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I finally feel like i'm getting somewhere

So since my last fill i have actually been losing at a reasonably good pace which is great because i was seriously starting to think it wasn't going to work for me no matter how much exercise i was doing it was'nt really budging.......it is now .   I weighed myself this morning and it was 88.5 kg so thats 26.4 kg GONE FOREVER-im almost at half way now which is awesome but kinda scarey aswell as much as i WANT to be thin and i do i really really do its almost like im scared to be there, Im scared of not having the imperfection of fat to hide behind and if im not fat anymore people will see that i have other imperfections and faults and for some reason that scares me to the point of having sabotaged/given up my other weight loss attempts. I think maybe i just need to lose a bit more get a bit more flexible and kick myself in my own butt........




Cracked 100 this morning woo hoo

Yay me   i weighed myself this morning and im 99.02 kg ....so i'v finally cracked the 100 mark thankgod ,withall the none fills and cockups from my dr i honestly wondered if i was ever going to start losing





yea im really slack at updating this..... so i had a fill of 5ml in my 10ml band 8 weeks ago told my dr i was still hungry several times which i thought was really odd cause im thinking 5ml first fill is pretty big and he keeps telling me i need to drink more water,Fast forward 6 weeks and iv bearly lost anything and my dr is'nt being all that nice about it even though im walking between 5km and 15 km a day so he decides i need another fill...sweet fine with me,so we're in the hospital under the x-ray machine in my oh so sexy hospital gown and he puts 3ml in my band i take a sip of barrium and it dosn't go down,no suprise im thinking i have 8ml in there but then he decided to pull it all out and measure what goes back in HELLO THERE"S ONLY 3ML so allllll that time i was saying i was hungry it was because he'd missed my port somehow and i had no fill....blaggghhh stupid man.....so in the past 2 weeks iv lost just over 3kg which is great but would have been fantastic if it was 6 weeks ago when it should have been.......   iv only got 8 weeks till my party now so fingers crossed i keep the weight loss going between now andthen and get at least close to the goal i'd set for then   XXXX




Losing....but not on the scales!

sooooo im a shocker with doing the whole blog thing...i keep meaning to but get side tracked oh well   I'v been getting really upset this week due to the fact that my scales keep flitting back and forth between 2 kg its been 4.5 weeks since my band went in and by the scales iv only lost 3-4 kgs depending on the day,i spoke to my gorgeous friend who was banded a few weeks before me and she told me to do my measurments so here they are neck : lost 2cm bust:lost 6.5cm waist:8cm hips:lost 11cm...yes 11 thighs:lost 3cm of each but the left is still 2cm bigger than the right wtf   so im a bit happier now cause i know thats more than 4kgs must just mean iv built up some mean ass muscle with my walking:thumbup:   Got my first fill last saturday 5ml ai a 10ml band don't really fell all that restricted and im sure i could eat more than im sposed to but at the moment im trying real hard to stick to the portion sizes drw wants me to have....in saying that as much as i don't feel full im not hungry for at least 3-4 hours after eating so somethings workin




I am bandit hear me roar

more of a whimper actually......   im home its now sunday evening and i was banded mid afternoon friday,2 nights in hospital and i must say i was impressed iv never been in a privatehospital before and i never intend to go into a public one again!! i had my own room with mountain views and everything was on a remote for me the nurses were fantastic and they actuallyknew what they were doing in regards to my band......   im still feeling very bloated and a bit sore i have 6 incisions4 are tiny ones medium and one's pretty hefty once they have settled and the gas dissapears i think i'llbe fine.   i was spastically excited before i went under but once in the operating room i calmed right down and almost dozed of whilst they were prepping last thing i remember was my aneithatist asking if i thought opti was foul,woke up in my room all snuggled in my bed and my husband and been out to the shops and bought me a frangapani pandora charm instead of flowers so cute   now im just painkiller rambling so i'll leave it at that   for all of you unbanded out there don't stress the pain is bearable and im sure will be well worth it:lol:





well easter sucks....not impressed with it at all broke today (day after easter) and had a few m&m egg's soooo pissed off at myself for it     on a happier note i recently reconnected with a friend id lost contact with through facebook....love fackbook...so stocked to be talking to her again and she's a gorgeous skinny mini which is motivation to drop abit more b4 we meet up:rolleyes2:




Nastyarse Optifarce

Ewww so i started opti-ing up today ...properly this time not like the past two weeks where i was kinda optied kinda not but for real three times a day only thing i have(bar salad)opti-ing which means i am exactly one month from surgery wooo hoo me. Hopefully i can budge some more weight between now and then because the last three weeks i have been up and down and all over 5.5 kgs which is shittin me no end i just want it to go and not drop the breadcrumbs so it can't find its way home this time and can stay lost in the woods forever.   Im actually starting to get a little nervous now the surgery dosn't phase me ,i had a c-section last yr under not good circumstances with a dr who did'nt have my weight on record and i went under fitting so i know i can handle the aneastetic....but it's being done in the middle of the school hols which means i'll have all three nutta's home:ohmy: thankfully hubby is taking time off work and my eldest is great help with my youngest and if the c was anything to go by i was up that night and walking around next morning so i should be o.k.   Still umming and ahhing over telling people so far only my hubby mum and super nosey unsupportive grandmother know the in-laws think im having a hernia removed from my pregnancy and thats what the kids think aswell   Hate opti makes me grind my teeth:blink:




Weird family reactions

I purchased one of those fat jiggly vibration plate machines about 2 weeks ago....OMG as weird as it feels its great i lost 1.9kg in just under a week which is awesome anyway i mentioned this to my hubby and my mum and they were both really excited for me BUT the next day my mum shows up with choc marshmallow bunnies in the morning at some stage during the day put a tub of icecream in my freezer and custard pie that night WTF.....   When my husband got back from being away working for a week the next day he showed up with a new camera (yay) and 2 boxes of krispy kremes(minus the filled one) am i losing it or do they seem to have some major issues,Now im used to this from my husband as much as he wants me to lose the weight so IM happy he does get very insecure when im smaller and we have addressed this before but my mum on the other hand has always wanted me to be slim like her so im really really confused by her actions. so now im trying to burn of that extra .9 i managed to put back on over the WEEKEND....how sad




Just starting out

o.k so im not yet banded but have met with the surgeon and have a date....albeit a month later than i wanted but hey its better than waiting another 6 months   i'v been looking into this for about 4yrs now let myself be talked out of it before but decided a yr ago just after i had my son that i WAS going to do this no matter what everyone thought,took out private health insurance and have been playing the waiting game since.   In the year iv waited iv lost and regained about 15 kgs sometimes less its a constant up and down. Since my DR's appointment last friday i'v lost 1.9 kgs pretty chuffed with that considering i had a few run ins with some cadbury cream eggs and im hoping to loss about 10 before surgery so we'll see how i go.



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