeping with my big mouth shut.




Just a snore away~

Today is the day (or night) of my sleep apnea test. I have to be there at 8:30pm and ready for bed!! It's gonna be a loooooonnnngggg night. I know they don't have a TV but I'm hoping I can at least read a book until I doze off.   My ususal bedtime is around midnight-1am, especially since I've been off work, my internal clock thing is really screwy!   Hopefully this evening will pass quickly and I can come home and have some normal sleep! I'm almost 100% positive the results will show I have sleep apnea, if I don't I will be VERY surprised.   It's pretty rainy and depressing today, which kind of matches my mood. For some reason I'm having a hard time dealing with the fact I have to wait until June-ish before anything is going to happen with my surgery. :thumbup:   I know there are folks that have to wait A LOT longer for insurance approval, and that comforts me somewhat...but, it doesn't stop the fact I'm still annoyed and I really want to get on with my life!!   Well, enough whining...I think I'll do some laundry! :crying:




Chapter One

Ok, so here I go!!!!   Thought I'd start keeping some sort of record of my journey involving my decision to have Lapband surgery. I figure 6months from now when I want a piece of cake, I can look back and see what a pain in the butt it all was...that just might stop me! :wink2:   I've been thinking about weightloss surgery off and on over the last 2 years. I'm horrible about putting off minor decisions so it's no surprise that this one has taken so long. Initially, I considered RNY surgery (gastric bypass). I'm a horrible coward and am scared enough of this procedure, so I've decided against it.   One of my best friends has a RNY about 4-5years ago. She lost an amazing amount of weight within the first year or so (She ended up getting down to around 180lbs, from 400+) but lately things aren't going to well. She's back up to 300+lbs. :crying: I feel really sorry for her, she's even considering having the procedure re-done.   On the flip side another friend had Lapband surgery a little less then 4 years ago and is doing great (she has put on some weight, but she drinks a TON of milkshakes...). She is supposed to be scheduling a fill in the next few weeks to help her lose some excess weight (I think around 30lbs left for her) and I'm excited to see how that works out for her.   I attended the seminar in November, and was not too impressed. I actually made up my mind NOT to have WLS after attending. There seemed to be a lot of hidden charges (equalling 1300 PRE-surgery). The doctor's office I was looking in to actually required you even purchase your protien powder from them!!! It was insane.   My insurance (Aetna) requires a 90 day supervised diet plan before the approval process can begin (mine started 3/7/08). The former doctor's office did not file these appointments with insurance and required I pay the entire amount of pre-surgery visits out of pocker (including the psy exam). I felt that something was really wrong with the whole system.   So, about mid-February I started looking around for other doctor's and found one in Oklahoma City (I live in Norman, about 17miles south). It's a surgery group that does all types of bariatric surgeries. I was very excited to find out that my insurance covers all of the above!!!!   Now, I feel that I'm really one my way down a path that will actually lead somewhere! :thumbup:   I had my first appointment with the dietician on March 7th. She really didn't tell me much I didn't already know (I DO know what I'm SUPPOSED to eat), but I was glad I met with her. She did stress the importance of at least improving some habits (no sugar, bread etc) pre-surgery. After my appointment I stopped at McDonald's and had a bigmac meal super-sized (real smart huh?).   BUT I've finally decided to try and improve some eating habits before I see her again on April 18th. It's tough...I love bread, I love potatoes and I love sugar...obviously.   I bought some Lean Cuisines, some yogurt, fruits/veggies at the store Saturday night. I'm snacking a lot but at least it's on decent stuff (beef jerky, carrots etc) so I guess it could be a lot worse.   I'm just so damn hungry!!!   Tomorrow I have a sleep test to attend (not really looking foward to that) but I realize I need to be tested for sleep apnea especially before I am booked for surgery. Might as well get going now so I'm good and prepared when the time comes. If I need a CPAP machine, I'd rather spend the next few months getting used to it instead of finding out at the last minute sleep apnea is going to be an issue for me.   I'm kind of scared of all the test I'll need to have done before surgery (especially the chest xray) I smoke (trying to quit, ugh) so I'm a little worried. I just don't want anything to come between me and my surgery!!!   Ok, well I'm off for now...thanks for listening to my ramblings. I'll post tomorrow before I head off for the sleep study!!! :smile:



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