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MissyDFE's road to losing the weight!

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Merry Christmas!

Hey thanks JSOTO! I needed to hear your words of kindess! :cursing: Thanks. I was not going to post them but then I thought, oh why the hell not... you know? We are all friends here!!! I do not really care - I just don't want anyone to be grossed out. I warned you all! Hahhaaa... Oh well that is me, like it or or not! :cursing::cursing: On to other news.... I had my first PB! I guess sometimes my brain gets stuck on stupid because I do the most retarded things... So my mom served salad, clam chowder, and cracked crab last night for Christmas Eve dinner - right? Well I decide it is ok for me to dip a roll in my clam chowder and eat it - WRONG! It felt like I was going to burp, but then it felt like I was going to throw up, so my cousin who was sitting next to me was like, "Are you ok?"... I just shook my head and ran to the bathroom. Three heaves and I threw up the roll in the toliet. Great. All I was thinking was, "I hope my band does not slip"... Stuipd, stuipd, stuipd. That scared me so I didn't eat anything else all night. :speechles   Oh I am at 193 - so ya! Merry Merry Christmas all!




I have never been so happy to ...

have a BM. Hahhaaa... I am dork and that is kinda gross... sorry fellow readers. Thanks to britterz, tizen33, HeavyHeartland and enjoylife for being such suppoteres to me! Ok so I am down on the scales and happliy weighed in today at 194.   This is going to be scary so if you don't want to read any further close the screen... This is just a warning do not look at the picture below if you are feeling faint.     Ok here it goes....     Don't say I didn't warn you!         Caution....           Danger.....           Ok there it is. The infamous "before" photos.... Are you still there? Or did you pass out? OK - qouit laughing I will talk to you all later!   :faint:





I know this is going to sound gross.... I am 9 days post op and am constipated. I have tried a heating pad, warm liquids, walking, water... I mean I have been eating under my calorie goal and have been walking daily so I SHOULD be losing but I have been constipated these last few days so the scale is not reflecting by good behavior! HELP!




196 lbs... Ya.

So if you have been following my journal you will be able to see I am down a pound every day since surgery. If I keep it up at that rate in 3 months I will be looking fab in some size 6 jeans! Yahoo... Anyway... My stomach really hurts right now... I had some pistachio jello and some mashed potatoes at our company X-mas party... I may have eaten to much or just eaten too solid of foods. I really tried to be good. But I am in pain.... I feel like going home early putting on the PJ's and calling it a night.... :faint:




5 days post op

Boy do I feel better! I almost feel like I never even had surgery - well not really... But I do feel great 5 days post op! I am even getting used to just eating liquids too... well that was after I stuipdly tried to eat tuna fish yesterday morning - but was halted by my stomach saying, "No, no, no" (sing in Amy Winehouse's voice and it sounds funnier... "They tried to make me go to rehab.... I was like No, no, no.... ANYWAY. Ya I soon realized I am on liquids for a reason! To let my stomach HEAL! Duh - how could I have been so dumb to try and push it?   Onto more merrier things.... I am down 13 pounds! Yes! And I am in wonderland! All is good in my world this morning!  




3 day Post Op

Feeling much better! I took a shower, blow dryed my hair, put in hot rollers and slapped on some makeup... I just wanted to feel human again! It is amazing what a little fixing yourself up can do to a girl's self esteem. I was starting to scare my self everytime I walked past a mirror! I am still kind of tender and have weened my self off the pain medication... it was making me too drowsy and light headed and I need to get back to work tommorow so I will just take Alieve from now on.... So on to what I have been eating.... NOT MUCH! Not because I don't feel hungry but because my doctor told me to stick to liquids for 3 weeks.... liquids do not make me feel full. At all. So I am living off of tomato soup, protein drinks, water and ya... thats about it. It sucks but I have been seeing results... As for now I am just sitting up and trying to pass the time until I fall asleep tonight and go to work tommorow...




Omg... Day after surgery.

And I am a sore chica. Bloated, bloated, bloated... tender incisions. Ouch - sleeping last night was a chore. i kept waking up and now my neck hurts.... I know it will all get better but ouchie! I am in pain right now. I just went on a walk to help my bloating go down - and am sipping on some organic tomato soup. Yummy. TTYL ...





OMG. OMG. OMG.   So I was a good little gal today... I worked out for about 25 minutes on the elliptical trainer...   Breakfast: Light Muscle Milk Lunch: Chicken breast w/ mushrooms and asparagus - a glass of milk. Dinner: Rainbow Roll, summouno, mussels - iced tea Water through out the day...   So tommorow I just get to have clear liquids - (water, broth, clear gelatin, tea, popsicles, juice) LUCKY ME!




2 days - can you believe it?

