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Overweight, in my fifties, at least halfway through pre-qualifying studies.

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T Minus 2 months

I am two months from surgery, and it occurs to me that I should start a blog to track my progress through what I hope will be an amazing, life-changing vertical sleeve surgery.  I'm just going to list major milestones for the record. August Seminar with surgeon -- I'm sold! Dietitian #1 (Topic: Introduction) September Dietitian #2 (Topic: Meal Planning) Meeting with surgeon, got binder and "homework" assignments Scheduled all appointments with specialists Blood lab work Radiology exams October Dietitian #3 (Topic: Supplements) Cardio evaluation Sleep study at home Psych consult Endoscopy November Dietitian #4 (Topic: Restaurants) Stress test, echo cardiogram Sleep apnea study at Sleep Center for CPAP  Appt with surgeon, surgery scheduled for 3/14 December Dietitian #5 (Topic: Post-op Diet) Osteoarthritis confirmation January Dietitian #6 (Topic: Exercise/Labels) For OA:  4 weeks of physical therapy, 2X per week Started a 21-day arm routine, 2# weights << seriously Stopped drinking wine (sad, LOL) Started dry brushing and exfoliating (hope springs eternal!) Started Biotin February (Planned) Dietitian (one-on-one) Physical therapy, pre-bariatic, 4 weeks, 1X per week Stop drinking coffee Pre-op  with surgeon



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