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Wow, how far SDRAWKCAB (backwards) can I go?

NO FARTHER is the answer. I am not going to keep trying to kill myself with my own stupidity. Just because I lost my running partner (my hubby is working 7 days a week now and won't run), I refuse to continue down the wrong path. There are things I am going to do to amke little changes in my life.   For starters: I will take my Thyroid meds. I will wear my CPAP, even though it swells my face beyond recognition. I will read my Bible daily. I will exercise daily...even if it is by myself! I will measure my food. I will get in enough protien. I will take a multi-vitamin. I will log my progress. I will make a daily schedule and stick to it. I am not waiting for the 1st of January! My new life starts tomorrow!!! :drool:  




Almost perfection

I am so excited. We did our 10k today and it only took 82 minutes. I know to some people that can run fast, that is a slow time, but for me it is awesome. The first thing I can do to improve my time is not walk at all. I walk for a little bit every mile or so. I also could improve the time if the stop lights would work with me. :thumbup:




Not able to get insurance.

Has anyone had to get new insurance and found that they were denied due ti having the Lapband? They told me today I could not get insurance and I don't remember them telling me when I got it that this might be a problem. It doesn't seem like this could be the case. You do this to get better and instead they leave you high and dry. Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks for any comments you might have. I am sooooo lost and upset.




I think I am a little stronger now.

I am so excited. Tim and I did our 6.2 loop yesterday and we improved 9 minutes over our previous best. That is s 21 minute improvement over my first time doing the route. We are heading out today. I am so excited to see if I can improved on that. I hope that I can stay this motivated for a long time to come.




What do I do now?

Ok, they said it takes doing something (good or bad) 21 days in a row to make it a habit. I am only on day 18 of exercising. I believe that it is becoming a habit, but I still don't want to do it. I guess the fact that with prayer and shear will power, I will make it to see how day 22 feels. :crying:   The problem I have now is that since the scales aren't moving and I don't see a differce in how my clothes fit, I need to start yet another habit. Which one should it be? I need so many improvements. Since the hardest one is accomplished (in 3 days) I think I will add two this time. One physical and one spiritual. I want to not eat after 7pm and I want to read at least a chapter in my Bible every night. :biggrin:




We found a new route

Well, I did a route around my neighborhood that equals 10k. Sadly I only walked it, but the goal is to someday to RUN it. We did it in 1 hour and 50 minutes. I am going to go tomorrow to get new shoes as a sweet person reminded me that I should do. I still have not lost one lb and it has been 14 days. I actually gained 1 lb. I hope that I am able to see a little difference soon. I am still motivated, but without any change I can't see that losting for long. I am at 197 lbs today. I have made a goal to not eat after 7pm. I see that will have to start again tomorrow. I want to change what I eat also. I am pretty good with portions, but the quality of my food is horrific. I know that is what will need to change before I will see much of a change.




Yeah for me!!!

I went running with my hubby today and I ran 1.5 miles straight, then walked and jogged for 1 mile and then ran the last 1 mile. When we started "crawling" the 3.5 miles 12 days ago, our time was averaging 63-67 minutes. I did it in 45 minutes today. My goal is to do 3.5 in 30 minutes. In high school I ran 3.1 in 26 minutes, so I figure 30 minutes would be good for 3.5. I am almost 42 years old and I made that record for my self when I was 17. Twenty fove years later, let's see if it can be done. God is GREAT, anything is possible! My weight hasn't budged in 12 days. That is disappointing.




Ouch my blisters are hurting my feet.

My D.H. :wub: and I have been doing 3 1/2 miles everyday for 5 days. I also did 3 1/2 with a freind of mine yesterday making 7 miles in one day. That isn't a lot for some, but for a couch potato like me, that was HARD!!! We ran a lot of it yesterday, but today I only ran a little and lipmed the rest. We are trying to do the same route for 21 days straight, because I told him if you do anything for 21 days in a row, it becomes a habit. I am not sure that I like how compassionate and helpful he is trying to be...IT HURTS!!! I know it has only been 5 days, so there is no reason to expect to have lost anything, which is good, because I haven't lost anything.   I hope to keep up the good work. :w00t:




Wow that was hard

I don't remember my pre-op diet being so hard. I have thought about it and decided it was easier the first time, becasue I had the largest reward I had ever had set before me, my surgery. Now it is just a means to an end. I just wanted it to end. lol I did great for a few days and then my mind shut down. I lost 7 lbs, and then when I went off if it, of course, I gained every pound back. :thumbup:. I have began to walk with my D.H.. I want to do better. I have been hunting for a new job with half the stresss of my last job. I know this battle with my weight will never be "OVER", but I would like it to go in the right direction. I have go to start going to support group. I need to start doing exercises, not just cardio. I need to MEASURE, MEASURE, MEASURE!!!   I weighed 199 a few days ago and I was down to 196 today. Lord, please be with me.




