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the journey

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first fill

I had my first fill yesterday. It was very simple.. I just think I was nervous because I didn't know what to expect. They put 6 cc's in my band and it feels good. I am on clear liquids for a couple of days. So far I have only lost 10 lbs. I need to be a lot better about the choices I make regarding the foods I choose to eat. :eek:




48 hrs. post op

Well, it is behind me now. I have to just recover. The whole experience was wonderful. My surgeon was great. The people I met were great. But most of all the love and support I got from my son was worth more than anything. I feel good. I little sore and tired. I fell pressure in my abdomin area. The gas hasn't been bad maybe that is why I have the pain. I haven't gotten it out yet. I am still on clear fluids for 1 more day. I am not feeling hungry I just feel blooted. I will write again tomorrow when I feel better.




getting closer

I am getting closer to my date.....48 hrs. I am full of emotions. I am scared because I have never had surgery and I watched the procedure on the internet....probably wasn't smart but I wanted to see what I was really in for and I am excited to start this journey into becoming the person I know I am inside. So right now I am going to go with the excitement and just try and enjoy this process....I will keep writing on my progress...good night:car:




the weeks before

November 13th, 2007:help:   The closer my date gets the more nervous I get. I have Thanksgiving to prepare so that will keep my mind busy. I went to a support group meeting last night with my friends Bob & Elisabeth and it was very interesting to hear two people speak who had the gastric bypass. They feel it changed thier lives. That is what I am looking to do. I want to get back to the person inside me. I know I am a good person on the inside I need an outside revision!!! They did talk though about the relationship with food and how that is something you are forced to deal with and it is important to have the support of the ones around you. Hopefully everyone will be supportive.



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