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On Wednesday, I got a .5cc put in...restriction is the best I've ever had. Only 2-3 bites and I'm full. I've had to really adjust my meals to get my proteins. I'm not getting in all my water for the day either so I will have to start drinking more water during the day. I think the weight will be really coming off now.




Weight finally coming off...

after 6 mths of no exercise and no weight loss. In January I took back my life so to speak. I signed up on Sparkpeople and started exercising every day. You know that 21 day habit everyone tells you about. It works, but you have to exercise every day for those 21 days. For the last 2 1/2 mths, I've been exercising every day. I wear my pedometer faithfully to log my steps and log my food every day.   At the moment, my band only has 1cc in a 4cc band. I've have a Dr's appt on Wednesday. I'm not sure at the moment if I want any more restriction, but there are days when I feel like I'm still eating too much even though I'm within my calorie range.   I've set mini goals for myself. I missed this one by 9lbs but I'm okay it with because I've lost 16lbs since January. My next mini goal is to lose 15lbs by May.   I can do it. I'm motivated and after so many years of leading a sedentary life, I am now obessed with exercising. It's a wonderful feeling to have so much energy every day.:thumbup:




New weight

Well...despite myself...I've lost 14lbs since my last official weigh in at Doc's office on 11/1/07, but only 3.6lbs since the fill on 11/15/07...since I'm losing he won't do another fill ...kinda glad didn't want to be on liquids for Christmas. Haven't kept to my diet or exercise program so it's a wonder that I lost. I've even been cheating and not taking my vitamins...so I really need to get with the program. Tomorrow is a new day...I WILL log my food, eat healthy and exercise. I have a personal goal of 10lbs to lose by my next weigh in and I know I can do it. I'm feeling better than ever and have went down 3 sizes in clothes. It's great! I will be only to happy to see the size 26/28 jeans and 30/32 shirts get out of my closet. Do you suppose I will have my room in my closet if my clothes are smaller? HA-ha-ha!





Did liquids today? Exercised this morning...on the right track again...leaving for FLorida on Thursday...want to lose a few pounds...know I will be eating out a lot while I'm there and don't want the weight gain.




where's my willpower

can't seem to get back on track...no restriction at all so I'm eating more than I should and can't seem to get back eating smaller portions...will start again tomorrow




back to liquids

Well, my try to get back on track on Sunday didn't work so I'm starting again today. Having my protein shake for breakfast. I fly to Florida next Thursday...have a personal goal I want to meet by then so I really need to get back on track and exercise and eat well. Though I have the .5cc fill can't fill any restriction. As long as I chew my food well I can pretty much eat however much I want. I don't like that at all. So I will start measuring my food again and eating smaller portions. Maybe try the gym today instead of the walking tapes. We'll see how the day goes.




Weight Gain

This whole week was a mess. Mom in the hospital for 2 days and Thanksgiving. I've been eating like mad. The .5cc fill didn't work and I can't seem to get myself back on track. Tomorrow I will get back to protein shakes because I gained 2lbs this week. Arggg!! My neighbor is giving me a treadmill so between that and the Leslie Sansone tapes should be able to lose it again. I'm hoping to have another before Christmas because I don't want to be able to eat as much food as I did at Thanksgiving. Hopefully, the rest of the weekend is better.





Whoo-hoo...2mos out 273.2lbs 36.6 lbs lost :whoo:---haven't seen that in 15yrs. RRA---rocking right along! going to the gym tomorrow after work...bored with walking want to try the elliptical or recumbent bike




2 mo out

Tomorrow is 2mos since I've been banded! Yeah...finally seeing a loss again. Had a .5cc fill on 11/15/07...can't feel anything yet...don't know if I will since it was such a small fill. Did liquids till today and had lunch with family so I ate some food(no restriction)...know I should have been on liquids for at least a week, but was tired of the liquids...will go back to liquids tomorrow. Having trouble getting my water quota for the day...weird because before my surgery I would at least get my 64oz between 5p-10pm...not good, but at least I was getting the water. Now I don't feel thirsty at all. Really going to have to work on that...may need a mini water cooler at my desk to help. Gotta a lot of work to do to be successful.   Highest weight ever: 2005--322lbs Started 2007---314.8 Pre-band on liquids: 309.8 Banded 9/19/07---292.5 1mo: 282 2mo: weigh tomorrow



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