Tomorrow is a new day. (just an organization of thoughts)

Well, I looked at my ticker and it said that the day before my surgery I weighed 191. Today I weighed 197. I am so ashamed. I have given notice to my employer (last day is this coming Friday). My mom who has lived with us for 3 years since my dad died, has just moved to Florida. My DH and I are taking her stuff down to her on Friday night after I get out of work.   Tomorrow I am going to go back on my two week pre-op diet. I am hoping to do it for the following reasons:   1) I am out of control. 2) I need to jump start my weight loss. 3) I need to show God I can appreciate this gift he gave me. 4) I need need lose 60 lbs by the end of June for my daughter's graduation party in Michigan with family that hasn't seen me since a week after surgery....I know it might be more like 30.   Reasons it might be hard: 1) traveling to Florida 2) working all day, sitting down 3) NOT MANY CARBS 4) headaches 5) inability to think   Ways to make it through: 1) Prayer 2) Prayer 3) Prayer 4) Thoughts of a thinner, healthier me. 5) A picture of a fat me at my desk 6) Have my food prepared ahead of time 7) The love of my family encouraging me 8) And did I mention PRAYER!!!   I am hoping to lose 1 lb per day. :w00t:




I don't know why I am such a weak person!

I used to be so strong, both physically and metally. I don't know why all of that has changed, but it has. I have started a new job working lots of O.T. Driving 45 minutes each way and sitting all day staring at a computer. I have made myself stop eating at my desk. Which is helping. I ONLY take the stairs. I sleep with my C-PAP every night. I take my thyroid meds and vitamins everyday. I try to get in at least my 60 grams of protien. I am getting about 6-8 hours sleep on average per night. I just can't make myself have energy for anything. I hear my daughter say she goes to the gym and is spending 1-2 hours there each night and loving every minute of it and I just can't get motivated. She was 290 lbs. and still doing better than me. I want to give up pop, but I find I just don't. I go in for what will probably be my last fill since I am losing my Tricare ins in the middle of March. I will pray that my fill will inspire me to lose. Goodness know that the Lap-Band isn't MAKING me lose. It is only a tool and I know that. I think that if I could get my bowels to work correctly, I would probably feel good enough to move and exercise. I am so hyperexteded in my stomach. I am miserable. The dr. has given me lactalose. I hope it helps soon. I have done very well getting in my water, so that shouldn't be the reason for the constipation. I just want to do as well as others I see here. I have the want, will I ever have the drive? Please pray for me. My short term goal is to lose 5 lbs by 2-1-09. That will put me where I was before I gained 12 for the holidays. God Bless!




Out of control

I have not been doing everything that they said I should have and I am paying for it. I am so constipated that I look 9 months pregnant. I am lactose intollerant and I am sure that isn't helping matters. I have had pop until my last fill (Nov.4) when the nurse begged me to give it up. I have and I am ok without it. I hope that I am able to get motivated enough to start exercising tomorrow. That is my major downfall.   I promise myself to start to better starting...NOW!




Now what have I done?

I am 5 weeks post-op and was feeling really good. I have lost 35 lbs and hadn't even been filled yet. I am still exercising and thought I was eating ok. Well, not according to my D.H.. He said I have been eating too much, and too fast. Yesterday it became a proven fact. I bought my son a coke while we were out shopping for school clothes and it looked so inviting I took a real small quick sip. Later we stopped for lunch. I was eating a bean burrito and talking with my son (15 yrs. old) while at Taco Bell, and with his great wisdom he said "Mom, aren't you eating too fast"? Sadly, I was on my next to last bite and he was only half way done with his taco. I said "yeah probably" (it had never made a difference before). I took a drink of lemonaid thinking I had better get some liquid in to try to help it down. Then IT happened. I raced to the restroom and out of my mouth and nose (AT THE SAME TIME :thumbup:...first time I've ever experienced that) came the lemonaid. I never vomited any of the burrito. For 4-5 hours I had a stomach ache and it has awaked me at 5 am. starting all over. Have I caused damage to my band? I stayed with mashed potatoes last night, but even those kind of hurt. They went down though. I am probably fine. I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. I should know more then. Until then I am slowing down and watching my portions better. God Bless!




Just over two weeks post op.

It has been an exciting time for me with all of the life changing events we have experienced in the last 4 weeks. We retired from the military, bought a house, got a great civilian job, went on a 10 day vacation and GOT BANDED!!! Since starting on the pre-op diet and then having surgery I have lost 27 lbs. and have dropped two pant sizes. I put up my clothes when I got too big for them last year and said when I get surgery I'll be able to wear them. It has only been 2 and a half weeks and I have waited TOO long for someof them. I skipped right past them. I am not complaing, just observing. God has blessed us in so many ways and the best one is that I feel I am getting my health back. We are doing 3-4 miles per day and the doctor said I can start to lift again this week if I take it easy...no crunches. I haven't eaten perfectly, but my husband said I am eating very little, but I feel like a pig. I was able to put on my D.H.'s ACU (Army uniform) shirt and zip it up. IT IS A SMALL!!!! The pants can't even go to my thighs yet...but they will someday!




