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I guess I should be getting ready but I am still laying here :heh: I have two hours before I have to go the hospital. I guess it is fair enough to say, I am no longer nervous, more anxious to just go to the hospital have the procedure done and get in my hospital appointed bed and butt out gown:banplease: I can't wait to look like I never had a weight problem. It soon will be behind me...well, in reality that is where it always have been I have meet some really nice people here. And some that have truly touched me with their kind words and encouragement I guess I need to thank God :angel: for all the issues that I could have encountered with this much weight on me,and thank him for helping that I did not have any health issues. So now I can focus on getting this weight off before I start aging....ok already I am aging:deadhorse:...so let just say continue to age very nicely into the sunset. Well, getting ready to go to the hospital and I will :BeRightBack: to let you all know how it went. I prepared for the worst and prayed for the best. I know that God loves me and will take me through this journey with his love. See you all by Thursday the latest.




The Day is rapidly approaching.

:bananalama:Now that the day is coming 11/13/07:clock: I am starting to be a little nervous. I keep thinking about all the good things this can bring me but God knows I am afraid that I may have health issue after wards. The reality is food is a necessity for living, so I can't avoid it or stop doing it. Moderation is all good and I am OK with that but I need to feel that I wont have any issues with the little that I will be eating. I guess I am afraid that I will have all kinds of problems :sick with gas, vomiting, diarrhea etc ...I do not want to have anything that will cause me discomfort. Basically I made this decision because, as I begin to age :mad: ( OK I have aged already...but that is beside the point) I want to go into the later part of my life healthy. I realize that if I keep this weight on eventually I will probably have health issues. I have began my own business changing career paths and I have started almost the second season of living. I really want to be healthy that is my primary focus. I want longevity and I know in order to even think about this I have to lose at least 100 pounds but I am going for the gusto. I am thriving to lose between120-130 pounds. I would love to spend my later years traveling and I have to be in relatively good health to travel to the places that I enjoy going to. Well until my next entry I wish all well and pray that we all achieve that in which we are thriving to obtain.



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