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Holidays and stress

Its been a challenge to stay away from the goodies. Why does it seem esier to get down the junk food and sweets than the good food. Working on controlling the amount of wrong foods compared to amount of right foods. Takes a major mind adjustment because I am a grab and go person. Truly is better if you plan ahead things to have to put your hands on quickly. I do much better when I eat small meals or snacks throughout the day. As the stomach tightens I notice that when I initially go to eat the first few bites are harder to get down. Bread seems to be a bit harder to swallow. I puked up a Happy Meal cheeseburger that didn't want to go down so easily. Your right, I probably shouldn't be eating a McDonalds cheeseburger, but at least its the kids meal size. I do avoid the fries. I look for progress anywhere, and thats progress for me. Gotta start somewhere! Laying off the diet soda and try to drink more water. I buy flavored waters and that seems to satisfy me. I wish there was a support group close to me. The nearest one is about an hour away. I think the support group would be a big benefit. :youcandothis: I am at a weight of 250 pounds now, down 34 pounds since my surgery. Hope to put a exercise regime into my New Year resolutions. Wish the weight would come off a little faster, but I am happy its not going up. 34 pounds less is a lot happier situation than more! Happy Holidays Vickiehttp://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/wl/youcandothis.gif




It's December already! Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays!

I had another fill in November and now I'm up to 2 and half cc's. I had only lost 2 pounds over the six weeks since the previous fill, but I guess that's better than gaining. I am finding that when I eat too fast it hurts and then I gag until I go spit it up. I guess that's a sign that the stomach has tightened. The loss has been very slow, but I think I have lost more in inches than pounds. I need to get a tape measure out and keep track. A new goal! Some of the clothes I couldn't fit into previously, now fit. It's still frustrating that the process is slow, but then again, I haven't been following any type of restricted diet since Thanksgiving. In that sense, I have only me to blame. I am just grateful that at least the scale isn't going up. I have asked for a local community membership to exercise for Christmas. I am hoping to sign up for an exercise class, I haven't been consistent at all on that aspect. I can see that the battle with food is still a problem in my head and I need to keep working on that. I don't have a support group where I can attend that is close by. Does anyone want to have a group in the Cary, Morrisville area? I sure could use a group to talk to. That's my latest and greatest. I admittedly am worried over the holidays but I have noticed quite a drop in my hunger so I don't eat as large of an amount as I use to. :update:





I have stayed fairly consistent, no real weight loss since the first 1cc fill. It's a little discouraging but I get my second fill in September 2006. I'm hoping that will cause some further restriction because I can still easily eat larger proportion sizes. I haven't kept up on my exercise and that isn't good. I am in the middle of a move so I hope to get my exercise equipment back up and running come the end of this month. Let hope next month brings happier results. :tired




Not losing/fist fill

I got my first fill two weeks ago, 1cc, and I haven't seen any progress, which has been a bit discouraging. I keep fluctuating betweeen losing and gaining two pounds. It appears I have lost a total of 13 to 14 pounds since my surgery on May 9th. I admit my eating habits have not been as they should and I haven't been doing a regular exercise routine, so obviously I need to start recording the food and amount I am eating, as well as being consistent with my exercise. I pretty much can eat anything as before so I am hoping with another fill that things will be a bit more limited. This is definitly not like the rouxen-y with the rapid weight loss in the first few months. I hope the next fill will progress me further. I guess I need to find me a support group.





:omg: I went to California for a week to vacation with family. Hmmm, I'm afraid to step on the scales although I earnestly tried to limit my intake of food. I am still eating portions I probably shouldn't. Can't seem to get that under control yet. Now I can eat regular type food again, so it's like an open door. I must get help, must get fill! :omg: I am anxious to get my fill. I get my first fill next week in hopes I will see some real progress. I am feeling well after the surgery with two months out. It appears all the healing is completed. Once in a while I will get kind of a odd pain on my left side but nothing that seems of real concern. It's hard being patient while the healing process is going on. You just want to see pounds start shedding. I felt fairly miserable around my thinner family members, but I am trying to remember this weight gain didn't just happen over night. I sure have blown my exercise routine, I just can't seem to get into the groove. Maybe due to a few factors like; I had the surgery, looking for a new home, vacations, my husbands illness, etc. Can we say stress! However, no excuses, just want to see what a filled band will do for me. I am in great need of limiting portions and getting some exercise. My knees and joints hurt so bad that exercise is no my strength. Hmmm, maybe this site will give me some much needed suggestions. :tired




A month out

Banded on May 29 2006, it's now been a little over a month. I seem to be healing nicely, been trying to put some neosporin with vitamin E on my stitches, hopefully to lessen the scarring. Have a little pain on one side and feel a little restriction with the band, but not significant. Went to Dr. Enochs first follow up visit after surgery. I had gained a pound over the 20 I had lost after surgery. That sure was a bummer! Dr. Enochs told me to concentrate on healing right now and if all looks good I might get my first fill next visit. The thing is I am still mostly on mushies and most of those are carb oriented. I sure have been hungry this last week, June 4, 2006. I am trying to be careful what I eat, but it's been a challenge. I guess this is where "patience is a virtue." Still a little hard to bend or stretch, also trying to keep up with a regular exercise routine. Since I am on the road a lot it's hard to come up with a snack I can eat while driving on the road. When I eat small meals consistently I seem to do much better. Kind of tired of liquids! Looking forward to down the road with weight loss. I wrote the NC site and they gave me some suggestions on eating, basic answer avoid carbs! I was referred to the LapBandTalk.com site on forums>food specifically dylansmoms listing. That site has a list of foods that help, great information. :nervous




It's a New Day, hurray!

