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Well 2day!

Well 2day hasn't be so bad but I am in some discomfort 2day my incisions kinda hurt and I am just not feeling it 2day at all. I had chicken noodle soup blended very fine 2day for breakfast and I just had Jell-o a second ago. I think I will have jell-o again for dinner 2nite or maybe that was dinner hell i dont know. I have to get on a schedule I really do! I need to get in more water and more protein. I just can't wait til I am on solids so I dont have to think about this shit as much. 2day is just a difficult day. I need some energy bad. I can feel my port now it's parellel to my belly button. I realize I have a long way to go. I have to get this band and work it. But right now is healing time I have to understand that and be patient. But 2morrow I will get on track because I have 6 more pounds to lose by the 25th and I am going to knock the hell out of it! So here I go. And til 2morrow. Love and blessings Apples!:thumbup:




Good Day!

Well 2day is a good day! I stuck 2 my liquids all day 2day! For brekfast I had 1 ensure and 1 jello 260 calories. I am feeling really good about that LOL! I am hoping to see that scale move down come 2morrow morning. I was 305 this morning happy to see that!! I just cant wait to get everything in order with the exercising and the bodybugg and I;m just excited LOL. It feels good to really see the scale finally move:thumbup: . The only pain that I am in is my port area thats it and I will be so glad when that goes away cause I hate that pain there. I have been trying to dance to burn some extra calories off but it kinda hurts so I cant shake it as hard as I want to! LOL But it will come! I think that's it for 2day though so Love and Blessings APPLES!:thumbup:




1st ENTRY!

Well I am putting in my 1st entry ... hopefully I will be able to keep up with this each day like I want to. I hope that these entries will one day be an inspiration to others as I have read entries and they have helped me. So my name is Appollonia if you can say that LOL I am 20 yr married female. I was banded on February 6th 2008. My 2nd birthday. :wub: First day I came home from surgery I felt like shit and a 1/2! But each day gets a little better. I am still sore and my abdomen aches but it's all good I am 26 pounds down total! :thumbup: And I hadn't seen the scale move in ages literally I was about 17 LOL maybe even younger it has only been going up for the pass 5 yrs! I am just so ready for a change and I can't wait to see the outcome of my hard work. Because I definetely plan on kicking my own ass in the gym LOL! But I am still supposed to be on liquids for 2 weeks but I cheated the past 2 days :crying: I feel bad ... but all I did was have musy soup I blended it in the blender and it was the equivalent of baby food LOL! But as of right now I am going to get back on track with my liquids it's only 2 weeks. I am going to get a lot of protein when I get paid on Friday and try to do a little bit of moving ... maybe some dancing ... turn on some music videos or something. :wink2: I wanna be down even more by the time I see the doc again I see him again on the 25th of Feb. But thanks for listening/reading everyone. Lots of Love and blessings and patience to those of you waiting to be banded!:eek:





Man it's been a few days now! But I am glad to announce that I am now 300 on the nose! Took a few days but I am there! 2 just 2 more pounds to go before I make it to goal. I will see the doc come the 25th. I am so excited to see him beings that I am down so much weight. Also I had 6 teeth pulled on Monday not fun lemme tell ya! Worst ever I think it was worst than my first surgery. I hate it! But other than that my mouth is swollen ... Going back to work on March 3rd. But I wanna see the weight come off in my clothes! I want some new outfits dammit! But I wanna be atleast a 16 by the time I see my hubby again ... he hasn't seen me since any of my weight has come off. And I wanna be down alot before I see him again. So wish me luck. Love and belssings Apples!:thumbup:





Hey readers! Today was awesome eventhough I was very tired to day and didn't really feel like getting out of bed but I did LOL:closedeyes: I am happy to say that I am 3 pounds away from my goal of 298 and I know I will make it there by this weekend. I cant believe it ... it's been a total of 19 days since my pre-op diet began and I am already down 32 pounds this is just shocking and amazing to me. Eventhough I would the weight loss to be more visible :wink2: I wanna see it!! But I'm still technically still on liquids I have been having jell-o and ensure shakes for the pass couple of days and that's it! I wont be officially on mushies til the 20th of February. So I wanna kill as much weight as possible while I am on liquids. I dont want any weight to come back and I dont wanna regain weight when I get on mushies so I will definetely be limiting that. I can't get my bodybugg until I get some extra cash so maybe I should wait to start on mushies once I get the bodybugg I don't know what to do LOL. We'll see what happens but until next time peeps. Lots of LOVE and BLESSINGS APPLES!:thumbup:



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