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Not banded yet, Was approved by the Insurance company on 3/28/08 which was yesterday. Now that I have my approval, I'm really nervous, scared, happy, sad... all at the same time. Not sure why I'm feeling that way. Am I doubting my decision?? All of a

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Was banded Wed 4/16/08!!!!!!!!

Finally Banded!! I must say, I'm in alot of discomfort. Surgeon had to repair a Hiatal Hernia, that I wasn't aware that I had, so that could be why I'm takin a little longer to recover. I have pain that comes and goes in my upper front shoulder... I'm told that is the gas, and it will take a while. I'm tired, and finding it difficult to take in all my water and protein drinks. Trying my best.. and taking it easy. Unable to lay in my bed, but I am finding comfort in my recliner. I'm sooo glad it's over. But i must admit, everyday it is getting better... so I'm staying positive!!!




Surgery Tomorrow! 4/16 10:15am!!

Wow... I can't believe it's finally here!! I just went out and bought myself some new slippers, new nighty w/ a matching robe and I'm packed as if I'm going on a mini vacation! I'm only staying over night.. LOL Oh well.. Whata you gonna do. Yesterday I came down w/ severe stomach ache, and bloating... may have been from the protein drinks.. or I have some kinda virus.... I feel better today!! I should be fine for tomorrow. I'm really not that hungry. Thank god... Hopefully i'll stay that way for a while. I really want to say that i'm really thankful for this forum. I've met many great people... an I appreciate all the support that I've gotten. I sure learned alot!!! I guess this is it for the bloggin.... I will repost on Thursday, when I get home. Thanks again for everyones support.




Surgery Follow up Visit today!!! DOWN 14LB!!

Went to see the surgeon today, first actual post-op visit. It went pretty quick. He sniped some of the Sutures that didn't dissolve and we went over a few of my concerns. One was that I have bad chills at night. I don't have a fever, so I don't know where they are coming from. He advised me to see my cardiologist, maybe I need to have my meds reduced because of the weight loss. I also needed to know when can I start walking on my treadmills again, and he said immediately.. Just no INCLINE!!! So i'm excited to start tomorrow. Have my ipod all charged up, and sneakers ready to go!! I know I sound retarded , but I want a speedy weight loss, and I know exercising will do that!!! Dr. is very proud that I'm down the 14lbs.. and so am i. I am on mushies... and I gotta tell you I made the greatest split pee soup w/ ham and broccoli ever last night!!!!!!!!! I blended it... it was thick and YUMMY!!!!!!!




Starting My Pre-Op Diet!!

Went grocery Shopping today, purchased all the items I need for my pre-op diet. 10 more days till surgery. Made chicken soup w/ extra broth, I drained some of the broth into plastic containers for the week, and froze them. I have enough for the whole week, and the rest of the chicken soup is for my family ( which has the veggies & chicken) all i need to do is add pastina in it for them. I'm still very nervous... but I'm keepin calm by keeping busy. Trying not to think about it much.. (hard to do) I'm already making plans for next weekend, my last weekend before the surgery. Going to the dentist for a check up and cleaning, getting my hair done and get a pedicure & maniacure...... (on Sat). Then on Sunday, Get up early, clean house top to bottom... then go Grocery shopping for the week. Make some meals for the family... so I can relax the rest of the week!!! I know i'll add more to the list as time goes on... 10 days and counting!!! :thumbup:




First Fill!!! Got 2.5cc In A 4cc Band!!

Got my first fill today!! I was nervous as heck! I must say, it wasn't painful at "ALL" Just a lil pinch, and thats it. I just was freaked out because the Dr. was pushing on my port site to find it, and the thought of the needle going it and the pushing.. .just was freaky!!! LOL I gotta say, this all has been such a wonderful experience over all! I'm sooo happy! 22lbs down.. and it wasn't as hard as I thought it was gonna be. I'm not saying you don't have to work at it, but the band is a just a tool, and you gotta do all the work! Sooooooo true!!! Just keep eating the right foods & do your 1/2hr work out!!!! and watch the weight drop!! :thumbup:




Feeling Wonderful!