Okay with some minor setbacks (however major at the time, and dang it, it hurt!) I got banded and hernia repaired on May 9th. Didn't do so bad the first couple of days. Was able to pee which is very necessary to help the hospital staff believe you are back from the living dead. Didn't feel extreme pain. Hospital stay was not most pleasant, too isolate, too old, too behind the times, so I was anxious to get out. Maybe a little too anxious. I left the next day after surgery. Unfortunately, I had some set backs with a reaction to the pain medication (was hurting me more than helping) fixed that and got a new pain medication, also my intestinal works just stopped on me. After a night in the emergency center we got that under control also. I came back home still struggling with pain in the shoulder and neck due to the air pumped in my body during surgery. My doctor says this should subside substantially in about 3 weeks time. I sure hope so. My stiches were never a problem. Minimal pain in the abdomen, had a few issues with sleeping, nausea and couldn't keep anything down for couple of days, day of stomach bloating and shut down of intestinal issues, got it all fixed… now moving around fairly easy and things are appearing to be on the way up. Saw my doctor, lost 13.5 pounds the first week. Today my husband and I went to a movie (May 18) and I even got a small non-fat/non-sugar yummy peach and vanilla yogurt. Life is looking good and I hope I will be looking better with each day. I have hope, something I thought I lost!:clap2: :kiss





I am so nauseated today, totally miserable. I can't even seem to keep my sips of water down. My pain medication only seems to make things worse, because I am throwing it up as well. Since things are only in liquid form I don't throw up like if I ate regular food, but I feel so sick at my stomach. Now the pain in the shoulder and neck are aleviating and most recent troubles are with the stomach. If I could just throw it all up it clears the stomach but then within a short amount of time I'm back to the bloating and nausea. Gas X isn't working. :think




Two days after surgery

I'm home and the most pain I feel is in my neck and shoulder. Been using Ben Gay strips and heat and cold pads. Helps some what. Wasn't prepared for pain in shoulder and neck. Not much problem with the abdominal area, very little pain, even though I had hernia repair also. Better to walk and sit up as much as possible. Strictly on liquids, jello, water, crystal light, popsicles. Popsicles are my lifesaver. I like using the water bottles with sipping top, helps me sip on the water all day. Not too bad of nausea, just a little when I have eaten something too fast. Can't wait to get rid of the pain in my neck. I would suggest to have a slanted orthopedic pillow to sleep on as well as a neck pillow, something I didn't think of but I am very happy with them now. Pain medication tastes the pits, but it does it's job, however makes me very sleepy. Trying to do without it until night time. I found if I sip it slowly with a sip of water I can get it down easier. Where's the cherry flavor when you need it? Got to lay down. Alls well!:cry




Surgery Date

It seems like it has taken forever to finally get all the paper work needed for United Health insurance, but I have been given the okay for a sugery date, May 9, 2006. This is it!:clap2: No turning back. Hurray! I am hoping that this will lead me on many roads to a successful weight loss future. Sometimes I have wondered if this surgery was meant for me with all the delays. I have had a lot of roadblocks along the way. I am grateful my insurance, who gave the go ahead. I hope I will continue that gratitude after the surgery. I don't like a lot of pain, (like who does), but I have a pretty good tolerance of pain. The forum has been such a help in helping me be informed. I'm sure I will have to pester everyone after the surgery as well. Just think a hiatal hernia repaired and smaller stomach pouch…the wonders of it all! Won't it be nice when someday I could say, I have a loss of 100 pounds…pinch me I'm dreaming!




The beginning

After completing all the different tests and exams, which means many trips to different specialists, it now appears the paper work is in process. I got a call from my doctors office yesterday to say that I just had to clarify if my insurance requires a previous 6 month set diet that I have followed before their approval. I have been on nothing but diet plans it seems like forever. But, good news, no previous set diet plan but a BMI of 40 or over. I qualify, but of course! Now my doctor can submit the papers for approval with the insurance company. They hope to set me up a surgery date soon. Oh, after almost a year of wait (two different doctors) it's hard to get excited until they call with a definite date. And so the process begins. I have been reading and listening to the advice of other lapband patients and that has been very helpful. Wish me luck and I could take a few prayers as well. Vickie



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