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Bought some liquids

WEnt to SR today and bought liquids for first week or two. Snapple, juice to water down and sports drinks. HOpe Eric and Nick don't drink them all. I am going to make my favorite pizza tonight for dinner. I won't be able to hav it again fro quite a while. So nervous about missing food. How do people do this???? I can't stand it but I have to do it. The thought of it makes me crazy. Expecially the liquid and mushy stages for a few weeks not days. Then I won't even lose weight until my first fill from what I read over and over. Will see.l




new ticker





finally going outside

I* will venture out today. I need a few things from Shop Rite. Gas-x and some food. Hopefully I can start eating a few things now. Will try. Need a new battery for that scale too, it keeps giving all different kinds of readings.




I'm back home

and in pain. Why didn't I get liquid pain medication? Chopping up the pills is gross, tastes soo freaking gross. I am having trouble gettin in and out of bed without help. I think the port is where the most pain is. Have a follow up with Dr Trivedi on Feb 21 at 10:30 am.




4 days post op and lost 10 lbs already!

I still feel like crap. Missing food but can't eat anyway. Having trouble drinking sips of clear liquids. Drinking powerade, broth, jello and ice pops. I still feel pain in my stomach, hate chewing the pain pills...uh liquid is avail. why did they give me pills. Will ask Dr on Tuesday. Eric trying to help out but at night when he drinks he says stupid ass things. Called me a douchbag, baby, asshole, bitch...wow this is really helpful in my healing process. Todayhe put some clothes away...not mine only his. At least he is trying to keep house clean, complaining all the way but trying. Will take Nicholas out to Taco Bell for lunch I think so will be quiet a few minutes (I Hope).            





I called Dr's office yesterday to see if surgery was approved by insurance company. Nibia said yes Oxford approved the surgery and I am to be there at 6:30 am on Valentines day for 8:30 surgery.   Wow, I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I'm scard to be put to sleep again, hat that feeling and throwing up when I wake up. BUT I can't wait to get thinner. Thin no but thinner would be great! I know I will miss the tast of many of my favorite foods. God how am I going to do liquids for 2 weeks???   I know Eric is going to go crazy with me having yet another surgery. I feel bad because he's been through so much with me over the years.




Still nervous

Talked to Carmen at work today. She had bypass and lost 110 lbs. Wow, that's alot. surprised she spoke to me about it though. I'm still nervous. Hate the anasthesia. Eric is making me crazy. Last night he said he will just drop me off. Not his problem I'm doing this he says. What a jerk when he drinks. Oh but what abut how great I'll look later on and how much mor energy I should have. I should be healthier too. I want to be able to have energy and play with Nicholas more God I hate being fat. I can't wait until this is over. But the liquid stage maked me nervous. Think of it as healing not weight loss at first they say. Mom and dad leaving for Florida on Friday morning. Stopped in by dad to say have a nice trip. Mom is working of course. Will call her before she goes. Also will keep in touch while they are away. Wish I could go with them!! Gonna clean the office now. Want everything clean before I go to hospital because I know I won't be able to do it later on.




down 30 lbs

I'm down 30 lbs. Hooray...but I thought it would be more by now. Eating little but sometimes throwing up because of the pain. I don't want another fill yet so I haven't called for an appointment. Will keep losing as is I hope. Waiting for the new gym to open.




PAT's today

I went to Dr DeMuro today for B/W and EKG. Also went to PBI for chext Xray. Hopefully Dr will send Medical clearance letter to Dr Schmidt tomorrow. Surgery date is still on for Valentines day. Almost lost it due to carelessness and not reading the due date on my form. Whew..close call.



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