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Everyday feelings and Things that work/not work for me.

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feeling somewhat awkward!

I found it so strange how i feel about myself lately...am so glad i came on here early to journal myself along this journey...i do however hate the fact, that i have the worse rash on my stomach from the dam$% strips...   Thank goodness i go to the doctor on thursday...my first appointment since the surgery. I hope I get a good repoire. Sitting here watch Super Tuesday...I am definately a political junkie...Stay tuned...




Feel Better Today! Still battling this weight I have!

Ok so today I am back on track and not trying to eat everything darn thing in site. I am back to my protein shakes..and i have changed the kind I am drinking..I am on the boost high protein, it fills me up better and makes me last longer.   I find that it's smaller but with more of a kick! I will have one for breakfast and lunch and dinner and then one slim fast and some applesauce for a snack..I am drinking sugar free lemonade and water in between. I have sat alot around me here at work,(where i am now) and I am feeling better about this weight losing thing.   It gets hard when you have to cook for your family and not be able to taste everything but i remember that I am getting a second chance to a healthy life and inspirational notes from everyone here, so i keep striving...   God is good and he is reaching out to all who helps themselves..This is our second chance and we are walking together girl...Good luck to you.   Starting walking again today too and watching my SODIUM intake, it can be a breaker! I felt like a pig after eating this soup with so much sodium in it...Watch that everyone!!   gateyboo




Eating Food help me!!

Super bowl is on and i am tasting everything on the table...I am not even getting sick. I had to come on here to give myself a reality check...Stop it girl...get your azz on track...   To be honest, I had been able to taste alot of foods and haven't been hungry sometimes or even thristy for the protein shakes...I know it's not good but sometimes i feel like i can't help it.   I am only 11 days post-op and getting out of control...I need a fill!!




relaxing and sad too!

I guess after cooking for my family and watching the food network allday i wanted soooooooooo bad to eat something...so i just slowly ate some crackers along with my broth...it was somewhat satisfying but i still want to eat more...I won't dare do it though...   My husband was upset because i did eat a cracker, but oh well...I won't get on a scale yet because I want to be surprised after a week long of doing this again...   I am kinda of sad because of what my life will be like w/o eating but i will atleast get to taste samples so i am getting over it.   What i must learn is to eat things of quality that satisfy me and i will be just fine...   Not much pain today but along side my port...hard to raise up out of bed with the pain,getting better..   I do better at night,not wanting to eat,afternoons are my hardest....I think it will get better,once i go back to work..




1/25/08 2 dys into banded

I'm feeling pretty good. I am however pretty sore where the port is,and no where else. I can lay pretty much anywher,exept close to the womb where the port is...hurtful:frown:. Other than that, i feel good! I ate today some broth, mixed with a jar of babby food. Turned the liquid into sweet potatoes w/chicken...yummie:smile:.   It was not thick at ll,jst felt like i was getting more in my stomach. Pretty good idea i came up with.   Well be back later..




Banded Yesterday

Hello Everyone! Sorry i couldn't come on yesterday but all i did pretty much was sleep and sip water. I didn't have much gas but i was really nausea and it was a very uncomfortable thing, let me tell you. I seem to not be able to find a comfortale position in the bed either. I just basically placed two pillows high and one folder under me and then i could feel some comfort. I am feeling alot better this morning and no nausea feelings either. I have no regrets and I am not even hungry either! I did drink this morning something cold and nto warm and it was a good change from yesterday. I have a cup of tea sitting next to me and i will drink that too. I was told to only have room temperture until the nausea and then i could have hot/cold. This is clear liquids for the first two weeks. Not bad when looking at the list...Any way i think walking around in my house and going back/forth the the restroom has done me some good. Good luck to everyone and for reading my post. It's not that bad, but prepared to feel a little discomfort and a little pain, especially wearing those ted stocking..:redface: Talk to you guys later, Gateyboo




Banded Tomorrow the 23rd!

OMG!! I am getting ready to do it. I am so ready and so excited and mighty anxious!   Everyone wish me luck and happiness filled with healthness!





Okay so I went to a football party on yesterday and couldn't resist some the the goodies they had there. I ate and paid for it early this morning. Now trust me I have'nt eaten anything fried or sweet or even carbonated in a long while, but my body couldn't take it at ALL! I hope i can say, I was on teh porcelain devil at 4 this morning until about 6 in the morning, off/on! My body is wrecking and upchucking and i know now i can't EVER eat that stuff EVER!   I really paid for it, yes i did. I am done with that stuff! Thank God he gave me a small piece of what it will be like, If i try to eat that after being banded.   I HAVE LEARNED MY LESSON...   I STILL AM A GIANT FAN THOUGH...WHAT A GOOOOOOD GAME!




Down 11lbs! Yea

Today i went for my pre-op testing and I had lost 11lbs since the 9th of Jan. I am so excited because I knew it was a huge hurdle for me. I mean I still have four days to go drinking these liquids, but atleast it's getting better and you can actually see some progress. I feel very good about myself and what i have achieved and it helps me stay motivated. I did however eat half an apple today along with my protein shake. It was sooooooo good and juicy:cool2:. My oldest daughter quickly reminded me that apples were a "no-no"! Whatever!!   So my surgery is the 24th and I am not so scared anyone just anxious. I woke up three times this morning and was kind of nervous for the visit. I had no idea along with my insurance I would be paying for this band $950.00. Now some might say,(who self-paid), that way am I even bringing this up. Well I must because I want others to know that my hospital room is a $500 deposit and my co-pay for the surgery was $450....WOW be prepared for this fees...Well everyone i must go...talk later- gatey boo...I am on my waaayyyyyyy.




Getting Better at this pre-op diet stuff 1/17/08

Feeling alot better today...skipped yesterday because was busy at home acting up with my kids and having a good time playing around. It really took my mind off of eating and yes i still cook lots of food because it's very healing and helping me, believe it or not.   I know people might say i am crazy but i am not. Today is my youngest daughters 4th birthday. She is the avatar on my personal page. So i must run.....   Going to the doctor's tomorrow to weigh in and then get ready to be banded on next wednesday....yea...




Pre-op diet in Texarkana Texas, Hungry as Hel$$!

It's Jan. 15 and I am at work sitting here wondering what kind of dressing i am going to place on my little garden salad tonight. The time is 2:41 pm i am at work. I just finished up my watered down slim fast, because i place it on ice to make it stretch for a lot longer, and wondering what i am going to eat! I know for a fact, I can't eat anything but it just slips my mind everytime you know what i mean?   I will make it i know i will. I have been on this jacked-up diet since last week wednesday the 9th of Jan. I can't believe i have made it this far.   Yes by all means, I have cheated but not big. I have eater a triscuit or wheat thin every now and then. I even tried to eat a veggie burger...(yeah right), felt really guilty and heaven forbid i taste another spoon full of the chicken florentine i made for my family. Thank Godness there weren't any leftovers!!!   Oh so i keep telling myself i can do this, and i will. My husband says i will so surely I can..(lol)   Talk to you guys later,   Gatey-boo   p.s. I am cooking alot more food and it's very therapeutic.



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