1 1/2 weeks Post -Op and I'm feeling wonderful!!! Neck pain, shoulder pain is almost completely gone!! I picked off 4 out of the 5 incisions tapes I had on my stomach.. I'm too afraid to peal off the biggest bandage. But over all, I'm very happy. I know the weight loss will be slow, and I'm trying not to weigh myself everyday, but it does feel good to look down, and another pound.. gone! I'm still on liquids, even though my Dr. told me I can go on mushies.... I guess I enjoy my current menu... Sounds crazy, but I'm not a big fan of Breakfast or Lunch. I'm more of a dinner, after dinner eater. So for breakfast, I now have a protein shot that has 42 grams of protein (140 cal), and have the same thing for lunch. Then at dinner time I have a creamy Lipton cup of soup.. actually 3/4 cup 60 cal, and my late night snack is a jello pudding 60 cal. I'm satisfied. Plus I drink flavored water all day long. I believe it's more mentally then anything! There is no way my band is preventing me from eating. I'm not filled, so how could it. So I have actually prepared myself mentally for this. I will succeed, I will be thin again.... Where there is a will, there is a way!!! Stay Strong!




4.5 Months Banded!!

Feeling wonderful!! Down 43lbs and Wearing size 12 Jeans!!! Finally noticing the weight loss. People are noticing.. and it makes me feel good. It's been 8 months since I stopped smoking, My cholesterol has dropped from 257 to 191!! It's now considered NORMAL! I even had a halter monitor on for 24hrs, and the results have improved since prior to surgery! This has all been worth it!! I do have some pain once in a while where the band is located. I think it's more of a spasms then anything. I also have learned that I need to eat slow.. otherwise my food will get stuck, and it's not a pretty site. One thing I would like to let you all know, I still do not get a full feeling. Never had! I've told my Doctor, and they keep filling me.. .and the easier food gets stuck. I think everyone is different. You have people that take a couple of bits and are full... then u got people like me that can eat 2 cups of food, and are fine.... I think it's depends on the person. You need to be aware of what you are putting in your mouth, and know when to back off the table. But I have to say, I don't think 43 lbs in 4.5 mo is too bad! I've learned to eat better, and make wiser choices of foods and I walk 2.5 miles a day!!!! Thats it for now... God bless!:tt2:




3/31/08 -Pre-op Visit

Went to see the surgeon today, she went over the whole procedure. I did get a bit freaked out when she said when they put me to sleep they have to put a breathing tube down my throat. That the Anesthesia paralyzes my breathing.. and that the machine will breathing for me... OH LORD... what am I getting myself into??? I took a copy of my lab work from my pre-op testing that was taken on the 25th. it was a copy of my blood work . When I got home, I reviewed my blood work, I noticed my LDH levels were elavated. Not sure what the means, but bring the test results to my primary Doctor to review. Freaking out now... Always make sure to ask for a copy of your blood work, and look at it. When in doubt, ASK QUESTIIONS!!! We are all human, and there is always room for error, and things to be over looked.




1yr 5 mo...

Hi everyone!! It's been a while. I'm down about 60lbs... a bit disappointed that is all the weight I lost. I pretty much stopped losing all together. I'm ok with my weight right now... The only problem that i had a fill about 6 weeks ago, and i now have developed reflux!!! It's horrible!! It happens at night... acid actually comes up into the throat, and mouth by itself.. like vomit in your sleep! I will get up maybe 2x a nite choking! I'm fine during the day, but I'm having the problem at night. I cut off drinking or eating anything around 7... but no luck. I take previcid 2x a day, but no relief. I have an apt. w/ the doctors tomorrow.. hopefully he can figure something out w/o unfilling me!!! But I have to honestly say... Getting the band was the best thing I ever did for myself. Best wishes to all!! Lucy




1yr 5 mo...

Hi everyone!! It's been a while. I'm down about 60lbs... a bit disappointed that is all the weight I lost. I pretty much stopped losing all together. I'm ok with my weight right now... The only problem that i had a fill about 6 weeks ago, and i now have developed reflux!!! It's horrible!! It happens at night... acid actually comes up into the throat, and mouth by itself.. like vomit in your sleep! I will get up maybe 2x a nite choking! I'm fine during the day, but I'm having the problem at night. I cut off drinking or eating anything around 7... but no luck. I take previcid 2x a day, but no relief. I have an apt. w/ the doctors tomorrow.. hopefully he can figure something out w/o unfilling me!!! But I have to honestly say... Getting the band was the best thing I ever did for myself. Best wishes to all!! Lucy



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