Now what do I do?

I have just been told from the Dr.'s office that it will now be the end of July if I am lucky before I am rescheduled. That is another 2 months. All becasue of an infection in my jaw that I am sure I would be cleared for in time for my original date of next week. I have talked with my husband and decided that I can't put my life on hold any longer. It has been 6 months. Now to wait another 2 is silly. I am down 12 lbs from the 8 days of pre-op diet. I am going to run with it. I am going to try to lose all I can. I can only lose 3 lbs in 2 months or I don't qualify. I have put off going to work until I had the surgery. We are retiring in September from the military and I told my DH I would get a job. Now it would be late August instead of Mid-late June. I am trying to do what God wants, but I am not sure right now what that is.:confused2:




No longer a May Bandster

God is great! I could have been in surgery this morning. The doctor offered to move my date up to today because he had an opening. I wanted to with all of my heart, but my wonderful husband said "we have vacation this weekend and you wouldn't be able to go". I said that was ok and he sure didn't like that. The doctor said I can't be greedy and I need to put other people's needs ahead of mine sometimes. I didn't like him saying that. I left my date as 5-29-08. I have been on my liver shrinking diet for 8 days so far. I have lost 10 lbs. My BMI is down to 36.5. Now where the trouble comes in. I had a little toothache on Monday and by Tuesday night my jaw felt a little funny. When my DH came home I asked him if it was swollen. He very quickly said yes. He never admits he can see something wrong with me so I thought...OH NO:ohmy:! I went and look and sure enough I am swollen. I went to the dentist today and they gave me antibiotics and I called my surgeon's office. They said I had to canel until I was released by the dentist. IF the infection is gone on the 28th...day before my "surgery", I can get him to release me and then call for a new appoinment for surgery. Well, they had to book me 10 weeks out the first time and I pray that won't have to do that again. I have a Latex allergy, so I have to be the first one of the day. To compound the matter. SInce I have lost the 10 lbs I can only lose 9 more and I will not be eligible for surgery due too low of a BMI. God is great and I hope I passed His test with flying colors:Angel_anim:...no cursing:cursing:, no yelling:argue:, no depression:sad_smile:, no WHY ME :thumbdown: and best of all no food:Banane59:. I haven't eaten anything in the last 9 hours and I have been going through this for the last 5 hours. I will restart my pre-op diet 2 weeks before surgery...again...whenever that is.




What are friends for?

My new friend Andrea and I have started walking at least three miles everyday. She is holding me to it quite well. Sometimes she would get out of work late and complain they didn't have a dishwasher at the catering company she worked for. I said "well, if you need help, I can do it until a week before surgery". Since I haven't done any "real work" in a long time guess what? IT IS KICKING MY BUTTTT!!!! I am so sore in my back that I can hardly walk. I can't lift my left leg to walk up stairs. I can say though that I am very happy to have lost 6 lbs so far due to my dear friend Andrea.




I just don't get it!

I have told myself that I would start walking 3 miles a day or more until my surgery date (except on Sundays). I will have walked 120 miles just at 3 miles per day. Some days I have walked as much as eight. I lost 6 lbs, and have put 4 back on as of this morning. I understand it might be muscle and the loss was probably water. I also know to stay off of the scales, but I just have the hardest time with that. Do I want to continue walking? Will my body be too used to it by the time I have surgery that it won't help me lose? I am pretty sure my heart and lungs will love me for it. I can now get to my 2nd floor apartment and not feel like passing out. I am actually out walking my friend that weighs 50 lbs less than me. I am sure I will keep going, because I love to set goals and then reach them. Especially if I couldn't really see the incentive and still accomplished it. That is straight will power. Something I haven't had in a while!




Approved and waiting!

Well, it was a short journey to jump through all of Tricare's hoops. I was approved my first try. Now it is a "long" wait to be banded. In comparrison to my 20 years of being heavy it is almost instantanious. I will be banded 6 months from the start of my journey...10 weeks after my approval. My doctor is so booked up. The day I turned 40 my body acted like it never had before. Everything hurt. My sleep patterns grew worse. I'd sleep in and still feel I needed more. I had SEVERE headaches that would last over a week. I had edima in my legs, arms and face. Come to find out I have Sleep Apnea and my Thyroid was 30 points low. I didn't know that your thyroid could control so much. Thankfully I heard Tricare would approve gastric banding as of 2-1-08. It was only December, so I started everything rolling with my testing, counseling, referals and research. It has paid off. Think how far into summer my surery would be if I hadn't started early.



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