Raise your hand if you are excited about me having my surgery in 2 days....:clap2: Yaaaa... I am so excited. I have cleaned up my room so I am comfortable after surgery. I still have a pile of clothes to fold but no big worries I will get to that tonight. I gave my mom a list of things to pick up for me: heating pad, baby spoon, baby bowl, gas x strips... you know the basics! Today I had a scambled egg for breakfast and a tuna sandwich for lunch - bye bye bread... not going to be tasting you anymore! Oh well. I am trying my best to get as much done at work as possible so I will not make it difficult for the person at work who is filling in for me while I am gone. My surgery is on Friday and I assume I will be able to come back to work on Monday. I hope everything goes well because I didn't tell anyone at work what I was having done. Well, I take that back, I told the receptionist I was having my gallbladder removed because she over heard me on the phone talking to the surgery center. Oh well - it was a white lie and really none of her business anyway. I will update you more later... bye.




3 more days!

It is Monday everyone! Yahoo... I am only 3 sleeps away from my lap band and I am super dooper excited. This week better fly right by! I am starting to do just the liquids because I do not my liver to be HUGE! I am planning to be on the liquid diet for 3 weeks after my surgery and by liquid I mean clear soups...water... juice. Only! I want to lose as much as possible during the time my stomach is healing. I am not paying attention to my work near enough as I should.... duty calls... I will write more later. Tootles!




4 more days...

I woke up and was very excited because I am one day closer to my surgery. I am so anxious. I know all my journals are beginning to sound repeatitive but, I just am pumped! I don't really know what I am going to do today... maybe just relax at home, not sure... It is kind of boring. I will write you later.




5 days to go!

HOLLA! Today was a very nice day. I slept in... which was lovely... Took a shower, paid some bills online (yuck) then went to town to pick up a friend of mine to go shopping. We went to Tractor Supply's grand opening and bought "Nuzzle" a wonderful smelling perfume - the best part about purchasing the perfume is they donate a portion of the sale to Habitat for Horses - an organization that assists abused and neglected horses... love the smell of perfume! Buy some. The rest of the day was spent following my friend around as she finished her X-mas shopping (I am done!) so it was at least good exercise. I finished off my evening by stopping by a friends house for spaghetti and salad. Not the best "diet" dish but not the worst either. Have a terrific evening... this little girl is hitting the hay!




6 days to go!

Friday is fun day and I just got my hair done check it out... Do you like it better blonde or brown? It is winter time, time to give my blonde hair a rest - come summer time when I am slim and sexy I will bust out the blonde hair again! Well today started off wonderful as I sipped my Muscle Milk Light drink... thenI got an attack of the munchies and chowed a half of a jalapeno bagel. Lunch was ok. Had a slice of meatloaf for lunch so that wasn't too too bad. Tonight after work I am going shopping with my good friend Annie. I do not need to - since I had all my X-mas shopping done in October! I was very organized about that this year. Every paycheck starting in summer time I bought one present for a loved one... They are pretty much all wrapped too! Anywho I will update you as the weekend goes on! Tata!





So I went and had sushi for lunch. AND NOW I AM STUFFED. Worse than a Thanksgiving turkey! So I am going to lay off the sushi... My craving is no longer... What should my new favorite food be? Any suggestions... anyone?




7 days to go!

When someone asked me the other day what my favorite food was I knew the answer right away... :whoo:SUSHI :whoo: I just love the stuff! I am a big fan of it all. When I first started going to Japanese restraunts I only ate the "California Rolls" because I was so afraid of the raw stuff.... Now I am a full blown sushi junkie! I start off my meal with a delicious bowl of Cucumber soumono (spelling) See below: It is refreshing and tangy as, I think they marinate the cucumber in it overnight. It is usually topped with crab and "tako" also known as octopus! YUMMO! The next course I order is the beautiful RAINBOW ROLL ... The roll is usually a combination of crab, cucumber - tuna, yellowtail, shrimp, salmon, avocado, layered outside. At the sushi restraunt I go to I have the sushi man dress up my roll a bit more (as if it should be the roll in itself is a meal and is usually $15) with a drizzle of a "sweet" sauce, which kind of tastes like teriyaki, and on top of that crumbled macadamia nuts - "Big Island Roll" is what I call it. Check it out (this picture does not show the sauce and macadamia nuts.. it is a picture of a true Rainbow Roll... which is great too): All this sushi talk is making my mouth water! I am sipping on a "Premier Nutrition" protein shake at the moment and it is not too shabby. You can guess what I am craving now for lunch....




8 more days!

The anticipation is killing me! I am just way excited about all of this. Yesterday I had my appointment with the doctor to get my EKG, blood work - they took ALOT of blood! Anywho, I am all set to go - everything is done and now all I have to do is wait. I will journal more tommorrow.  




9 more days!

Do you like my little count down? Hmm... getting really antsy! Well, yesterday wasn't too bad of a day - oh wait yes it was... I for some reason decided it was a great idea to go to Johnny Carino's (Italian food) so I had a bit of potato soup, bread, and half a bowl of Chicken/Shrimp spicy pasta! I am a bad girl. What the hell am I thinking eating carbs? I know that crap is bad is bad for me... for anyone for that matter! Ah well, I will learn soon enough I hope.   On a brighter note, I did buy an elliptical trainer last night from Sports AUthority ... $499 later I came home with this:     A Proform SpaceSaver! I can't wait to get it all set up and get my butt moving. I have my physical today for my clearance for surgery... I will keep you all posted on how it goes!  




10 days to go!

Only 10 more days until my lap band surgery! I am getting so pumped. I woke up this morning a bit grouchy. I had trouble falling asleep last night. So I didn't get the best rest I possibly could. My breakfast this morning was a protein shake called "Muscle Milk Light" chocolate flavored. It has 20 g of protein, 160 calories, 5 g of fat and was very filling. I liked it alot! I just had lunch at our local sushi restraunt and was a pretty good girl. I had cucumber somuno and albacore tuna sashimi. Very tasty. I have been pretty good at weening my self off of soda. Man I loved that stuff! I am pretty much an ice tea kind of girl now. I will have soup or a protein shake for dinner probably. Monday at work sucks. Especially when it is billing day. Wish me luck - this week better fly right by.... because I am getting anxious!   :cheer2:




Sunday is Funday!

This morning I woke up and tried one of my new protein shakes... It is called Spiru-Tein... it was cookies and cream flavor - YUMMO! It is 99 caolries, 0 g of fat and 14 g of protein. I have a bunch of other flavored samples to try. The countdown is 11 days until my surgery... I am pumped! Today I went to the Satelite Horse Races with my nanny. She gave me $100 to play with and I finished the day with $108 ... So it was net $8. Not bad. I think with the $108 I will buy my mom a nice b-day present - like a facial/massage at a local spa. Well, tommorow is a new day of a new week... talk to you all tommorrow! Toodles!




It is Saturday night and I am chillin' at home...

Hi it is Saturday night and I am at home on the computer! What the heck? Lol. I need a life. Anywho today was a pretty good day - I had a nice lunch with a friend and only ate half of it, which is better than what I would usually do... Then I went to my shrink to get the psych evauation. PASSED! I am not crazy! Lol... I then went to Circuit City to buy a lap top for my grandpa... we got him a Toshiba - pretty cool. I had dinner a shish kabob of fish, shrimp, onions and a baby tomato. Pretty tasty! I am off to bed... night!




Last night...

So as my work day was coming to close my friend called me and asked if I wanted to come over for a glass of wine.... BAD IDEA. I should have known one glass of wine would turn into two and then ... into three... You know the routine. Well I ended up having 2 glasses of wine, turkey spaghetti, and 2 chocolate chip cookies :tired I was pissed at myself for doing that... TOTALLY. Why do I sabatoge myself? Why do I do this?!!!? What I am wondering is how do I draw the line from being a fanatic about my weight with out turning away my friends...??? I don't want to seem like home body or a downer - but I just want to stay on track so I will have to turn down my friends invitations.... Anyway I woke up this morning and decided it was a good day to wash my sheets and pillow cases... So I spruced up my room a bit, dusted and straightened up a few things. I made some tuna salad and had a few whole wheat crackers with it. I had my multi vitamins and am just waiting for my sheets in the dryer to make my bed. I have a psychologist appointment today to give me an evaluation to ok me for the lapband surgery, I BETTER NOT ACT CRAZY!!! lol. Just kidding... I will update you guys later.





So as I was a good little girl this morning... drinking my chalky protein shake. But then... my dad asked me to lunch (He and I work for the same compnay - my family owns and operates a petroleum company)... so I go to lunch and look at what I had... I know it looks bad, but it was good... I think I will just take it easy too night and just have another protein shake. I need to quit going to lunch with my dad! :violin: Excuses Excuses... I know. I will stop it. And just take control of my own life!




I weigh... I want to lose...

I forgot to post my stats!   Highest: 210 lbs Current: 205 lbs Goal: 120 lbs   I have got to lose 85 lbs! I would have a ticker, but those things confuse me! So I will just continue to post any changes in my weight through this journal!!! :bounce:




Meal Replacement

Have anyone ever tried the "Bariatric Advantage" Ready to Shake Meal Replacements? They kind of are chalky! I ordered my Unjury and can't wait ti try - from what I have read it seems like people enjoy it. So yep this is what I am having for breakfast - yummo! :tired





Last night my mom and I went hunting for an elliptical machine. I am tired of going to the gym and waiting for one - people use those things like crazy at my gym... Anyway so we went to Sear's - found quite a few but they were HUGE... I want to be able to put it in my room, so I can watch my favorite shows and exsercise. The we went to Big 5, they didn't have any! So I think we might check out Sports Authority next... If not I guess I will have to get a big beast at Sears... :mad: Any way so after the hunt for the perfect elliptical machine my mom and I decided we were hungry... so we went to Olive Garden. I was pretty good... I had a bit of salad, NO BREAD, and ordered the Apricot Chicken with broccolli and asparagus. I figured that was not TOO bad... anyway I fell asleep really early last night 8:30 - I have no idea what is wrong with me... I think it may be that I have not been excersing much latelly so my lack of energy is out the window!!! I will update as the day goes on! I just found out I love my blogging/journaling whatever you want to call it! 14 days until my surgery!!!:bored



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